《老实人》是伏尔泰的代表作。主人公老实人纯朴善良,头脑简单,寄居在森特一登·脱龙克男爵府上,信奉导师邦葛罗斯关于“世界尽善尽美”的哲学。老实人因和男爵的小姐居内贡自由恋爱,被男爵逐出家门,从此开始流浪生涯。 其主题是批判盲目乐观主义哲学,小说中老实人及其意中人和他的老师最初觉得世界是完美的,一切人和一切事物都尽善尽美,但他们在遭遇一系列无妄之灾后,终于认识到这个世界并不完善,唯有劳动可以使人们免除烦恼、过错和欲望三大痛苦。文中还描写了一个政治清明、黄金遍地的黄金国。国中人人过着自由平等、快乐而富裕的生活,寄托了伏尔泰的政治理想。
Chapter 1 How Candide was Brought Up in a Magnificent Castle and How He was Driven Out of It
第一章 老实人在一座华丽的城堡里被抚养成人,后来被驱逐出去
Chapter 2 What Befell Candide among the Bulgarians
第二章 老实人在保加利亚的遭遇
Chapter 3 How Candide Escaped from the Bulgarians and What Befell Him Afterward
第三章 老实人逃离保加利亚及随后的遭遇
Chapter 4 How Candide Found His Old Master Pangloss Again and What Happened to Him
第四章 老实人再次遇到庞格罗斯先生及其遭遇
Chapter 5 A Tempest,a Shipwreck,an Earthquake,and What Else Befell Dr.Pangloss,Candide,and Jacques,the“Nabaptist”
第五章 庞格罗斯博士、老实人、再浸礼教徒雅克遭遇暴风 雨、海难、地震等灾难
Chapter 6 How the Portuguese Made a Superb Auto Da Fé to Prevent Any Future Earthquakes,and How Candide Underwent Public Flagellation
第六章 葡萄牙人是如何举办庄重的火刑典礼以阻止未来地震的发生,老实人如何被当众鞭打
Chapter 7 How the Old Woman Took Care of Candide,and How He Found the Object of His Love
第七章 老妇人照顾老实人,老实人遇上他的所爱
Chapter 8 Cunégonde's Story
第八章 古内宫的故事
Chapter 9 What Happened to Cunégonde,Candide,the Grand Inquisitor,and the Jew
第九章 古内宫、老实人、大判官和犹太人之间的事
Chapter 10 In What Distress Candide,Cunégonde,and the Old Woman Arrive at Cadiz,and of Their Embarkation
第十章 老实人、古内宫和老妇人到达卡迪士后的遭遇,他们又如何上船
Chapter 11 The History of the Old Woman
第十一章 老妇人往事
Chapter 12 The Adventures of the Old Woman Continued
第十二章 老妇人往事(续)
Chapter 13 How Candide was Obliged to Leave the Fair Cunégonde and the Old Woman
第十三章 老实人被迫离开美丽的古内宫小姐和老妇人
Chapter 14 The Reception Candide and Cacambo Met with among the Jesuits in Paraguay
第十四章 老实人和卡坎波在巴拉圭受到耶稣会士接待
Chapter 15 How Candide Killed the Brother of His Dear Cunégonde
第十五章 老实人杀死他亲爱的古内宫小姐的哥哥
Chapter 16 What Happened to Our Two Travelers with Two Girls, Two Monkeys,and the Savages Called Oreillons
第十六章 两位旅行者的遭遇,他们带着两个姑娘,两只猴子和一个叫奥莱伦的野蛮人
Chapter 17 Candide and His Valet Arrive in the Country of El Dorado
第十七章 老实人和他的侍从到达厄尔多拉多
Chapter 18 What They Saw in the Country of El Dorado
第十八章 厄尔多拉多见闻
Chapter 19 What Happened to Them at Surinam,and How Candide Became Acquainted with Martin
第十九章 在苏里南的遭遇以及老实人如何认识马丁
Chapter 20 What Befell Candide and Martin on Their Passage
第二十章 老实人和马丁海上的遭遇
Chapter 21 Candide's Voyage to Constantinople
第二十一章 老实人的君士坦丁堡之行
