Commencement addresses at top American universities,Get inspired by the words of wisdom
作 者:宋颖主编;邓琳超,沈明,宋颖译
Take the Chance
抓住机遇 / 1
Even if it’s not the perfect job, get in there and DO SOMETHING! You never knowwho you might meet, what it might lead to and if you’ll discover a related field forwhich you’re better suited.
自我意识 / 17
Biological evolution has been summed up in the phrase of “survival of the fittest,” butwith overpopulation and overconsumption of resources, the future belongs to “survivalof the wisest.” It is imperative for the future of humanity that wisdom becomes thenew criterion for life on this planet.
Redefining Success
重新定义成功 / 29
So find your place to stand—your place of wisdom and peace and strength. And from that place, lead the third women’s revolution and remake the world in your own image, in your own definition of success,
Make a Difference
让一切变得不同 / 45
There are plenty of selfish pleasures in the world, but maybe the most selfish of all is altruism. The blunt truth is that all our efforts to help other people have a pretty mixed record of success. But they have this almost perfect record of helping ourselves.
Learn to Empathize
学会理解 / 59
You are going to make that journey from strength to weakness, and while it probably won’t be an easy trip, it is a heroic one.
Don’t Eat Fortune’s Cookie
不要吃掉你的幸运饼干 / 71
All of you have been faced with the extra cookie. All of you will be faced with many more of them. In time you will find it easy to assume that you deserve the extra cookie. For all I know, you may deserve the extra cookie. But you will be happier, and you will be better off, if you at least pretend that you don’t.
Failure Is Not an Option
永不言败 / 83
You don’t actually have to build a rocket or go into space, but please take us somewhere. Please keep us moving. Push us. Lift us up. Make us better.
History Is Where the Future Begins
历史是未来开始的地方 / 95
Having a history diminishes the grip of the myopic present, helping us to see beyond its bounds, to transcend the immediate in search of the enduring. It challenges us to place our aspirations and responsibilities within the broadest context of understanding.
Stronger Ideal
更加坚定的理想 / 103
The best definition I have ever heard of a vocation is that it’s the place where your great joy meets the world’s great need. For you to build that vocation will take both compassion and courage. There are infinite possibilities for you for joy, for service, to make a contribution, and we need all of you to find your vocation.
Faith, Family and Friendship
信仰、家庭和友谊 / 113
As a member of the Notre Dame family, I learned what is truly important in life: gratitude and making a difference. It is easy to make a living; it is more gratifying to make a difference.
Make Good Art
创造美好的艺术 / 127
Sometimes life is hard. Things go wrong, in life and in love and in business and in friendship and in health and in all the other ways that life can go wrong. And when things get tough, this is what you should do: Make good art.
The Common Good
共同福祉 / 143
It could be a great moment for our country if you decide to continue your pursuit of truth and enlightenment for the betterment of our society and not just for the betterment of yourselves. For you are graduating at a time when our country is desperate for highly educated women and men who will fight to see through the veils of pure self-interest and half-truths, to search for what is truly moral and just.
Collaboration and Change
合作与改变 / 157
We think of ideal leaders as being bold and visionary, single-minded in their determination, and ruthless in their execution.
Trust and Tenacity
信任与坚持 / 167
But there are no wrong doors. There will be an important experience on the other side of each and every door. When the time comes, go through the door. Whatever doors you chose there will always be great dots to connect as you look backwards through your life.
Generosity and Dedication
慷慨奉献 / 181
I hope your time here has provided you with a deep reservoir of the Stanford spirit and that you leave inspired to make your own contributions to the world, and that that spirit brings you back often to this very special place.
Aim High and Be Bold
志向远大,勇敢果断 / 189
I believe a flat world is a good thing because it has the potential to raise all boats, but it is going to require a renewed commitment in this country to promoting the educational achievements of everyone, not just the lucky ones.
The World Needs Young People’s Intelligence
这个世界需要年轻人的智慧 / 199
The world is fortunately beginning to turn green, at least pastel green. But I’d like to call your attention to an imbalance in the way we are turning green. The emphasis today is on the physical environment, that is, on climate change, pollution, the decline of fresh water and arable land, and the depletion of irreplaceable natural resources.
Remember Our History as You Make Your Own
创造自己历史的时候不要忘记我们的历史 / 207
We are the ones who insisted on putting other successful women on the air, and into every office, so that little girls (and little boys) could know that women in fact can do anything in the world.
Find the Voice in Which to Tell the Story
找到能叙说故事的声音 / 223
著名作家约翰?格里沙姆在北卡罗来纳大学教堂 山分校2010年毕业典礼上的演讲
Each of you is original. Each of you has a distinctive voice. When you find it, your story will be told. You will be heard.
The Fringe Benefits of Failure and the Importance of Imagination
失败的好处以及想象力的重要性 / 235
We do not need magic to transform our world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better.
We Beat the Reaper by Living Fully
充实人生,打败死神 / 251
So your passion must come from the things that fuel you from the inside. And honors and awards are nice things but only to be the extent that they regard the real respect from your peers.
