本套丛书是根据上海外语教育出版社出版的《(全新版)大学英语综合教程》精心策划编写而成的配套辅导用书。它全面贯彻《(全新版)大学英语系列教材》的编写原则,全力体现最新《(全新版)大学英语综合教程全程导读》1-4册。 ...
unit one growing up .
unit two friendship
unit three understanding science
unit four american dream ..
unit five romance
unit six animal intelligence
unit seven emergency
unit eight coping with an educational problem...
unit two friendship
unit three understanding science
unit four american dream ..
unit five romance
unit six animal intelligence
unit seven emergency
unit eight coping with an educational problem...
College English a Guide to Integrated Course.1
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