Chapter 22 What Manner Candide Found Cunégonde and the Old Woman Again
第二十二章 老实人再次找到古内宫小姐和老妇人
Chapter 23 Conclusion
第二十三章 结局
Chapter 1 How Candide was Brought Up in a Magnificent Castle and How He was Driven Out of It
第一章 老实人在一座华丽的城堡里被抚养成人,后来被驱逐出去
Chapter 2 What Befell Candide among the Bulgarians
第二章 老实人在保加利亚的遭遇
Chapter 3 How Candide Escaped from the Bulgarians and What Befell Him Afterward
第三章 老实人逃离保加利亚及随后的遭遇
Chapter 4 How Candide Found His Old Master Pangloss Again and What Happened to Him
第四章 老实人再次遇到庞格罗斯先生及其遭遇
Chapter 5 A Tempest,a Shipwreck,an Earthquake,and What Else Befell Dr.Pangloss,Candide,and Jacques,the“Nabaptist”
第五章 庞格罗斯博士、老实人、再浸礼教徒雅克遭遇暴风 雨、海难、地震等灾难
Chapter 6 How the Portuguese Made a Superb Auto Da Fé to Prevent Any Future Earthquakes,and How Candide Underwent Public Flagellation
第六章 葡萄牙人是如何举办庄重的火刑典礼以阻止未来地震的发生,老实人如何被当众鞭打
Chapter 7 How the Old Woman Took Care of Candide,and How He Found the Object of His Love
第七章 老妇人照顾老实人,老实人遇上他的所爱
Chapter 8 Cunégonde's Story
第八章 古内宫的故事
Chapter 9 What Happened to Cunégonde,Candide,the Grand Inquisitor,and the Jew
第九章 古内宫、老实人、大判官和犹太人之间的事
Chapter 10 In What Distress Candide,Cunégonde,and the Old Woman Arrive at Cadiz,and of Their Embarkation
第十章 老实人、古内宫和老妇人到达卡迪士后的遭遇,他们又如何上船
Chapter 11 The History of the Old Woman
第十一章 老妇人往事
Chapter 12 The Adventures of the Old Woman Continued
第十二章 老妇人往事(续)
Chapter 13 How Candide was Obliged to Leave the Fair Cunégonde and the Old Woman
第十三章 老实人被迫离开美丽的古内宫小姐和老妇人
Chapter 14 The Reception Candide and Cacambo Met with among the Jesuits in Paraguay
第十四章 老实人和卡坎波在巴拉圭受到耶稣会士接待
Chapter 15 How Candide Killed the Brother of His Dear Cunégonde
第十五章 老实人杀死他亲爱的古内宫小姐的哥哥
Chapter 16 What Happened to Our Two Travelers with Two Girls, Two Monkeys,and the Savages Called Oreillons
第十六章 两位旅行者的遭遇,他们带着两个姑娘,两只猴子和一个叫奥莱伦的野蛮人
Chapter 17 Candide and His Valet Arrive in the Country of El Dorado
第十七章 老实人和他的侍从到达厄尔多拉多
Chapter 18 What They Saw in the Country of El Dorado
第十八章 厄尔多拉多见闻
Chapter 19 What Happened to Them at Surinam,and How Candide Became Acquainted with Martin
第十九章 在苏里南的遭遇以及老实人如何认识马丁
Chapter 20 What Befell Candide and Martin on Their Passage
第二十章 老实人和马丁海上的遭遇
Chapter 21 Candide's Voyage to Constantinople
第二十一章 老实人的君士坦丁堡之行
Chapter 22 What Manner Candide Found Cunégonde and the Old Woman Again
第二十二章 老实人再次找到古内宫小姐和老妇人
Chapter 23 Conclusion
第二十三章 结局
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