the Ming Dynast3based on traditional folktales.Consisting of 100 chapters.this
fantasy relates the adventures ofa Tang Dynast3(618.907)priest Sanzang and his
three disciples,Monkey,Pig and Friar Sand,as they travel west in search of
Buddhist Sutra.The first seven chapters recount the birth of the Monkey King
and his rebellion against Heaven.Then in chapters eight to twelve’we learn how
Sanzang was born and why he is searching for the scriptures,as well as his
preparations for the journe~The rest ofthe story describes how they vanquish
demons and monsters,tramp over the Fiery Mountain,cross the Milky Way;and
after overcoming many dangers,finally arriveat theirdestination—theThunder
Monasteuin the Western Heaven—and find the Sutra.
Attached are anumber of illustrations drawn during the Qing Dynasty(1644-1911)。
chapter 32
on flat-top mountain the duty god delivers a message;
in lotus flower cave pig runs into trouble.
chapter 33
. heterodoxy confuses the true nature;
the primal deity helps the original heart
chapter 34
the demon king's cunning causes the mind-ape trouble;
the great sage wins the treasures through improvisation
chapter 35
the power of heterodoxy oppresses the true nature;
the mind-ape wins the treasures and beats the demons
chapter 36
when the mind-apc stands correct all evil causes submit;
when the side-gate is smashed the mocn appears in its
cbapler 37
the royal ghost visits the tang priest at night;
wukong's magic transformation lures the boy.
chapter 38
questioning his mothcr, the boy sorts right from wrong;
when metal and wood join in thc mystery, truth and
falsehood arc clear.
chapter 39
a pill of rcd cinnabar is brought from heaven;
after three years the monarch is revived.
cbapter 40
the boy fools with transformations disturbirig the dhyana
ape and horse return with a knife; the mother of wood
is empty.
chapter 41
the mind-ape is defeated by fire;
the mother of wood is captured by a demon
chapler 42
the great sage reverently visits the southern sea;
guanyin in her mercy binds the red boy.
chapter 43
at the black river a monster carries otl the priest;
the dragon prince of the west captures an alligator
chapter 44
the primal movement of the dharma body encounters a
evil in the heart's centre crosses the backbone pass
chapter 45
in the hall of the three pure ones the great sage leaves
his name;
in the kingdom of tarrycart the monkey king shows his
chapter 46
false faith oppresses the true dharma;
the sage mind-ape eliminates evil.
chapter 47
the holy monk is stoppcd by the river of heaven at
metal and wood in their mercy rescue a child:
chapter 48
a devilish blizzard makes the snow whirl;
the monk who seeks to worship buddha walks on ice
chapter 49
sanzang's great misfortune is to fall into thc river;
guanyin's fish basket saves the tang priest.
chapter 50
feelings run wild and nature gets loose because of desire;
in confusion of spirit the heart is disutrbed and the demon
chapter 51
in vain does the mind-ape use a thousand tricks;
fire and water both fail to harm the demon.
chapter 52
monkey makes havoc in the jindou cave;
the buddha gives a hint about the owner
chapter 53
the dhyana master conceives after eating a meal;
the yellow-wife brings water to remove a devil foetus
chapter 54
the buddha-nature travelling west enters womanland;
the mind-ape makes a plan to escape from the beauties.
chapter 55
the tang priest is tempted with sex and debauchcry;
because his nature is upright he resists unharmed.
chapter 56
the spirit goes wild and wipes out the bandits;
the way in confusion sends the mind-ape away
chapter 57
the true sun wukong makes his complaint at potaraka;
the false monkey king copies a document in the water
curtain cave.
chapter 58
two minds throw heaven and earth into uproar;
one body cannoc achieve true nirvana.
chapter 59
sanzang's way is blocked at the fiery mountains;
monkey first tries to borrow the plantain fan.
chapler 60
the bull demon king gives up the fight to go to a feast;
monkey tries the second time to borrow the plantain fan
chapter 61
zhu bajie helps to defeat a demon king;
monkey makes a third attempt to borrow the fan
chapter 62
cleansed and with a washed heart he sweeps the pagoda;
the devils are captured and converted; the body is culti-
chapter 63
two monks wipe out the demons in the dragon palace:
the sages destroy evil and recover the treasure.
