ATL技术内幕 /


作   者:Brent Rector, Chris Sells编著.





  ATL是一组小而灵活的类,可用于开发COM组件。本书对ATL的内部工作原理做了深入的剖析,详细介绍了关于ATL设计的基础知识和体系结构,展示了ATL如何与COM相匹配,并对一些重要的实施细节做了具体提示。在此基础上,对ATL的一些高级内容和功能做了充分的介绍。更为重要的是,本书还指出了ATL存在的一些缺陷,并告诉读者如何去避免。    本书具有一定的技术深度,适合有经验的COM和VC++程序员阅读。    Brent Rector is President of Wise Owl Consulting,Inc., a form that specializes in Windows/COM development and consulting.He also teaches classes on COM, ATL,and MTS for DevelpMentor,a leading COM education firm.His previous books include Win32 Programming ,Developing windows 3 Applications with Microsoft SDK,and Developing Windows 3.1 Applications with Microsoft C/C++.He received the Microsoft Annual MVP award for his contributions to CompuServe's Windows forums.    Chris Sells Works as an independent consultant specializing in design and development using COM.He is also a COM C++, and ATL instructor for DevelopMentor,where he authored the Essential ATL five-day shor course.His previous books include Effective COM and Windows Telephony Programming .He is a contributor to the Visual C++ Developer's Journal and the Visual C++ Professional newsletter,and a frequent speaker at conferences ,including Software Development,WinDev,and the Visual C++ Developer's Conference.  


foreword ix

preface xiii

chapter 1 hello, atl 1

what is atl? 1

creating a com server 2

inserting a com class 5

adding properties and methods 11

implementing additional intetgaces 13

support for scripting 16

adding persistence 17

adding and firing events 19

using a window 23

implementing component categories 27

adding a user intetgace 28

hosting a control 29

summary 32

chapter 2 atl smart types: strings, bstrs, variants,and interface pointers 33

string data types, conversion macros, and helper functions 33

the ccombstr smart bstr class 43

the ccombstr class 45

.the comvariant smart variant class 61

the ccomptr, ccomqirtr, and coomdispatchdriver smart pointer classes 74

summary 90

chapter 9 objects in atl 93

recall: com apartments 93

implementing iunknown 95

the layers of atl 98

threading model support 99

the core of iunknown 107

your class 114

ccomobject et al. 120

atl creators 134

debugging 149

summary 155

chapter 4 com servers 157

a review of com servers 157

the object map and the ccommodule class 159

the object map 160

methods required of an object map class 163

the ccommodule class 197

ocomcoclass revisited 206

server optimization compilation options 208

summary 21o

chapter 5 interface maps 211

recall: com identity 211

table-driven querylnterface 213

multiple inheritance 220

tear-off interfaces 231

aggregation: the controlling outer 239

interface map tricks 248

summary 256

chapter 6 persietence in atl 257

a review of com persistence 257

atl persistence implementation classes 268

the property map 268

the persistence implementations 270

additional persistence implementations 285

adding marshal-by-value semantics using persistence 294

summary 297

chapter 7 collections and enumarators 299

com collection and enumeration interfaces 299

enumerating arrays 313

enumerating stl collections 324

collections 335

stl collections of atl data types 341

simple collections 346

object models 349

summary 354

chapter 8 connection points 357

a review of connection points 357

creating an atl-based connectable object 361

creating an object that is an event recipient 373

how it all works: the messy implementation details 386

summary 405

chapter 9 windowing 407

the structure of a windows application 407

cwindow 41o

cwindowlmpl 416

cdialoglmpl 452

windows control wrappers 462

ccontainedwindow 468

summary 474

chapter 10 activex controls 475

a review of activex controls 475

the bullseye control requirements 477

creating the initial control using the atl wizard 486

the initial bullseye source files 489

developing the bullseye control step by step 495

summary 538

chapter 11 control containment 539

how controls are contained 539

basic control containment 540

hosting a control in a dialog 573

composite controls 581

html controls 585

atl's control containment limitations 598

summary 599

appendix a c++ templates by example 601

the need for templates 601

template basics 603

a different kind of polymorphism 605

function templates 611

member function templates 612

summary 613

appendix b atl classes and headers 615

index 623



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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