China Institute for Reform and Development (CIRD) China Institute for Reform and Development (CIRD), establishedon November 1, 1991, is a public and non-profit researchinstitution mainly specializing in reform and development policyresearch. CIRD, with the mission of facilitating China's economic reformand development policy decision-making, follows the guideline of"basing its research activities in Hainan, facing the whole countryand marching towards the other parts of the world." CIRD practices a system of vesting the full responsibility withthe president under the leadership of the board of directors andadheres to the operating mechanism characterized with smallorganization with a large network. Its organizational features ofbeing network-based, international operations and independentresearch have attracted wide attention. With submission of reform policy recommendation reports tothe government as its bounden duty, CIRD has been conductingforward-looking and independent research in important theoreticaland practical issues in economic transition. In the past 19 years,it has submitted more than 140 sets of reform policy/legislationrecommendation reports to relevant departments of the centralgovernment. It is the first research institution to have submittedreform policy recommendations on "granting long-term andguaranteed land use rights for farmers," "equalizing access .tobasic public services," "construction of public service-orientedgovernment" and "speeding up the establishment of a socialist public service system," of which some have been directly adopted into policy documents while many others have been used asreferences for drafting policy documents, laws and regulationsFor these research results, CIRD has won many national and ministerial/provincial awards including "Five One Project Award:,"Economics Research Award by Sun Yefang Economics Foundation," and "China Development Research Award."
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