Comparative legal traditions / 2nd ed.
作 者:Mary A. Glendon, Michael W. Gordon, Paolo G. Carozza = 比较法律传统 / 玛丽·A·格林顿, 迈克·W·...
本书共有三名作者,其中两位也参与了第一版的写作。玛丽.A.格林顿是哈佛大学法学院教授,著名学者,在比较法、宪法、人权和法理等领域著述颇丰,其代表作有《权利话语》(Rights 7alk,1991年)、《法律人之国》(A Nation UnderLawyers,1994年)和《打造新世界》(A World Made New,2001年)等。她毕业于芝加哥大学法学院,1961年获法律博士(了.D,)学位,1963年获比较法硕士学位。格兰顿是本书1982年第一版的三位作者之一,当时她是波士顿学院的法学教授。
作者中相对比较年轻的是保罗.G.卡罗兹,他1989年毕业于哈佛大学法学院,获法律博士(J.D.)学位,现为美国圣母大学法学院(Notre Dame Law Sch001)副教授。他的主要研究领域包括国际法、国际人权、欧洲和拉丁美洲法律体系、比较法和法理等。
introduction to the comparative study of law
1.what is "comparative law"
2.aims and uses of comparative law
3.methods of comparative law
4.the concept of legal tradition
part. the civil law tradition
chapter 1.history,culture and distribution
1.what is the civil law tradition?
2.roman law
3.roman law survival amidst medieval customs
4.canon law
5.revival of roman law
6.commercial law
7.reception of roman law
8.nation states and national law
10.german legal science
11.distribution of the civil law
12.contemporary civil law
chapter 2.legal structures in civil law nations
chapter 3.legal sctors in the civil law tradition
chapter 4.procedure in civil law systems
chapter 5.fields of substantive law in civil law dyatems
chapter 6.sources of law and the judicial process in civil law systems
selected bibliography and suggestions for further reading
part two.the common law tradition
chapter 7.history,culture and distribution
chapter 8.legal structures
chapter 9.roles and sctors
chapter 10.procedure
chapter 11.rules
selected bibliography
part3.supranational european law and institutions
chapter 12.the european union
chapter 13.the european human rights system
slected bibliography and suggestions for further reading
1.what is "comparative law"
2.aims and uses of comparative law
3.methods of comparative law
4.the concept of legal tradition
part. the civil law tradition
chapter 1.history,culture and distribution
1.what is the civil law tradition?
2.roman law
3.roman law survival amidst medieval customs
4.canon law
5.revival of roman law
6.commercial law
7.reception of roman law
8.nation states and national law
10.german legal science
11.distribution of the civil law
12.contemporary civil law
chapter 2.legal structures in civil law nations
chapter 3.legal sctors in the civil law tradition
chapter 4.procedure in civil law systems
chapter 5.fields of substantive law in civil law dyatems
chapter 6.sources of law and the judicial process in civil law systems
selected bibliography and suggestions for further reading
part two.the common law tradition
chapter 7.history,culture and distribution
chapter 8.legal structures
chapter 9.roles and sctors
chapter 10.procedure
chapter 11.rules
selected bibliography
part3.supranational european law and institutions
chapter 12.the european union
chapter 13.the european human rights system
slected bibliography and suggestions for further reading
Comparative legal traditions / 2nd ed.
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