Conflict, complementarity, and coexistence:contrastive studies on Chinese and western cultures
作 者:左飚主编
A Survey of Contrastive Studies on Chinese and Western Cultures
一、 理论与方法
Ⅰ. Theory and Methodology
1. 关于东西文化比较研究(1987)
On the Comparative Study of Eastern and Western Cultures(1987)
2. 中西文化研究的两个问题(1987)
Two Issues Concerning the Study of Chinese and Western Cultures(1987)
3. 哲学与文化的比较研究(1988)
Comparative Studies in Respect of Philosophy and Culture(1988)
4. 语言·文化·对比(1992)
A Contrastive Study of Languages and Cultures(1992)
5. 关于建立对比文化学的构想(1994)
On the Establishment of Contrastive Culturology(1994)
6. 关于中西文化对比研究的几点认识——“英汉文化对比与跨文化交际学术研讨会”开幕词(1999)
On the Contrastive Study of Chinese and Western Cultures:An Opening Address at the National Sym-posium of CACSEC on Comparative Study of Eng-lish and Chinese Cultures and Cross-Cultural Com-munication(1999)
7. 论英汉文化对比与跨文化交际研究——在中国英汉语比较研究会“英汉文化对比与跨文化交际学术研讨会”上的报告(1999)
On Comparative Study of English and Chinese Cul-tures and Cross-Cultural Communication:A Speech at the National Symposium of CACSEC on Com-parative Study of English and Chinese Cultures and Cross-Cultural Communication(1999)
二、 综合研究
Ⅱ. Comprehensive studies
8. 先秦学派与希腊印度学派比较(1902)
A Comparative Study of the Pre-Qin-Dynasty Schools of Thought and Their Contemporary Greek and Indian Counterparts(1902)
9. 中西文化的分水岭(1949)
The Divergence Between Chinese and Western Cultures(1949)
10. 中西文化的交流(1986)
On the Exchanges Between Chinese and western Cultures(1986)
11. 唐代的中外文化汇聚和晚清的中西文化冲突(1986)
The Convergence of Cultures in Tang Dynasty and the Conflict Between Chinese and Western Cultures in Late Qing Dynasty(1986)
12. 文化发展的新趋向——科学人文文化——中西文化比较研究思考之一(1994)
Scientific and Humanistic Culture,the New Trend of Cultural Development:On the Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Cultures(1)(1994)
13. 从钱穆的中西文化比较看他的民族文化观(1994)
Qian Mu's Views on Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Cultures(1994)
14. 未来观与文化观——中西文化比较研究思考之二(1998)
Views on the Future Situation and Future Cultures:On the Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Cultures(2)(1998)
15. 和谐的光芒与魅力——中西文化矛盾与融合的反思(1998)
The Brilliant Lustre of Harmony:A Philosophical Reflection on Cultural Contradictions and Fusion(1998)
16. 环性与线性:中西文化特性比较(2001)
Circularity and Linearity:A Contrastive Study of Chinese and Western Cultures(2001)
17. 从文化对比到跨文化对话(2004)
From Cultural Comparison to Cross-Cultural Discourse(2004)
三、 语言交际研究
Ⅲ. Linguistic and Communicative studies
18. 中西诗在情趣上的比较(1934)
Comparison Between Chinese and Western Poetry in Respect of Temperamental Interest(1934)
19. 符号学与跨文化交际(1990)
Semiotics and Intercommunication(1990)
20. 自我认识与跨文化交际(1993)
Self-Recognition and Cross-Cultural Communica-tion(1993)
21. 两种文化,两种田园诗(1997)
Two Pastorals in Two Cultures(1997)
22. 中西哲学观对汉英语言之影响(1998)
The Influence of Chinese and Western Philosophies upon the Chinese and English Languages(1998)
23. 论概念互涉性——东西文化“关键词”批判(2002)
On Interconceptuality:A Critique of the Keywords Approach to Trans-Cultural Studies(2002)
24. 汉诗英诗,其艺略同(2006)
Similarities Between Chinese and English Poetry with Regard to the Artistic Conceptions(2006)
25. 语言多元、文化多样与译者的使命(2006)
