李健、刘杰秀、白雪晴编*的《石油资源国文化(石油科技英语系列教程)》内容覆盖中东和波斯湾、南美、欧洲和北美、俄罗斯与中亚、非洲、亚洲和太平洋等六个地区,介绍了各石油资源国的历史、文化、风俗和宗教礼仪,如伊斯兰文化、传统阿拉伯文化和贝都因文化在阿联酋文化中的融合发展,伊拉克经久不衰的文明,尼日利亚国内的宗教冲突等等。 本书适合作为高等院校本科生教材,也可供石油专业相关的高职高专教师参考,或者适用于对石油资源国文化感兴趣的人员作为自学书籍。
Chapter 1 Cultural Background of Middle East and Persian Gulf Oil Producing Countries
1.1 Islam,Traditional Arab and Bedouin Culture Revolves in Emirati Culture
1.2 Influence of Islamic and Arab Culture in Kuwait
1.3 Iran Culture, a Mix of Ancient Pre - Islamic Culture and Islamic Culture
1.4 "Mesopotamia", Iraq is the Home to Successive Civilizations
1.5 Saudi Arabia, Conservative Country with Centuries - old Traditions
Chapter 2 South American Oil Producing Countries
2.1 Blending of Indigenous Cultures and the Spanish Culture in Mexico
2.2 Venezuela, the Melting Pot of Three Different Families: the Indigenous, African and Spanish
2.3 Core Culture of Brazil is Derived from Portuguese Culture
Chapter 3 European and North American Oil Producing Countries
3.1 Five Famous Symbols of American Culture
3.2 Danish National Church,a Lutheran Church
3.3 Unique Norwegian Farm Culture
Chapter 4 Russian Oil Producing Countries
4.1 Distinctive Eastern Orthodox Church
4.2 Cultural Diversity in the Soviet Union and Russia
Chapter 5 African Oil Producing Countries
5.1 The Largest Oil Producing Country in Africa and its Cultural Traits
5.2 Religious Clashes in Nigeria
5.3 The Arabized Berber in Algeria
5.4 Ethnic and Racial Divisions Leading to the Splitting of Sudan
5.5 Cradle of Civilization in Africa
Chapter 6 Asian and Pacific Area Oil Producing Countries
6.1 The "Oldest Living Civilization of Earth"
6.2 The Muhicuhural Indonesia
6.3 Multiracial, Diverse and Unique Malaysian Culture
Chinese Translation and Key to Exercises
1.1 Islam,Traditional Arab and Bedouin Culture Revolves in Emirati Culture
1.2 Influence of Islamic and Arab Culture in Kuwait
1.3 Iran Culture, a Mix of Ancient Pre - Islamic Culture and Islamic Culture
1.4 "Mesopotamia", Iraq is the Home to Successive Civilizations
1.5 Saudi Arabia, Conservative Country with Centuries - old Traditions
Chapter 2 South American Oil Producing Countries
2.1 Blending of Indigenous Cultures and the Spanish Culture in Mexico
2.2 Venezuela, the Melting Pot of Three Different Families: the Indigenous, African and Spanish
2.3 Core Culture of Brazil is Derived from Portuguese Culture
Chapter 3 European and North American Oil Producing Countries
3.1 Five Famous Symbols of American Culture
3.2 Danish National Church,a Lutheran Church
3.3 Unique Norwegian Farm Culture
Chapter 4 Russian Oil Producing Countries
4.1 Distinctive Eastern Orthodox Church
4.2 Cultural Diversity in the Soviet Union and Russia
Chapter 5 African Oil Producing Countries
5.1 The Largest Oil Producing Country in Africa and its Cultural Traits
5.2 Religious Clashes in Nigeria
5.3 The Arabized Berber in Algeria
5.4 Ethnic and Racial Divisions Leading to the Splitting of Sudan
5.5 Cradle of Civilization in Africa
Chapter 6 Asian and Pacific Area Oil Producing Countries
6.1 The "Oldest Living Civilization of Earth"
6.2 The Muhicuhural Indonesia
6.3 Multiracial, Diverse and Unique Malaysian Culture
Chinese Translation and Key to Exercises
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