Take the Chance
抓住机遇 / 1
Even if it’s not the perfect job, get in there and DO SOMETHING! You never knowwho you might meet, what it might lead to and if you’ll discover a related field forwhich you’re better suited.
自我意识 / 17
Biological evolution has been summed up in the phrase of “survival of the fittest,” butwith overpopulation and overconsumption of resources, the future belongs to “survivalof the wisest.” It is imperative for the future of humanity that wisdom becomes thenew criterion for life on this planet.
Redefining Success
重新定义成功 / 29
So find your place to stand—your place of wisdom and peace and strength. And from that place, lead the third women’s revolution and remake the world in your own image, in your own definition of success,
Make a Difference
让一切变得不同 / 45
There are plenty of selfish pleasures in the world, but maybe the most selfish of all is altruism. The blunt truth is that all our efforts to help other people have a pretty mixed record of success. But they have this almost perfect record of helping ourselves.
Learn to Empathize
学会理解 / 59
You are going to make that journey from strength to weakness, and while it probably won’t be an easy trip, it is a heroic one.
Don’t Eat Fortune’s Cookie
不要吃掉你的幸运饼干 / 71
All of you have been faced with the extra cookie. All of you will be faced with many more of them. In time you will find it easy to assume that you deserve the extra cookie. For all I know, you may deserve the extra cookie. But you will be happier, and you will be better off, if you at least pretend that you don’t.
Failure Is Not an Option
永不言败 / 83
You don’t actually have to build a rocket or go into space, but please take us somewhere. Please keep us moving. Push us. Lift us up. Make us better.
History Is Where the Future Begins
历史是未来开始的地方 / 95
Having a history diminishes the grip of the myopic present, helping us to see beyond its bounds, to transcend the immediate in search of the enduring. It challenges us to place our aspirations and responsibilities within the broadest context of understanding.
Stronger Ideal
更加坚定的理想 / 103
The best definition I have ever heard of a vocation is that it’s the place where your great joy meets the world’s great need. For you to build that vocation will take both compassion and courage. There are infinite possibilities for you for joy, for service, to make a contribution, and we need all of you to find your vocation.
Faith, Family and Friendship
信仰、家庭和友谊 / 113
As a member of the Notre Dame family, I learned what is truly important in life: gratitude and making a difference. It is easy to make a living; it is more gratifying to make a difference.
Make Good Art
创造美好的艺术 / 127
Sometimes life is hard. Things go wrong, in life and in love and in business and in friendship and in health and in all the other ways that life can go wrong. And when things get tough, this is what you should do: Make good art.
The Common Good
共同福祉 / 143
It could be a great moment for our country if you decide to continue your pursuit of truth and enlightenment for the betterment of our society and not just for the betterment of yourselves. For you are graduating at a time when our country is desperate for highly educated women and men who will fight to see through the veils of pure self-interest and half-truths, to search for what is truly moral and just.
Collaboration and Change
合作与改变 / 157
We think of ideal leaders as being bold and visionary, single-minded in their determination, and ruthless in their execution.
Trust and Tenacity
信任与坚持 / 167
But there are no wrong doors. There will be an important experience on the other side of each and every door. When the time comes, go through the door. Whatever doors you chose there will always be great dots to connect as you look backwards through your life.
Generosity and Dedication
慷慨奉献 / 181
I hope your time here has provided you with a deep reservoir of the Stanford spirit and that you leave inspired to make your own contributions to the world, and that that spirit brings you back often to this very special place.
Aim High and Be Bold
志向远大,勇敢果断 / 189
I believe a flat world is a good thing because it has the potential to raise all boats, but it is going to require a renewed commitment in this country to promoting the educational achievements of everyone, not just the lucky ones.
The World Needs Young People’s Intelligence
这个世界需要年轻人的智慧 / 199
The world is fortunately beginning to turn green, at least pastel green. But I’d like to call your attention to an imbalance in the way we are turning green. The emphasis today is on the physical environment, that is, on climate change, pollution, the decline of fresh water and arable land, and the depletion of irreplaceable natural resources.
Remember Our History as You Make Your Own
创造自己历史的时候不要忘记我们的历史 / 207
We are the ones who insisted on putting other successful women on the air, and into every office, so that little girls (and little boys) could know that women in fact can do anything in the world.
Find the Voice in Which to Tell the Story
找到能叙说故事的声音 / 223
著名作家约翰?格里沙姆在北卡罗来纳大学教堂 山分校2010年毕业典礼上的演讲
Each of you is original. Each of you has a distinctive voice. When you find it, your story will be told. You will be heard.
The Fringe Benefits of Failure and the Importance of Imagination
失败的好处以及想象力的重要性 / 235
We do not need magic to transform our world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better.
We Beat the Reaper by Living Fully
充实人生,打败死神 / 251
So your passion must come from the things that fuel you from the inside. And honors and awards are nice things but only to be the extent that they regard the real respect from your peers.
Commencement addresses at top American universities,Get inspired by the words of wisdom
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