《兵圣——孙子》,向国外读者介绍最早揭示战争奥秘、阐释战争与和平理论的世界级军事家——孙子的生平及其经典语录。孙子著有《孙子兵法》,是中国古典军事文化遗产中的瑰宝,在世界上也久负盛名,如今被翻译成几十种外国文字,在全世界广为流传。 Of the 4,000-odd books on military strategy produced over the course of Chinese history, The Art of War is almost unanimously acknowledged as the most outstanding. It was written by Sun Wu (Sun Tzu), a well-known general during the late Spring and Autumn Period, some 2,500 years ago.
Born into a Military Family
Working on‘The Art ofWar’
Ability to Command Troops
Cream of‘The Art of War’
Destroying a Superpower
Fading from Historical Record
Quotations from Sun Tzu
Born into a Military Family
Working on‘The Art ofWar’
Ability to Command Troops
Cream of‘The Art of War’
Destroying a Superpower
Fading from Historical Record
Quotations from Sun Tzu
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