chapter 64
wuneng works hard on thorn ridge;
sanzang talks of poetry in the wood immortals' hcrmit-
a demon creates a false thunder peak;
all four pilgrims meet with disastec.
all the gods meet a vicious foe;
maitreya binds the evil monstet.
chapter 32
on flat-top mountain the duty god delivers a message;
in lotus flower cave pig runs into trouble.
chapter 33
. heterodoxy confuses the true nature;
the primal deity helps the original heart
chapter 34
the demon king's cunning causes the mind-ape trouble;
the great sage wins the treasures through improvisation
chapter 35
the power of heterodoxy oppresses the true nature;
the mind-ape wins the treasures and beats the demons
chapter 36
when the mind-apc stands correct all evil causes submit;
when the side-gate is smashed the mocn appears in its
cbapler 37
the royal ghost visits the tang priest at night;
wukong's magic transformation lures the boy.
chapter 38
questioning his mothcr, the boy sorts right from wrong;
when metal and wood join in thc mystery, truth and
falsehood arc clear.
chapter 39
a pill of rcd cinnabar is brought from heaven;
after three years the monarch is revived.
cbapter 40
the boy fools with transformations disturbirig the dhyana
ape and horse return with a knife; the mother of wood
is empty.
chapter 41
the mind-ape is defeated by fire;
the mother of wood is captured by a demon
chapler 42
the great sage reverently visits the southern sea;
guanyin in her mercy binds the red boy.
chapter 43
at the black river a monster carries otl the priest;
the dragon prince of the west captures an alligator
chapter 44
the primal movement of the dharma body encounters a
evil in the heart's centre crosses the backbone pass
chapter 45
in the hall of the three pure ones the great sage leaves
his name;
in the kingdom of tarrycart the monkey king shows his
chapter 46
false faith oppresses the true dharma;
the sage mind-ape eliminates evil.
chapter 47
the holy monk is stoppcd by the river of heaven at
metal and wood in their mercy rescue a child:
chapter 48
a devilish blizzard makes the snow whirl;
the monk who seeks to worship buddha walks on ice
chapter 49
sanzang's great misfortune is to fall into thc river;
guanyin's fish basket saves the tang priest.
chapter 50
feelings run wild and nature gets loose because of desire;
in confusion of spirit the heart is disutrbed and the demon
chapter 51
in vain does the mind-ape use a thousand tricks;
fire and water both fail to harm the demon.
chapter 52
monkey makes havoc in the jindou cave;
the buddha gives a hint about the owner
chapter 53
the dhyana master conceives after eating a meal;
the yellow-wife brings water to remove a devil foetus
chapter 54
the buddha-nature travelling west enters womanland;
the mind-ape makes a plan to escape from the beauties.
chapter 55
the tang priest is tempted with sex and debauchcry;
because his nature is upright he resists unharmed.
chapter 56
the spirit goes wild and wipes out the bandits;
the way in confusion sends the mind-ape away
chapter 57
the true sun wukong makes his complaint at potaraka;
the false monkey king copies a document in the water
curtain cave.
chapter 58
two minds throw heaven and earth into uproar;
one body cannoc achieve true nirvana.
chapter 59
sanzang's way is blocked at the fiery mountains;
monkey first tries to borrow the plantain fan.
chapler 60
the bull demon king gives up the fight to go to a feast;
monkey tries the second time to borrow the plantain fan
chapter 61
zhu bajie helps to defeat a demon king;
monkey makes a third attempt to borrow the fan
chapter 62
cleansed and with a washed heart he sweeps the pagoda;
the devils are captured and converted; the body is culti-
chapter 63
two monks wipe out the demons in the dragon palace:
the sages destroy evil and recover the treasure.
chapter 64
wuneng works hard on thorn ridge;
sanzang talks of poetry in the wood immortals' hcrmit-
a demon creates a false thunder peak;
all four pilgrims meet with disastec.
all the gods meet a vicious foe;
maitreya binds the evil monstet.
Journey to the west
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