英文共同题名:Essential English
1. The Priestley's House普里斯特利夫妇之家
2. Comments on Lesson 1第一课评注
3. The Vocabulary of Everyday Life日常生活词汇
4. Everyday Talk日常交谈
5. Parts of Speech词类
6. Hob Tells a True Story霍白讲述一则真实故事
7. Comments on Lesson 6第六课评注
8. One Glorious Hour光辉的一小时
9. Nouns名词
10. Margaret Priestley's Birthday Morning玛格丽特·普里斯特利的生日早晨
Examination Paper No.1试卷一
11. Two Poems and a Song两首诗与一支歌
12. The Future——will,shall将来——will,shall
13. Frieda Writes a Letter Home付莉达写信回家
14. Letters书信
15. Holidays Have Started假期开始了
16. The Future Continuous Tense将来进行时
17. The Railway Station火车站
18. English Money英国货币
19. Plurals of Nouns名词的复数
20. Jan and Frieda Leave for Switzerland贾恩与付莉达前往瑞士
21. Gender in English英语中的性别
Examination Paper No.2试卷二
22. Hob's Story of His Uncle Tom霍白讲述他汤姆舅舅的故事
23. Passive Verbs被动语态的动词
24. Back from the Holidays度假归来
25. Future Perfect Tense将来完成时
26. Everyday Situations日常情景
27. Weights and Measures度量衡
28. The Articles冠词
29. Meals膳食
30. Some More Shopping购买更多的东西
31. Dress衣服
32. Frieda's First Day in London付莉达在伦敦的第一天
33. Olaf Reads His Play欧拉夫朗读他的剧本
Examination Paper No.3试卷三
Ⅰ. Personal Names人名表
Ⅱ. Geographical Names地名表
Ⅲ. Pronouncing Vocabulary of Essential English Book Ⅱ词汇表
Ⅳ. Key to Exercises练习答案
1. The Priestley's House普里斯特利夫妇之家
2. Comments on Lesson 1第一课评注
3. The Vocabulary of Everyday Life日常生活词汇
4. Everyday Talk日常交谈
5. Parts of Speech词类
6. Hob Tells a True Story霍白讲述一则真实故事
7. Comments on Lesson 6第六课评注
8. One Glorious Hour光辉的一小时
9. Nouns名词
10. Margaret Priestley's Birthday Morning玛格丽特·普里斯特利的生日早晨
Examination Paper No.1试卷一
11. Two Poems and a Song两首诗与一支歌
12. The Future——will,shall将来——will,shall
13. Frieda Writes a Letter Home付莉达写信回家
14. Letters书信
15. Holidays Have Started假期开始了
16. The Future Continuous Tense将来进行时
17. The Railway Station火车站
18. English Money英国货币
19. Plurals of Nouns名词的复数
20. Jan and Frieda Leave for Switzerland贾恩与付莉达前往瑞士
21. Gender in English英语中的性别
Examination Paper No.2试卷二
22. Hob's Story of His Uncle Tom霍白讲述他汤姆舅舅的故事
23. Passive Verbs被动语态的动词
24. Back from the Holidays度假归来
25. Future Perfect Tense将来完成时
26. Everyday Situations日常情景
27. Weights and Measures度量衡
28. The Articles冠词
29. Meals膳食
30. Some More Shopping购买更多的东西
31. Dress衣服
32. Frieda's First Day in London付莉达在伦敦的第一天
33. Olaf Reads His Play欧拉夫朗读他的剧本
Examination Paper No.3试卷三
Ⅰ. Personal Names人名表
Ⅱ. Geographical Names地名表
Ⅲ. Pronouncing Vocabulary of Essential English Book Ⅱ词汇表
Ⅳ. Key to Exercises练习答案
英文共同题名:Essential English
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