Promoting Linguistic and Cultural Diversity as a Mission of the Translator(2006)
26. 语言选择与文化认同——新加坡华人语言与文化发展轨迹的启示(2007)
Linguistic Selection and Cultural Identification:The Development of the Language and Culture of Singa-porean Chinese(2007)
四、 专业研究
Ⅳ. Specialized Studies
27. 儒教与基督教教义之比较(1985)
Comparison Between Confucianism and Christianity(1985)
28. 中西方的宇宙观及其合流趋向(1994)
The Tendency of Collaboration of Chinese and Western Philosophies(1994)
29. 中西哲学比较的几个问题(1995)
Some Issues Concerning the Comparison Between Chinese and Western Philosophies(1995)
30. 中国传统哲学与西方后现代主义哲学(1995)
Traditional Chinese Philosophy and Post-Modernist Western Philosophy(1995)
31. 论中外道德观念的开端——古代义与仁观念的转化(1995)
The Origin of Chinese and Foreign Moral Concepts:The Conversion from Righteousness to Benevolence in Ancient Times(1995)
32. Logos与“道”——中西古代语言哲学观同异谈(1996)
Logos and Tao:A Comparative Study of Ancient Western and Chinese Linguistic Worldviews(1996)
33. 中美哲学精神之比较(1997)
A Comparative Study of Chinese and American Philosophical Spirit(1997)
34. 融合与皈依——中西元始时间观的分野(2000)
Merging and Converting:The Parting of Primary Oriental-Occidental Conceptions of Time(2000)
35. 论中西思维方式(2002)
Modes of Thought:Chinese and Western(2002)
36. 中西女性研究特点对比(2004)
A Comparison of the Features of Chinese and Western Feminist Research(2004)
37. 中西思维方式:悟性与理性——兼论汉英语言常用的表达方式(2006)
Modes of Thought:Chinese Wuxing vs. Western Rationality:Some Major Manifestations in the Chinese and English Languages(2006)
38. 语义与文化——“同志”的词义演变所引发的思考(2006)
Lexical Meaning and Culture:Some Thoughts on the Semantic Change of the Word Tongzhi(2006)
附录: 重要论著索引
A Survey of Contrastive Studies on Chinese and Western Cultures
一、 理论与方法
Ⅰ. Theory and Methodology
1. 关于东西文化比较研究(1987)
On the Comparative Study of Eastern and Western Cultures(1987)
2. 中西文化研究的两个问题(1987)
Two Issues Concerning the Study of Chinese and Western Cultures(1987)
3. 哲学与文化的比较研究(1988)
Comparative Studies in Respect of Philosophy and Culture(1988)
4. 语言·文化·对比(1992)
A Contrastive Study of Languages and Cultures(1992)
5. 关于建立对比文化学的构想(1994)
On the Establishment of Contrastive Culturology(1994)
6. 关于中西文化对比研究的几点认识——“英汉文化对比与跨文化交际学术研讨会”开幕词(1999)
On the Contrastive Study of Chinese and Western Cultures:An Opening Address at the National Sym-posium of CACSEC on Comparative Study of Eng-lish and Chinese Cultures and Cross-Cultural Com-munication(1999)
7. 论英汉文化对比与跨文化交际研究——在中国英汉语比较研究会“英汉文化对比与跨文化交际学术研讨会”上的报告(1999)
On Comparative Study of English and Chinese Cul-tures and Cross-Cultural Communication:A Speech at the National Symposium of CACSEC on Com-parative Study of English and Chinese Cultures and Cross-Cultural Communication(1999)
二、 综合研究
Ⅱ. Comprehensive studies
8. 先秦学派与希腊印度学派比较(1902)
A Comparative Study of the Pre-Qin-Dynasty Schools of Thought and Their Contemporary Greek and Indian Counterparts(1902)
9. 中西文化的分水岭(1949)
The Divergence Between Chinese and Western Cultures(1949)
10. 中西文化的交流(1986)
On the Exchanges Between Chinese and western Cultures(1986)
11. 唐代的中外文化汇聚和晚清的中西文化冲突(1986)
The Convergence of Cultures in Tang Dynasty and the Conflict Between Chinese and Western Cultures in Late Qing Dynasty(1986)
12. 文化发展的新趋向——科学人文文化——中西文化比较研究思考之一(1994)
