One day in 1920s, Ge Siye, the local tyrant, was chasing after a girl named Xinghua on the pathway along the upper Huanghe river with his soldiers on horse back. Xinghua was the 13th concubine snatched by Ge Siye, and she ran away before getting married with him. On that crucial moment, Heiniu, the man working on the raft, saved her and brought her to Majia Town. The men on the raft began a battle saving Xinghua from Ge Siye.
浜屽崄骞翠唬涓? 鎯¢湼鎴堝洓鐖哄付棣闅婃e湪杩借稌灏戝コ鏉忚姳,濂规槸鎴堝洓鐖哄挤鎼剁殑鍗佷笁濮ㄥお,娌掑叆娲炴埧灏遍冧簡鍑轰締. 鍗辨ユ檪鍒?绛忓瓙瀹㈤粦鐗涙晳浜嗗ス,榛戠墰灏囨潖鑺辫濆叆缇婄毊绛掍? 瓒佹湀鑹插伔鍋锋浮閬庨粌娌?鐣朵粬鍊戜笂宀告檪,瀹堢仒鐨勭煶闋鍛婅ù榛戠墰宸茬稉灏佺仒浜, 璁撲粬鎶婃潖鑺辫稌蹇鎵撶櫦璧. 榛戠墰闋撴劅浜嬫厠鍤撮噸. 鍘熶締绛忓瓙瀹㈡湁鍊嬭糠淇?鍦ㄨ蛋绛忎箣鍓嶈佺キ濂犵炵犵栧畻,鐕冭捣鐏鍫嗛﹨瓒曟渤鐏樹笂鐨勯櫚姘,娲楃仒寰屽コ浜哄拰涓鍒囬泴鎬х暅鐗插潎涓嶅緱鍒扮仒涓婁締,鍚﹀墖娌句簡闄版埃,瑕佺瓘姣浜轰骸.
The men on the raft
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