Unit l
Famous Persons and Their Stories
1. The Childhood of Albert Einstein
2. Benjamin Franklin
3. George Washington
Unit 2
Famous Fairy Tales
4. The Sleeping Beauty
5. The Fisherman and His Wife
6. As Rich as Croesus
Unit 3
People and Nature
7. Desert Traveler
8. The Eskimo
9. New Ways with Old Plants
10. Blizzard
11. Air Disasters
12. Searching for the Titanic
Unit 4
Society and Culture
13. Help fortheNeedy
14. Miserable Life of Young Black Men in the U. S.
l5. The Marathon
16. Hungry People in the World
17. Population Growth----Our Endangered Planet
18. Coming to America----The Story of Immigration
19. A Volunteer Firefighter's Spirit
20. Pioneer
Unit 5
Puzzles and Crosswords
21.Cutting the Pie
22.Setting theTable
23.Partsof the Body
Unit l
Famous Persons and Their Stories
1. The Childhood of Albert Einstein
2. Benjamin Franklin
3. George Washington
Unit 2
Famous Fairy Tales
4. The Sleeping Beauty
5. The Fisherman and His Wife
6. As Rich as Croesus
Unit 3
People and Nature
7. Desert Traveler
8. The Eskimo
9. New Ways with Old Plants
10. Blizzard
11. Air Disasters
12. Searching for the Titanic
Unit 4
Society and Culture
13. Help fortheNeedy
14. Miserable Life of Young Black Men in the U. S.
l5. The Marathon
16. Hungry People in the World
17. Population Growth----Our Endangered Planet
18. Coming to America----The Story of Immigration
19. A Volunteer Firefighter's Spirit
20. Pioneer
Unit 5
Puzzles and Crosswords
21.Cutting the Pie
22.Setting theTable
23.Partsof the Body
English through easy reading
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