目 录
*章 绪 论
1 研究背景
2 研究意义
3 国内外研究现状和趋势
4 研究方法
第二章 台湾创新型人才开发研究
1 引言
2 台湾创新型人才开发的历程
3 台湾创新型人才开发措施
4 台湾创新型人才开发存在的问题
5 台湾创新型人才开发的政策建议
6 本章小结
第三章 福建省创新型人才引进机制分析
1 引言
2 福建省创新型人才引进的历程
3 当前福建省创新型人才引进存在的主要问题
4 福建省创新型人才引进框架图
5 福建省创新型人才引进具体措施
6 本章小结
第四章 闽台创新型人才开发合作现状分析
1 引言
2 创新型人才及其成长规律
3 闽台创新型人才开发合作的阶段及现状
4 闽台创新型人才开发的对比分析
5 闽台创新型人才开发合作存在的问题
6 闽台创新型人才开发合作的模式设想
7 本章小结
第五章 闽台合作培育创新型人才共促产业发展研究
1 引言
2 国内外相关研究综述
3 闽台合作培育创新型人才共促产业发展的必要性和现实性分析
4 基于闽台产业优化升级的创新型人才需求分析
5 政策建议
6 本章小结
第六章 闽台旅游产业合作研究
1 引言
2 闽台旅游业合作的基础
3 闽台旅游业合作的现状
4 闽台旅游业合作机制
5 本章小结
第七章 闽台创意产业合作研究
1 引言
2 闽台创意产业合作发展现状分析
3 闽台创意产业合作的机遇
4 加强闽台创意产业对接合作的建议和对策
5 本章小结
第八章 闽台创意人才开发合作研究
1 引言
2 闽台创意人才现状
3 闽台创意才开发合作的优势条件
4 闽台创意人才开发合作的限制因素
5 闽台创意人才开发合作面临的机遇和挑战
6 闽台创意人才开发合作机制构想
7 本章小结
第九章 闽台创新型人才开发体系构建研究
1 引言
2 创新型人才的素质体系构成
3 闽台创新型人才开发体系的目标
4 闽台创新型人才开发体系系统构建
5 闽台创新型人才开发体系构建的原则
6 构建闽台创新型人才开发体系的建议
7 本章小结
第十章 闽台创新型人才开发合作模式研究
1 引言
2 闽台创新型人才开发合作的现状
3 闽台创新型人才开发合作存在的问题
4 闽台创新型人才开发合作的有利条件
5 闽台创新型人才开发合作的模式
6 本章小结
第十一章 闽台创新型人才培育的协同创新机制分析
1 引言
2 协同创新的内涵
3 闽台创新型人才培育现状与挑战
4 闽台创新型人才培育的协同创新机制
5 闽台创新型人才培育的协同创新政策建议
6 本章小结
第十二章 闽台创新型人才开发合作的运行机制研究
1 引言
2 人才开发合作的运行机制综述
3 闽台创新型人才开发合作运行机制的主体对象
4 闽台创新型人才开发合作运行机制的现状
5 闽台创新型人才开发合作运行机制存在的问题
6 推进闽台创新型人才开发合作机制良好运行的建议
7 本章小结
第十三章 闽台创新型人才开发合作博弈分析
1 引言
2 闽台创新型人才开发合作博弈分析
3 闽台创新型人才开发合作的基本静态博弈模型
4 基于讨价还价模型的闽台创新型人才开发合作博弈分析
5 闽台创新型人才开发合作博弈的互惠战略与对策
6 本章小结
第十四章 基于生态管理理论的闽台创新型人才开发研究
1 引言
2 生态管理理论的简介
3 闽台创新型人才开发现状
4 基于生态管理理论的闽台创新型人才开发系统
5 基于生态管理理论的闽台创新型人才开发原则
6 闽台创新型人才开发的配套管理措施
7 本章小结
第十五章 美国创新型人才开发对闽台的启示
1 引言
2 美国创新型人才开发的历程及现状
3 美国创新型人才开发策略及不足
4 闽台创新型人才开发存在的主要问题
5 美国创新型人才开发对闽台的启示
6 本章小结
第十六章 两岸协同构建适应创新驱动需要的科技人才发展机制研究
1 引言
2 两岸四地协同构建适应创新驱动需要的科技人才发展机制现状
3 两岸四地协同构建适应创新驱动需要的科技人才发展机制存在的问题
4 两岸四地协同构建科技人才发展机制的现实基础
5 两岸四地协同构建适应创新驱动的科技人才发展机制构想
6 两岸四地协同构建适应创新驱动需要的科技人才发展机制措施
7 本章小结
第十七章 研究总结
1 研究的目标
2 研究的主要结论
3 研究的主要创新
4 研究不足与展望
后 记
Chapter 1 Introduction
1 Research background
2 Significance of research.
3 Theoretical reviews.
4 Research method
Chapter 2 Research on the development of innovative talents in Taiwan
1 Introduction
2 The development process of innovative talents in Taiwan
3 The development measure of innovative talents in Taiwan
4 The development issues of innovative talents in Taiwan
5 Policy recommendations for developing innovative talents in Taiwan
6 Chapter summary
Chapter 3 Analysis of the introduction mechanism of innovative talents in Fujian Province
1 Introduction
2 The process of introducing innovative talents in Fujian province
3 The current problems of introducing innovative talents in Fujian province
4 The introduction of innovative talents framework map in Fujian Province
5 The specific measures of introduceing innovative talents in Fujian Province
6 Chapter summary
Chapter 4 Present situation analysis of developing innovative talents in Fujian and Taiwan
1 Introduction
2 Innovative talents and the law of growth
3 The stages and status of innovative talents development and cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan
4 The comparative Analysis on the development of innovative talents between Fujian and Taiwan
5 The issues of innovative talent development cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan
6 The model envisaged of innovative talent development cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan
7 Chapter summary
Chapter 5 Fujian and Taiwan’s cooperative research on innovative talents cultivation to promote industrial development
