由阿拉斯泰尔·彭尼库克所*的《英语教学的批 评性研究(英文版)》汇集了作者近30年的研究成果, 从多角度对语言教学法、语言与话语、英语的全球传 播等进行了批评性分析,提出了许多关于英语教学的 现实问题,观点犀利,见解独到,发人深省。对英语 教学的批评性研究感兴趣的读者必能通过阅读本书启 迪思考,收获新知。
Introduction:Critical Approaches to English Language TeachingSection 1 Critical Approaches to Language PedagogyChapter 1 The Concept of Method,Interested Knowledge,and the Politics of Language TeachingChapter 2 Critical Pedagogy and Second Language EducationChapter 3 Cultural Alternatives and AutonomyChapter 4 Vulgar Pragmatism,Critical Pragmatism,and EAPChapter 5 The SociaI Politics and the Cultura J Politics of Language ClassroomsChapter 6 Critical Moments in a TESOL PraxicumChapter 7 Teaching with the Flow:Fixity and Fluidity in EducationChapter 8 Principled Polycentrism and Resourceful SpeakersSection 2 Critical Approaches to Language and DiscourseChapter 9 Towards a Critical Applied Linguistics for the 1990sChapter 10 Incommensurable Discourses?Chapter 11 Borrowing Others’Words:Text,Ownership,Memoryand Plagiarism。
Chapter 12 Critical Applied Linguistics and Language EducationChapter 13 English as a Language Always in TranslationChapter 14 Lingua Francas as Language IdeologiesSection 3 Critical Approaches to the Global Spread of EnglishChapter 15 English in the World/the World in EnglishChapter 16 English,Politics,Ideology:From Colonial Celebration to PostcoloniaI PerformativityChapter 17 Beyond Homogeny and Heterogeny:English as a Global and Worldly LanguageChapter 18 Global Englishes,Rip Slyme and PerformativityChapter 19 The Myth of English as an International LanguageChapter 20 ELT and Colonialism。
Conclusion:Power,Politics and Critical Approaches to ELTCollected References
Chapter 12 Critical Applied Linguistics and Language EducationChapter 13 English as a Language Always in TranslationChapter 14 Lingua Francas as Language IdeologiesSection 3 Critical Approaches to the Global Spread of EnglishChapter 15 English in the World/the World in EnglishChapter 16 English,Politics,Ideology:From Colonial Celebration to PostcoloniaI PerformativityChapter 17 Beyond Homogeny and Heterogeny:English as a Global and Worldly LanguageChapter 18 Global Englishes,Rip Slyme and PerformativityChapter 19 The Myth of English as an International LanguageChapter 20 ELT and Colonialism。
Conclusion:Power,Politics and Critical Approaches to ELTCollected References
- 书名世界知名TESOL专家论丛:英语教学的批评性研究
- ISBN9787544645126
- 作者(澳)阿拉斯泰尔·彭尼库克
- 出版社上海外语教育出版社
- 出版时间2017-02-01
- 印刷时间2017-02-01
- 版次1
- 开本16开
- 纸张胶版纸
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