在英语的各个词类中,冠词是最小的一类,它仅包括定冠词the与不定冠词a(n),如果再加上隐形的零冠词(即名词前不需要冠词的情况),总共也只有三个成员。因此,在将英语划分为八大词类的年代,冠词被归于形容词的门下,只是在将英语定为十大词类之后,冠词才得以自立门户,但是现在越来越多的语法家倾向于将它合并到一个叫限定词(determiners)的词类中,使之与all,another,both,each,no,this,that,two,two,twice等修饰“限定”名词的词为伍。对于a与the的归属我们可以交给语法家,对于比较级前的the是否仍叫冠词以及零冠词是否存在等问题我们也可以不考虑,但对冠词的实际运用每个英语学习者或使用者都不能回避。因为冠词是英语中使用频率最高的词,几乎从学习英语的第一天起我们就得和它们打交道。美国一些学者曾对一套名为standard of present-day edited american english的书作过统计,该书共1,014,232字,其中使用最频繁的十个词依次是:the(出现69,971次),of(36,411次),and(28,852次),to(26,149次),a(n)(23,237次),in(21,341次),that(10,595次),is(10,099次),was(9,816次)和he(9,534次)。排行第一的the与排行第五的a(n)加起来,共93,208次,占全书总字数的9%以上。这里还不包括难以计数的零冠词。
冠词不仅使用频度最高,使用规则也最复杂。学了一辈子英文没弄清冠词用法的大有人在。和名词,动词等实词不同,冠词不能单独使用,它的使用涉及名词,形容词,数词,副词,代词,名词化的动名词,乃至介词。当然,它们和名词的关系最密切。一般来说,个体名词和大多数集合名词是可数的,而专有名词、物质名词与抽象名词是不可数的,这种可数与不可数纯属语法概念,但它对冠词的选择却至关重要,特别是不定冠词。遗憾的是,名词的可数与否不是一成不变的,同一名词在这种情况下是“为可数”的,在另一种情况下很可能摇身一变而“可数”,反之亦然。名词的可数与否往往导致意义的改变,如iron不可数,意为“铁”,an iron可数,意为“烙铁”;lei feng系人名,不可数,a lei feng,“一个雷锋式的人”,可数;这种可数与不可数的辩证关系难免会让初学者感到无所适从,何况汉语语法中既没有“可数”与“不可数”的概念,又没有与冠词相应的词类。导致冠词取舍困难的还有上下文、语境、文体、修辞等因素,甚至英国英语与美国英语在某些方面也有细微差别。除了用与不用,用什么冠词及可否省略冠词等问题外,碰到all,both,what,quite,rather等词时,还有一个孰先孰后的词序问题。此外,我们注意到,个别地方.冠词的取舍也有“仁者见仁,智者见智”的情况。即使在有章可循的地方,冠词的使用规则也有不少例外。正所谓all grammatical rules leak(edward sapir)。这无疑又增加了,学习和运用冠词的难度。
为了帮助读者学习并掌握冠词,作者根据多年阅读及语法课的教学经验,特将有关冠词的问题归纳为108个小题目。如:“a few days与a busy three days”,“china与the philippines”,
“by train与by the 9:30 train”。这108篇小文章从不同侧面介绍了冠词的用法,既包括冠词使用的一般规律,也涉及许多特殊用法或例外。读者如果对标题中的某个冠词用法感到陌生或意外的话,不妨就从那一篇读起,相信读后你对冠词会有新的认知。
1 Lei Feng,A Lei Feng 与Thousands of Lei Fengs
2 A Munich与A British Watergate
3 A Ford与The Ford
4 The Ford Motor Company 与China King
5 Mr.Smith 与A Mr.Smith
6 English,The English与The English language
7 Monday 与A Monday;November与A November
8 A Smith与The Smiths
9 The Wright brothers 与The brothers Wright
10 Henry Adams与The Henry Adams
11 The great Edison 与The treacherous Spitz
12 "Is this a new Patrick Henry?"
13 The Hudson River,Hudson Bay 与Hudson Strait
14 The Himalayas与Mount Everest
15 China与The Philippnes
16 New Yerar's Day与The Spring Festival
17 The White House与Buckingham Palace
18 The United Nations,The U.N.与The
19 The British Museum,Hyde Park与The Zoo
20 党派,主义,宗教与冠词
21 The Bible与The Trinity
22 称呼与冠词
23 人名,同位语与冠词
24 The aristocracy与The Socialists
25 Wall Street与The Wall Street loumal
26 历史时期,历史事件与The
27 TIME与The Times
28 London University与The University of London
29 A boy and a girl,A boy and girl与 Boy and girl
31 Hand in hand与Shoulder to shoulder
32 When Greek Meets Greek
33 Head first与Pencil in hand
34 Child as tom is与零冠词
35 Go to school与Go to the school
36 Go to the cinema与Go to the films
37 Play the piano,Play bridge与Play ball
38 Padio.Tv 与冠词
39 Take root与Bear fruit
40 A woman with a child与A woman with child
41 The child is father to the man
42 标题中的冠词省略
43 电报中的冠词省略
44 Stage Direction中的冠词问题
45 笑话幽默中的冠词省略
46 A cold ,The flu与Bronchitis
47 "The giraffe is very tall"中的歧义
48 Man is not always stronger than woman
49 Man enough,Manly enough与Enough of a man
50 Autumn与The fall
51 The sun,A golden moon与(the)Earth
52 Wind,the wind,A good wind,Winds
53 Word,A word, 与The word
54 Time,A time,The time与times
55 There is egg on your nose
56 In possession of与In the possession of
57 At a cost of与At the cost of
58 Two of a trade与Birds of a feather
59 Next week与The next week
60 The same,the like与The only
61 A,One与A I euro coin
62 A,The与Per
63 There be句型与冠词
64 Agood many,A great many与Many a
65 Quite a long Story与A quite long Story
66 "All(both,double,half,just,quite)+the+名词“结构
67 A stupid man与How stupid a man
68 The pen is mightier than the sword
69 A lamb与Lamb
70 Be appointed chairman与Turn traitor
71 介词As与零冠词
72 By train与By the9:30train
73 A diamer of four inches与Four inches in diameter
74 Turn to the north与Turn north
75 At night与During the night
76 The white of an egg与the thick of winter
77 Kiss her cheek与Kiss her on the cheek
78 Of短语与The
80 A mountain of a wave 与A wave of a mountain
