Strategic Management: Creating Competitive Advantages, 1st Edition, by Dess and Lumpkin, responds to the demands of today's rapidly changing and unpredictable global marketplace that students will face when they enter the business world. The concepts-only text provides students with a timely, rigorous, and relevant book written in an engaging manner to spur their interest and excitement. This book provides a solid treatment of traditional topics in strategic management as well as contemporary topics such as entrepreneurship, knowledge management, and e-commerce and internet strategies. Numerous applications from business practice plus sidebars (approximately six per chapter) bring key concepts to life. For the instructor, Strategic Management provides flexibility and convenience not available in any other book on the market. It is a text-only book with an extensive variety of cases from the Primis/Pinnacle database that is designed to tie concepts directly to cases. Instructors are provided with a wide variety of options from default options consisting of pre-selected case packets to a wide variety of cases available from the database.
Part 1 Strategic Analysis
Chapter 1 Strategic Management: Creating Competitive Advantages
Chapter 2 Analyzing the External Environment of the Firm
Chapter 3 Assessing the Internal Environment of the Firm
Chapter 4 Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Moving Beyond a Firm's Tangible Resources
Part II Strategy Formulation
Chapter 5 Business-Level Strategy: Creating and Sustaining Competitive Advantages
Chapter 6 Corporate-Level Strategy: Creating Value Through Diversification
Chapter 7 International Strategy: Creating Value in Global Markets
Chapter 8 The Internet and E-Commerce: Creating Value through E-Business Strategies
Part III Strategy Implementation
Chapter 9 Implementing Strategy: Achieving Effective Strategic Control
Chapter 10 Implementing Strategy: Creating Effective Organizational Designs
Chapter 11 Effective Strategic Leadership: Creating a Learning Organization and an EthicalCulture
Chapter 12 Effective Strategic Leadership: Fostering Corporate Entrepreneurship and NewVenture Creation
Part IV Case Analysis
Chapter 13 Analyzing Strategic Management Cases
Chapter 1 Strategic Management: Creating Competitive Advantages
Chapter 2 Analyzing the External Environment of the Firm
Chapter 3 Assessing the Internal Environment of the Firm
Chapter 4 Recognizing a Firm's Intellectual Assets: Moving Beyond a Firm's Tangible Resources
Part II Strategy Formulation
Chapter 5 Business-Level Strategy: Creating and Sustaining Competitive Advantages
Chapter 6 Corporate-Level Strategy: Creating Value Through Diversification
Chapter 7 International Strategy: Creating Value in Global Markets
Chapter 8 The Internet and E-Commerce: Creating Value through E-Business Strategies
Part III Strategy Implementation
Chapter 9 Implementing Strategy: Achieving Effective Strategic Control
Chapter 10 Implementing Strategy: Creating Effective Organizational Designs
Chapter 11 Effective Strategic Leadership: Creating a Learning Organization and an EthicalCulture
Chapter 12 Effective Strategic Leadership: Fostering Corporate Entrepreneurship and NewVenture Creation
Part IV Case Analysis
Chapter 13 Analyzing Strategic Management Cases
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