unit 1
text a-1 welcome letter for new first-year students
text a-2 student oinion
text b-1 a day in the life of jane wesley
text b-2 tisfor first-year students
unit 2
text a-1 making friends
text a-2 black and white
text b-1 friends
text b-2 friendshi
unit 3
text a-1 stehen hawking
text a-2 can comuters relace eole?
text b-1 the scientific method (1)
text b-2 the scientific method (2)
unit 4
text a-1 a country of immigrants
text a-2 andrew carnegie
text b-1 the automobile in american life
text b-2 i.m. ei
.unit 5
text a-1 the waitress
text a-2 my first job
text b-1 jum
text b-2 the death car
unit 6
text a-1 cyclingfor air -- with love
text a-2 internet love can work
text b-1 the woman of his dreams
text b-2 early autumn
unit 7
text a-1 alex, the talking arrot
text a-2 do animals think?
text b-1 natural and alied science
text b-2 the link between ure and alied science
unit 8
text a-1 adult education in the u.s
text a-2 nobody can do it like mcdonald’s
text b-1 continuing education classes
text b-2 biological clocks
key to comrehension exercises
text a-1 welcome letter for new first-year students
text a-2 student oinion
text b-1 a day in the life of jane wesley
text b-2 tisfor first-year students
unit 2
text a-1 making friends
text a-2 black and white
text b-1 friends
text b-2 friendshi
unit 3
text a-1 stehen hawking
text a-2 can comuters relace eole?
text b-1 the scientific method (1)
text b-2 the scientific method (2)
unit 4
text a-1 a country of immigrants
text a-2 andrew carnegie
text b-1 the automobile in american life
text b-2 i.m. ei
.unit 5
text a-1 the waitress
text a-2 my first job
text b-1 jum
text b-2 the death car
unit 6
text a-1 cyclingfor air -- with love
text a-2 internet love can work
text b-1 the woman of his dreams
text b-2 early autumn
unit 7
text a-1 alex, the talking arrot
text a-2 do animals think?
text b-1 natural and alied science
text b-2 the link between ure and alied science
unit 8
text a-1 adult education in the u.s
text a-2 nobody can do it like mcdonald’s
text b-1 continuing education classes
text b-2 biological clocks
key to comrehension exercises
New college English(second edition)fast reading.1
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