Financial English course


作   者:张铁军,张靖主编





  《普通学校应用本科金融学“十二五”规划教材·金融学系列教材:金融英语教程》内容新颖实用,不仅涵盖了货币、国际金融国际结算、证券、会计、保险等金融学科的主要方面,而且结合最新资料介绍了我国金融体系以及国际货币基金组织等国际金融机构的改革和发展,并对金融危机的类型、原因以及由2007年美国次贷危机引发的全球金融危机进行了较深入的分析。   各章由学习目标、课文、词汇表、注释和习题五个部分组成,章节的结构设计有助于学生全面地通过英语掌握金融知识,积累专业词汇,提高阅读水平。此外,各章练习设计能够帮助学生巩固金融知识和语言点。注释部分尽可能对难点进行了阐释,有助于教师授课和学生自学。   《普通学校应用本科金融学“十二五”规划教材·金融学系列教材:金融英语教程》适合作为高校金融或经济相关专业的金融英语教材,也可作为金融专业英语证书考试(FECT)的辅助用书。


Chapter 1 Money 1.1 Definition of Money 1.2 Types of Money 1.3 Functions of Money 1.4 Interest and Interest Rate 1.5 Money Supply 1.6 China's Monetary System ExercisesChapter 2 Foreign Exchange 2.1 Definitions and Quotations 2.2 Foreign Exchange Transactions ExercisesChapter 3 Balance of Payments 3.1 The Definition of BOP 3.2 The General Principle of BOP 3.3 The Components of Balance of Payment Statement 3.4 Equilibrium of BOP ExercisesChapter 4 International Monetary System 4.1 The Gold Standard 4.2 Bretton Woods System 4.3 The Jamaica System 4.4 The Present and the Future ExercisesChapter 5 Financial Market 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Money Market 5.3 Capital Market ExercisesChapter 6 Securities 6.1 Overview 6.2 Stock 6.3 Bond ExercisesChapter 7 Loans 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Major Loan Categories 7.3 Loan Classification by Risk ExercisesChapter 8 Accounting 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Accounting Principles 8.3 Accounting Equation 8.4 Double Entry Bookkeeping System 8.5 Financial Statements ExercisesChapter 9 International Settlement (I) 9.1 Instruments of International settlement 9.2 Remittance 9.3 Collection ExercisesChapter 10 International Settlement (II) 10.1 Definition of Letter of Credit 10.2 Parties to a Documentary Credit 10.3 Procedures of a Documentary Credit 10.4 Types of Credit ExercisesChapter 11 Financial Institutions in China 11.1 The Banking Sector in China 11.2 Non - bank Financial Institutions 11.3 Foreign Banking Institutions in China ExercisesChapter 12 International Financial Institutions (I) 12.1 International Monetary Fund (IMF) 12.2 The World Bank ExercisesChapter 13 International Financial Institutions (II) 13.1 Bank for International Settlements (BIS) 13.2 Asian Development Bank (ADB) ExercisesChapter 14 Insurance 14.1 Insurance and Risks 14.2 Insurance Principles 14.3 Types of Insurance 14.4 Reinsurance ExercisesChapter 15 A Brief Account of Financial Crisis 15.1 Definition of Financial Crisis 15.2 Types of Financial Crisis 15.3 Causes and Consequences of Financial Crisis 15.4 A Brief Introduction: the Subprime Loan Market Crisis in the United States ExercisesKeys to Exercises



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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