《Working With Microsoft Visual Studio 2005使用教程》主要内容:It might not take a village to write a book, but it takes a good sized team to put it together,so first of all we want to thank our editor, Devon Musgrave, for all the hard work that he put into this book. It's amazing how much work he can get out people purely though force of will. In addition, we thank Joel Rosenthal, who copy edited, and our good friend Bill Teel,who worked on the graphics. Thanks also to Ben Ryan and Elden Nelson for acquiring the book and to Carl Diltz and Elizabeth Hansford for production support. We also give a huge thanks to our internal reviewers: Prasadi de Silva, Mark Kenworthy, Nishan Jebanasam,Jeremy Jones, Sean Laberee, Tarek Madkour, Chad Royal, and Phil Taylor. Finally, thanks to Prashant Sridharan, Marie Hagman, Doug Hodges, the Visual Studio Extensibility Team, the Visual Studio Content Installer Team, and the Visual Studio Project team.
1 Introducing Visual Studio 2005
2 Project Management in Visual Studio 2005
3 The Visual Studio Editor
4 Community Content and VSTemplates
5 Using Visual Studio Macros
6 Extending the IDE with Add-Ins
7 Exploring Commands Programmatically
8 Managing Solutions and Projects Programmatically
9 Programming the Visual Studio User Interface
10 Text-Editing Objects and Events
2 Project Management in Visual Studio 2005
3 The Visual Studio Editor
4 Community Content and VSTemplates
5 Using Visual Studio Macros
6 Extending the IDE with Add-Ins
7 Exploring Commands Programmatically
8 Managing Solutions and Projects Programmatically
9 Programming the Visual Studio User Interface
10 Text-Editing Objects and Events
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