《剑桥商务英语考试必备》中级已包括学习用书和磁带二盒。中级(Vantage )适用于中级水平学习者。
unit1 companies and products
unit2 travel and tourism
unit3 economic trends
unit4 employment and recruitment
unit5 competition
unit6 better ways of working
unit 7 going for growth
unit8 projects and schedules
unit9 in the news
unit10 good times and bad
unit11 takeovers and mergers
unit12 doing deals
unit2 travel and tourism
unit3 economic trends
unit4 employment and recruitment
unit5 competition
unit6 better ways of working
unit 7 going for growth
unit8 projects and schedules
unit9 in the news
unit10 good times and bad
unit11 takeovers and mergers
unit12 doing deals
Skills for Business English,vantage
- 名称
- 类型
- 大小
光盘服务联系方式: 020-38250260 客服QQ:4006604884
用户发送的提问,这种方式就需要有位在线客服来回答用户的问题,这种 就属于对话式的,问题是这种提问是否需要用户登录才能提问
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