American cultural heritage


作   者:范悦编著







Unit 1 Introduction to the Course
Section Ⅰ Introduction
Section Ⅱ Text
Section Ⅲ Vocabulary
Section Ⅳ Notes
Section Ⅴ Exercises
Section Ⅵ Supplementary Readings
1. Are You an"Average" Person?
2. Core Values in American Society
3. Traditional American Values and Beliefs
4. People and Culture:Diversity and Convergence
Unit 2 The Geography of the United States
Section Ⅰ Introduction
Section Ⅱ Text
Section Ⅲ Vocabulary
Section Ⅳ Notes
Section Ⅴ Exercises
Section Ⅵ Supplementary Readings
1. American Regionalism
2. Spirit of the Frontier
Unit 3 A Sketch of American History
Section Ⅰ Introduction
Section Ⅱ Text
Section Ⅲ Vocabulary
Section Ⅳ Notes
Section Ⅴ Exercises
Section Ⅵ Supplementary Readings
1. The Declaration of Independence
2. The Emancipation Proclamation
3. The Ambiguous American
4. First Inaugural Address of Franklin D.Roosevelt
Unit 4 Religion in the United States
Section Ⅰ Introduction
Section Ⅱ Text
Section Ⅲ Vocabulary
Section Ⅳ Notes
Section Ⅴ Exercises
Section Ⅵ Supplementary Readings
1. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
2. Creationism versus Evolution
3. Black Churches
Unit 5 Education in America
Section Ⅰ Introduction
Section Ⅱ Text
Section Ⅲ Vocabulary
Section Ⅳ Notes
Section Ⅴ Exercises
Section Ⅵ Supplementary Readings
1. Horace Mann
2. Morrill Act
3. A Brief History of The Scholastic Aptitude Test
4. Education and Inequality
5. Functional Illiteracy
6. Has the Time Come for Year-Round Attendance?
Unit 6 Science,Technology and the American Society
Section Ⅰ Introduction
Section Ⅱ Text
Section Ⅲ Vocabulary
Section Ⅳ Notes
Section Ⅴ Exercises
Section Ⅵ Supplementary Readings
1. Religion,Science,and the Human Genome Project
2. Technology in the Classroom:Part of the Solution?Or Part of the Problem?
3. From Virginia Dare to Virginia Slims:Women and Technology in American Life
Unit 7 Mass Media in America
Section Ⅰ Introduction
Section Ⅱ Text
Section Ⅲ Vocabulary
Section Ⅳ Notes
Section Ⅴ Exercises
Section Ⅵ Supplementary Readings
1. New York Times Co.v.United States(1971)
2. The Three Newspaper Giants and Yellow Journalism
3. Overworked Americans or Overwhelmed Americans?
Unit 8 The American Economy and Work
Section Ⅰ Introduction
Section Ⅱ Text
Section Ⅲ Vocabulary
Section Ⅳ Notes
Section Ⅴ Exercises
Section Ⅵ Supplementary Readings
1. Silicon Valley and Monongahela Valley:An Epitome of a Transformed U.S.Economic Structure
2. Welcome to the Revolution
3. The Downsizing of America
Unit 9 Race and Ethnic Relations in the United States
Section Ⅰ Introduction
Section Ⅱ Text
Section Ⅲ Vocabulary
Section Ⅳ Notes
Section Ⅴ Exercises
Section Ⅵ Supplementary Readings
1. Brown v.Board of Education(1954)
2. Martin Luther King
3. Whites'Myths about Blacks
4. The Browning of America
5. Asian Americans
Unit 10 The American Family
Section Ⅰ Introduction
Section Ⅱ Text
Section Ⅲ Vocabulary
Section Ⅳ Notes
Section Ⅴ Exercises
Section Ⅵ Supplementary Readings
1. The American Family
2. Understanding Divorce:Statistics Can Mislead
3. The Family in Trouble:Why We Should Worry
Unit 11 The American Political System
Section Ⅰ Introduction
Section Ⅱ Text
Section Ⅲ Vocabulary
Section Ⅳ Notes
Section Ⅴ Exercises
Section Ⅵ Supplementary Readings
Constitution Of The United States
Unit 12 American Foreign Policy
Section Ⅰ Introduction
Section Ⅱ Text
Section Ⅲ Vocabulary
Section Ⅳ Notes
Section Ⅴ Exercises
Section Ⅵ Supplementary Readings
1. The Truman Doctrine
2. The Marshall Plan
Comprehensive Tests & Answers
Appendix Ⅰ: Key to the Exercises
Appendix Ⅱ: Map of the United States of America
Appendix Ⅲ: Population by State in the U.S.
Appendix Ⅳ: Top 50 Cities in the Population and Rank
Appendix Ⅴ: The Presidents of the United States



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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