Chicken soup for the ocean lover’s soul
AcknowledgmentsIntroduction 1.LIVING IN HARMONYRaising CecilySurrogate Morn and PupHooked on MahoganyPicasso of the SeaThe Blind DiverIn HarmonyEncounter with a Sperm WhaleSwimming SurpriseIf You Could Touch a WhaleBack to Sea...the Story of J.JKeiko the WhaleAngusSound Behavior 2.THE POWER TO HEALAnna's MiracleManatee TranquilityThe Art of HealingA Signal Is Worth a Thousand WordsThe FishermenA Day on the New Hampshire ShoreGuided TourA Forever Ocean View 3.CELEBRATING THE BONDCrab LessonsEbb and FlowThe Friendly IsleDream VacationLettersGoddessThe GuideOctopus's GardenI Found a Tiny StarfishAfter the BeachSea DogWhat Do You See? 4.OCEAN WISDOMA Lesson from the SeaA Prayer for the OceanThe Perfect ShellThe Day at the BeachOctopus OdysseyThe Sea and the Wind That BlowsThe Driftwood QueenA Sign of LoveSand CastlesSea of Curiosity 5.FRONTIERS OF THE SEAWho's Watching Who?The Jonah FactorStrange DiscoveryClose Encounter of the Squid KindFinding His Way HomeEyes in the DarkThe SpecialistFred's Big Adventure 6.SAILING SPIRITSLast One StandingGeriatric GenocideA Shot at the TitleFather TimeSurferTwo BattleshipsThe Bond Between a Captain and His ShipSailsmanship!First Homecoming 7.ON COURAGE AND ADVENTURELost in the At]anticOne Hundred and One Atlantic NightsA Miracle Between Sea and LandPedaling over the AtlanticFear of the UnknownExploring the Sunken WreckUsing His Teeth 8.SAVING THE SEAThis Magic MomentA New Dawn for Whaling in TaijiFighting for Their LivesEverything I Needed to Know About the Ocean I Learned in the Second GradeDo You Hear It?Life Imitates Art
Chicken soup for the ocean lover’s soul
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