主编寄语 你问我答 问答之一 问答之二 问答之三 本书特色第一篇 社会热点 作文1 Are Traditional Virtues out ofDate? 作文2 Green Food 作文3 How to Improve Public Morals 作文4 Why Do People Like to Buy Lotteries? 作文5 Road Accidents 作文6 Opportunity and Success 作文7 Is Good Appearance More Importantthan 作文8 Family and Pesonal Development 作文9 Noise Pollution 作文10 Should Universities Lower Admission Requirements for Celebrities? 作文11 WhatDoes Modem ScienceBringus? 作文12 Cyber Crimes 作文13 Test forNational Civil Servants 作文14 How to confront a Disaster 作文15 Our Schoolmate is in Need of Your Help第二篇 日常生活 作文16 The Importance of Praise 作文17 Dieting 作文18 Stop Using Disposable Products 作文19 Will Traditional Newspapers be Replaced by Electronic Newspapers? 作文20 Secondhand Goods 作文21 When You Are Misunderstood 作文22 HowtoUnderstandtheProverb“ManProposes,God Disposes” 作文23 IsThriftSilll a Good Vurtue? 作文24 Patience 作文25 A Letter ofDeclining第三篇 校园生活 作文26 Self-help Traveling ofCollege Students 作文27 ShouldColegeStudentsORenAttend SchoolActiviti 作文28 CreditCardsonCampus 作文29 Adaptability 作文30 Commercialization ofCampus Music 作文31 The Importance ofEconomy 作文32 How Should College Students Relieve Pressure? 作文33 Mobile Phones on Campus 作文34 ALetterofSuggestion第四篇 读书学习 作文35 whatIstheMainTaskofaUniversityProfessor? 作文36 Reserving a Seat 作文37 A Poster for a Lectllre 作文38 BorrowBooksorBuyBooks? 作文39 Educaton Gap Contributes to Income Gap 作文40 A Letter ofReference 作文41 The Attitude towards Examination 作文42 An ApplicationforaMBAProgram第五篇 职场工作 作文43 College Students’Starting Their Own Undertakings 作文44 High Salaries or Career Development? 作文45 Major in University andFuture Job 作文46 A Job Application Letter 作文47 Diploma and Ability 作文48 Hunting for Jobs on the Internet 作文49 Employment Pressure Facing College Students 作文50 Choices after Graduation附: 写作高分装备装备一六级写作常用句式装备二各类书信常用表达装备三过渡衔接常用词语
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