

作   者:何善芬 著







Teaching Tips and Suggestions
List of Phonetic Symbols and Signs
Part Ⅰ Introduction
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Why should we learn English phonetics?
1.2 Problems about pronunciation
1.3 Phonemes and phonetic transcription
Chapter 2 Organs of Speech andClassification of Speech Sounds
2.1 Organs of speech
2.2 Classification of speech sounds
Part Ⅱ English Phonemes
Chapter 3 English Vowel Phonemes
3.1 The cardinal vowels
3.2 Monophthongs and diphthongs
3.3 English monophthongs
Chapter 4 English Diphthongs
4.1 The closing diphthongs
4.2 The centring diphthongs
Chapter 5 English Consonants (Ⅰ) ; Plosives
5.1 Classification of consonants
5.2 Plosives
Chapter 6 English Consonants (Ⅱ) : Fricatives andAffricates
6.1 Fricatives
6.2 Affricates
Chapter 7 English Consonants (Ⅲ) : Nasals, Lateral andApproximants
7.1 Nasals
7.2 Lateral /1/
7.3 Approximants
Chapter 8 The English Syllables andConsonant Clusters
8.1 What is a syllable?
8.2 The English syllable
8.3 How to read consonant clusterscorrectly?
Part Ⅲ Aspects inConnected Speech
Chapter 9 Word Stress
9.1 What make.s a syllable prominent?
9.2 Levels of stress
9.3 Stress patterns of simple words
9.4 Word—class pairs
9.5 Stress of compound words
Chapter 10 Sentence Stress
10.1 Sentence stress and its functions
10.2 Which word sare usually stressed?
10.3 Stress for contrast or specialemphasis
10.4 In special cases, contentwords are unstressed
10.5 Function words may be stressed incertain cases
Chapter 11 Weak Forms
11.1 Weak forms—normalforms
11.2 Weak forms of words differ from theirstrong ones
11.3 How are the weak forms used?
11.4 The use of strong forms
Chapter 12 Rhythm in English Speech
12.1 Rhythmin English speech
12.2 Rhythm units (or stressgroups)
12.3 English has a stress—timed rhythm
12.4 Rhythm and vowel reduction
12.5 Influence of rhythm upon word—stress
12.6 The influence of rhythm onsentencrstress
12.7 Summary
Chapter 13 Liaison (orlinking)
13.1 Linking the final consonant to theinitial vowel
13.2 Linking a final /r/ to initialvowels
13.3 Linking final vowels to initial vowels
Chapter 14 Assimilation
14.1 What is assimilation?
14.2 Direction of assimilation
14.3 Assimilations which frequently takeplace in spoken English
Chapter 15 Elision and Contraction
15.1 Types of elisions
15.2 Elisions frequently taking place inrapid speaking
15.3 Common contractions
15.4 Negative contractions
Part Ⅳ English Intonation
Chapter 16 Tone Unit and the Tonic Stress
16.1 The sense group and tone group
16.2 Tone—unit and tonic stress
16.3 The position of the tonic stress
16.4 Changes in focus: Newinformation
Chapter 17 The Structure of Tone Unit
17.1 What is intonation?
17.2 The Structure of the intonation—unit
17.3 Reading the intonation marks
Chapter 18 The Uses of the Tones (Ⅰ)
18.1 The falling tone
18.2 The rising tone
Chapter 19 The Uses of the Tones (Ⅱ)
19.1 The falling—rising tone
Chapter 20 Miscellaneous Patterns
20.1 The accidental rise
20.2 Intonation of compound sentences
20.3 Intonation of appositives
20.4 Intonation of the parenthesis
20.5 Intonation of reporting phrases
20.6 Intonation of the complex sentencecontaining an object clause
20.7 Intonation of attributive clauses
Chapter 21 Functions of Intonation
21.1 The function of organizing information
21.2 The attitudinal function
21.3 The communicative function
21.4 The grammatical function
Appendix 1 Suggested Key to the Exercises
Appendix 2 General Terms of English Phonetics
Appendix 3 Pronunciation of AmericanEnglish
Appendix 4 Intonation of American English



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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