1 留言条和请假条(Written messages and requests for leave)
2 标志语(Signs)
3 借据和收据(IOUs and receipts)
4 通知和海报(Notices and posters)
5 广告和缩略词(Advertisements and abbreviations)
6 启事(Public announcements)
7 贺卡和名片(Greetings cards and name cards)
8 电子邮件和传真(Emails and faxes)
9 备忘录和电话记录(Memos and telephone messages)
10 英文书信和信封的格式(Formats of letters and envelopes)
11 请求信及其回复(Letters making and responding to a request)
12 赠礼附函及其回复(Letters accompanying gifts and their replies)
13 祝贺信及其回复(Letters expressing congratulations and their acknowledgement)
14 邀请函及其回复(Invitations and their acknowledgement)
15 感谢信和道歉信(Thank-you and apology letters)
16 慰问信和吊唁信(Letters of consolation and condolence)
17 询问信和报价信(Letters of inquiry and quotation)
18 订购信和催收信(Letters placing an order and letters of collection)
19 投诉信、索赔信及其回复(Letters of complaint or claim and their replies )
20 推荐信和介绍信(Letters of recommendation and introduction)
21 求职信和辞职信(Letters of application and resignation)
22 简历和留学生入学申请表(Résumés and application forms for international students)
23 欢迎词和欢送词(Welcome speeches and send-off speeches)
24 日程和计划安排表(Schedules and programs)
25 菜单和菜谱(Menus and recipes)
26 说明书(Instructions)
27 文凭和证明(Diplomas and certificates)
28 合同和协议(Contracts and agreements)
附录: 写作练习参考答案(Sample keys for writing practice)
1 留言条和请假条(Written messages and requests for leave)
2 标志语(Signs)
3 借据和收据(IOUs and receipts)
4 通知和海报(Notices and posters)
5 广告和缩略词(Advertisements and abbreviations)
6 启事(Public announcements)
7 贺卡和名片(Greetings cards and name cards)
8 电子邮件和传真(Emails and faxes)
9 备忘录和电话记录(Memos and telephone messages)
10 英文书信和信封的格式(Formats of letters and envelopes)
11 请求信及其回复(Letters making and responding to a request)
12 赠礼附函及其回复(Letters accompanying gifts and their replies)
13 祝贺信及其回复(Letters expressing congratulations and their acknowledgement)
14 邀请函及其回复(Invitations and their acknowledgement)
15 感谢信和道歉信(Thank-you and apology letters)
16 慰问信和吊唁信(Letters of consolation and condolence)
17 询问信和报价信(Letters of inquiry and quotation)
18 订购信和催收信(Letters placing an order and letters of collection)
19 投诉信、索赔信及其回复(Letters of complaint or claim and their replies )
20 推荐信和介绍信(Letters of recommendation and introduction)
21 求职信和辞职信(Letters of application and resignation)
22 简历和留学生入学申请表(Résumés and application forms for international students)
23 欢迎词和欢送词(Welcome speeches and send-off speeches)
24 日程和计划安排表(Schedules and programs)
25 菜单和菜谱(Menus and recipes)
26 说明书(Instructions)
27 文凭和证明(Diplomas and certificates)
28 合同和协议(Contracts and agreements)
附录: 写作练习参考答案(Sample keys for writing practice)
Practical writing
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