Chapter 1 General Introduction to Chemistry of Chinese Materia Medica
1 The Conception of Chemistry of Chinese Materia Medica
2 The Application of Chemistry of Chinese Materia Modica
2.1 To Clarify Effective Compositions of Chinese Herbs
2.2 To Facilitate the Development of New Drugs
3 The Progress of Chemistry of Chinese Materia Modica
3.1 Development in Identification of Effective Compositions of Chinese Herbs
3.2 The New Development in Drug Research and Pharmaceutical Industry
3.3 The Progress in Quality Control of Chinese Herbs and their Preparations
Chapter 2 General Methods for Chemical Investigation of Chinese Herbs
1 The Biosynthetic Pathways and Classification of Chemical Constituents from Chinese Herbs
1. 1 Biosynthetic Pathways
1. 2 Classification of Chemical Constituents
2 The General Methods for Chemical Investigation
2.1 Extraction Methods
2.2 Isolation Methods
2.3 Structure Determination Methods
Chapter 3 Carbohydrates and Glycosides
1 Carbohydrates
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Structure and Classification
1.3 The pr,operties of carbohydrates
2 Glycosides
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Structure and Classification
2.3 General Physicochemical Properties
3 Extraction and Isolation Methods
3.1 Extraction Methods
3.2 Isolation Methods
4 Identification
4.1 Physicochemical Identification
4.2 Chromatography Identification
5 Structure Determination
5.1 Determination of Physical Constants
5.2 Determination of Molecular Formula and Molecular Weight
5.3 Identification of Aglycones and Saccharides
5.4 Determination of the Linkage Sequence and Position in the Saccharide Moiety
5.5 Determination of the Configuration of Glycosidic Linkage
Chapter 4 Quinones
1 Introduction
2 Structure Characteristics and Classification
2.1 Benzoquinones
2.2 Naphthoquinones
2.3 Phenanthraquinones
2.4 Anthraquinones
3 Physical and Chemical Properties
3.1 Physical Properties
Chapter 1 General Introduction to Chemistry of Chinese Materia Medica
1 The Conception of Chemistry of Chinese Materia Medica
2 The Application of Chemistry of Chinese Materia Modica
2.1 To Clarify Effective Compositions of Chinese Herbs
2.2 To Facilitate the Development of New Drugs
3 The Progress of Chemistry of Chinese Materia Modica
3.1 Development in Identification of Effective Compositions of Chinese Herbs
3.2 The New Development in Drug Research and Pharmaceutical Industry
3.3 The Progress in Quality Control of Chinese Herbs and their Preparations
Chapter 2 General Methods for Chemical Investigation of Chinese Herbs
1 The Biosynthetic Pathways and Classification of Chemical Constituents from Chinese Herbs
1. 1 Biosynthetic Pathways
1. 2 Classification of Chemical Constituents
2 The General Methods for Chemical Investigation
2.1 Extraction Methods
2.2 Isolation Methods
2.3 Structure Determination Methods
Chapter 3 Carbohydrates and Glycosides
1 Carbohydrates
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Structure and Classification
1.3 The pr,operties of carbohydrates
2 Glycosides
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Structure and Classification
2.3 General Physicochemical Properties
3 Extraction and Isolation Methods
3.1 Extraction Methods
3.2 Isolation Methods
4 Identification
4.1 Physicochemical Identification
4.2 Chromatography Identification
5 Structure Determination
5.1 Determination of Physical Constants
5.2 Determination of Molecular Formula and Molecular Weight
5.3 Identification of Aglycones and Saccharides
5.4 Determination of the Linkage Sequence and Position in the Saccharide Moiety
5.5 Determination of the Configuration of Glycosidic Linkage
Chapter 4 Quinones
1 Introduction
2 Structure Characteristics and Classification
2.1 Benzoquinones
2.2 Naphthoquinones
2.3 Phenanthraquinones
2.4 Anthraquinones
3 Physical and Chemical Properties
3.1 Physical Properties
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