1 Introduction
2 Theoretical reviews.
3 The necessity and practical Analysis of Fujian and Taiwan?s cooperative cultivation of innovative talents to promote industrial development
4 The demand analysis of innovative talents based on industrial optimization and upgrading in Fujian and Taiwan
5 Policy recommendations
6 Chapter summary
Chapter 6 Study on tourism industry cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan
1 Introduction
2 The basis of tourism industry cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan
3 The status of tourism industry cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan
4 The cooperation mechanism of tourism industry between Fujian and Taiwan
5 Chapter summary
Chapter 7 Study on creative industry cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan
1 Introduction
2 The status of creative industry cooperation and development between Fujian and Taiwan
3 The opportunity of creative industry cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan
4 The suggestions and strategies for strengthening the cooperation of creative industries in Fujian and Taiwan
5 Chapter summary
Chapter 8 Study on the cooperation and development of creative talents between Fujian and Taiwan
1 Introduction
2 The status of creative talents in Fujian and Taiwan
3 The superiority of the cooperation and development of creative talents between Fujian and Taiwan
4 The limiting factors of the cooperation and development of creative talents between Fujian and Taiwan
5 The opportunities and challenges of the cooperation and development of creative talents between Fujian and Taiwan
6 The mechanism scheme of cooperation and development for creative talents between Fujian and Taiwan
7 Chapter summary
Chapter 9 Study on the development sytem of innovative talents in Fujian and Taiwan
1 Introduction
2 The quality system of innovative talents
3 The objective of innovative talents development system in Fujian and Taiwan
4 The system construction of innovative talents development system in Fujian and Taiwan
5 The principles of constructing innovative talents development system in Fujian and Taiwan
6 The recommendations for constructing innovative talents development system in Fujian and Taiwan
7 Chapter summary
Chapter 10 Study on the cooperation and development model of innovative talents in Fujian and Taiwan
1 Introduction
2 The status of the cooperation and development of innovative talents in Fujian and Taiwan
3 The issues of the cooperation and development of innovative talents in Fujian and Taiwan
4 Favorable conditions of the cooperation and development of innovative talents in Fujian and Taiwan
5 The cooperation and development model of innovative talents in Fujian and Taiwan
6 Chapter summary
Chapter 11 Analysis on collaborative innovation mechanism of cultivating innovative talents between Fujian and Taiwan
1 Introduction
2 The connotation of collaborative innovation
3 The status and challenges of cultivating innovative talents in Fujian and Taiwan
4 The collaborative innovation mechanism of cultivating innovative talents between Fujian and Taiwan
5 Policy recommendations for collaborative innovation of cultivating innovative talents in Fujian and Taiwan
6 Chapter summary
Chapter 12 Study on operational mechanism of developing innovative talents between Fujian and Taiwan
1 Introduction
2 Review of operation mechanism of talents development and cooperation
3 The principal object of operation mechanism of innovative talents development and cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan
4 The status of operation mechanism of innovative talents development and cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan
5 The issues of operation mechanism of innovative talents development and cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan
6 Suggestions on promoting the good operation of the cooperation mechanism for developing innovative talents between Fujian and Taiwan
7 Chapter summary
Chapter 13 Game analysis on cooperation of innovative talents development between Fujian and Taiwan
1 Introduction
2 Game analysis on cooperation of innovative talents development between Fujian and Taiwan
3 The basic static game model of cooperation of innovative talents development between Fujian and Taiwan
4 Game analysis on cooperation of innovative talents development between Fujian and Taiwan based on the bargaining model
5 The mutual benefit strategy and countermeasures of cooperation game between Fujian and Taiwan?s innovative talents development
6 Chapter summary
Chapter 14 Study on the development of innovative talents in Fujian and Taiwan based on ecological management theory
1 Introduction
2 Introduction of ecological management theory
3 The Present Situation of Innovative Talents Development in Fujian and Taiwan
4 Fujian and Taiwan?s innovative talents development system based on ecological management theory
5 The principles of innovative talents development in Fujian and Taiwan based on ecological management theory
6 The supporting management measures of innovative talents development in Fujian and Taiwan
7 Chapter summary
Chapter 15 Enlightenment of the development of American innovative talents to Fujian and Taiwan
1 Introduction
2 The history and development of innovative talents in America
3 The strategy and deficiency of innovative talents development in America
4 The main problems in the development of innovative talents in Fujian and Taiwan
5 Enlightenment of the development of American innovative talents to Fujian and Taiwan
6 Chapter summary
Chapter 16 Research on the development mechanism of sci-tech talents in Cross-Strait collaboratively to adapt the needs of innovation-driven
1 Introduction
2 The mechanism status of the collaborative sci-tech talents development in four districts of Cross-Straits to adapt the needs of innovation-driven
3 The mechanism issues of the collaborative sci-tech talents development in four districts of Cross-Straits to adapt the needs of innovation-driven
4 The practical basis for the collaborative development mechanism of sci-tech talents in four districts of Cross-Straits
5 The mechanism scheme of the collaborative sci-tech talents development in four districts of Cross-Straits to adapt the needs of innovation-driven
6 The measures for four districts of Cross-Straits to establish a collaborative innovation-driven development mechanism of sci-tech talents
7 Chapter summary
Chapter 17 Research conclusions
1 Research targets
2 Research results
3 Research innovations
4 Limitations and future study
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