81 A friend of my father's中的冠词问题
82 On the increase与On the go
83 Another 与The other
84 The job for me 与The very job I'm looking for
85 To a day与To the day
86 The wise与The wiser
87 比较级与The
88 More(a)scholar than(a)teacher
89 最高级与“最”
90 The most,A most与Most
91 The second,A second与Second
92 从Half an eye 到A11 eyes
93 Turn a deaf ear to与Fall on deaf ears
94 后置修饰语对名词前冠词的影响
95 Coffee与A coffee;lron与An iron
96 数量结构与冠词
97 Kindness与A kindness;Failure与A failure
98 The information与A piece of information
99 A piece of与名词
100 A sort of,Of a sort与Of sort
101 A few days与Quite a few
102 A fewdays与A busy three days
103 Part of与A part of;Two of you 与the two of you
104 数或表示数量的短语与冠词
105 由上下文决定的特指
106 再次提及不等于简单的词语重复
107 行定环境与定冠词The
108 Don't start with the egg
2 A Munich与A British Watergate
3 A Ford与The Ford
4 The Ford Motor Company 与China King
5 Mr.Smith 与A Mr.Smith
6 English,The English与The English language
7 Monday 与A Monday;November与A November
8 A Smith与The Smiths
9 The Wright brothers 与The brothers Wright
10 Henry Adams与The Henry Adams
11 The great Edison 与The treacherous Spitz
12 "Is this a new Patrick Henry?"
13 The Hudson River,Hudson Bay 与Hudson Strait
14 The Himalayas与Mount Everest
15 China与The Philippnes
16 New Yerar's Day与The Spring Festival
17 The White House与Buckingham Palace
18 The United Nations,The U.N.与The
19 The British Museum,Hyde Park与The Zoo
20 党派,主义,宗教与冠词
21 The Bible与The Trinity
22 称呼与冠词
23 人名,同位语与冠词
24 The aristocracy与The Socialists
25 Wall Street与The Wall Street loumal
26 历史时期,历史事件与The
27 TIME与The Times
28 London University与The University of London
29 A boy and a girl,A boy and girl与 Boy and girl
31 Hand in hand与Shoulder to shoulder
32 When Greek Meets Greek
33 Head first与Pencil in hand
34 Child as tom is与零冠词
35 Go to school与Go to the school
36 Go to the cinema与Go to the films
37 Play the piano,Play bridge与Play ball
38 Padio.Tv 与冠词
39 Take root与Bear fruit
40 A woman with a child与A woman with child
41 The child is father to the man
42 标题中的冠词省略
43 电报中的冠词省略
44 Stage Direction中的冠词问题
45 笑话幽默中的冠词省略
46 A cold ,The flu与Bronchitis
47 "The giraffe is very tall"中的歧义
48 Man is not always stronger than woman
49 Man enough,Manly enough与Enough of a man
50 Autumn与The fall
51 The sun,A golden moon与(the)Earth
52 Wind,the wind,A good wind,Winds
53 Word,A word, 与The word
54 Time,A time,The time与times
55 There is egg on your nose
56 In possession of与In the possession of
57 At a cost of与At the cost of
58 Two of a trade与Birds of a feather
59 Next week与The next week
60 The same,the like与The only
61 A,One与A I euro coin
62 A,The与Per
63 There be句型与冠词
64 Agood many,A great many与Many a
65 Quite a long Story与A quite long Story
66 "All(both,double,half,just,quite)+the+名词“结构
67 A stupid man与How stupid a man
68 The pen is mightier than the sword
69 A lamb与Lamb
70 Be appointed chairman与Turn traitor
71 介词As与零冠词
72 By train与By the9:30train
73 A diamer of four inches与Four inches in diameter
74 Turn to the north与Turn north
75 At night与During the night
76 The white of an egg与the thick of winter
77 Kiss her cheek与Kiss her on the cheek
78 Of短语与The
80 A mountain of a wave 与A wave of a mountain
81 A friend of my father's中的冠词问题
82 On the increase与On the go
83 Another 与The other
84 The job for me 与The very job I'm looking for
85 To a day与To the day
86 The wise与The wiser
87 比较级与The
88 More(a)scholar than(a)teacher
89 最高级与“最”
90 The most,A most与Most
91 The second,A second与Second
92 从Half an eye 到A11 eyes
93 Turn a deaf ear to与Fall on deaf ears
94 后置修饰语对名词前冠词的影响
95 Coffee与A coffee;lron与An iron
96 数量结构与冠词
97 Kindness与A kindness;Failure与A failure
98 The information与A piece of information
99 A piece of与名词
100 A sort of,Of a sort与Of sort
101 A few days与Quite a few
102 A fewdays与A busy three days
103 Part of与A part of;Two of you 与the two of you
104 数或表示数量的短语与冠词
105 由上下文决定的特指
106 再次提及不等于简单的词语重复
107 行定环境与定冠词The
108 Don't start with the egg
The article & its usage
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