Scientific and Humanistic Culture,the New Trend of Cultural Development:On the Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Cultures(1)(1994)
13. 从钱穆的中西文化比较看他的民族文化观(1994)
Qian Mu's Views on Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Cultures(1994)
14. 未来观与文化观——中西文化比较研究思考之二(1998)
Views on the Future Situation and Future Cultures:On the Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Cultures(2)(1998)
15. 和谐的光芒与魅力——中西文化矛盾与融合的反思(1998)
The Brilliant Lustre of Harmony:A Philosophical Reflection on Cultural Contradictions and Fusion(1998)
16. 环性与线性:中西文化特性比较(2001)
Circularity and Linearity:A Contrastive Study of Chinese and Western Cultures(2001)
17. 从文化对比到跨文化对话(2004)
From Cultural Comparison to Cross-Cultural Discourse(2004)
三、 语言交际研究
Ⅲ. Linguistic and Communicative studies
18. 中西诗在情趣上的比较(1934)
Comparison Between Chinese and Western Poetry in Respect of Temperamental Interest(1934)
19. 符号学与跨文化交际(1990)
Semiotics and Intercommunication(1990)
20. 自我认识与跨文化交际(1993)
Self-Recognition and Cross-Cultural Communica-tion(1993)
21. 两种文化,两种田园诗(1997)
Two Pastorals in Two Cultures(1997)
22. 中西哲学观对汉英语言之影响(1998)
The Influence of Chinese and Western Philosophies upon the Chinese and English Languages(1998)
23. 论概念互涉性——东西文化“关键词”批判(2002)
On Interconceptuality:A Critique of the Keywords Approach to Trans-Cultural Studies(2002)
24. 汉诗英诗,其艺略同(2006)
Similarities Between Chinese and English Poetry with Regard to the Artistic Conceptions(2006)
25. 语言多元、文化多样与译者的使命(2006)
Promoting Linguistic and Cultural Diversity as a Mission of the Translator(2006)
26. 语言选择与文化认同——新加坡华人语言与文化发展轨迹的启示(2007)
Linguistic Selection and Cultural Identification:The Development of the Language and Culture of Singa-porean Chinese(2007)
四、 专业研究
Ⅳ. Specialized Studies
27. 儒教与基督教教义之比较(1985)
Comparison Between Confucianism and Christianity(1985)
28. 中西方的宇宙观及其合流趋向(1994)
The Tendency of Collaboration of Chinese and Western Philosophies(1994)
29. 中西哲学比较的几个问题(1995)
Some Issues Concerning the Comparison Between Chinese and Western Philosophies(1995)
30. 中国传统哲学与西方后现代主义哲学(1995)
Traditional Chinese Philosophy and Post-Modernist Western Philosophy(1995)
31. 论中外道德观念的开端——古代义与仁观念的转化(1995)
The Origin of Chinese and Foreign Moral Concepts:The Conversion from Righteousness to Benevolence in Ancient Times(1995)
32. Logos与“道”——中西古代语言哲学观同异谈(1996)
Logos and Tao:A Comparative Study of Ancient Western and Chinese Linguistic Worldviews(1996)
33. 中美哲学精神之比较(1997)
A Comparative Study of Chinese and American Philosophical Spirit(1997)
34. 融合与皈依——中西元始时间观的分野(2000)
Merging and Converting:The Parting of Primary Oriental-Occidental Conceptions of Time(2000)
35. 论中西思维方式(2002)
Modes of Thought:Chinese and Western(2002)
36. 中西女性研究特点对比(2004)
A Comparison of the Features of Chinese and Western Feminist Research(2004)
37. 中西思维方式:悟性与理性——兼论汉英语言常用的表达方式(2006)
Modes of Thought:Chinese Wuxing vs. Western Rationality:Some Major Manifestations in the Chinese and English Languages(2006)
38. 语义与文化——“同志”的词义演变所引发的思考(2006)
Lexical Meaning and Culture:Some Thoughts on the Semantic Change of the Word Tongzhi(2006)
附录: 重要论著索引
Conflict, complementarity, and coexistence:contrastive studies on Chinese and western cultures
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