Extensive reading.4,Student’s book


作   者:刘乃银主编





《英语泛读教程》(第三版)是普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材,供高等学校英语专业一、二年级学生使用,也适用于同等程度的英语自学者。本教材旨在提高学生英语阅读理解能力,扩大学生词汇量,介绍基本的阅读技巧。阅读材料题材广泛,涉及英语国家社会、政治、经济、文化等方面;内容新颖,注意收入反映近年来社会进步和科学技术发展的文章;注重趣味性,文体多样。 刘乃银主编的《英语泛读教程(4学生用书第3版)》共15个单元,按阅读材料的内容和难度进行编排。本书各单元分为三部分。第一部分为阅读课文及练习,练习包括判断课文中心思想、阅读理解、课堂讨论题和词汇练习;第二部分为快速阅读练习,提供3篇短文,要求在规定的时间内完成;第三部分为课外阅读,提供和课文长度相当的语言材料,配有阅读理解题和思考题。



unit 1

text genius and the craftsman 1

testing your reading comprehension and speed 8

home reading reading: basic principles 12

unit 2

text personal versus social identity 20

testing your reading comprehension and speed 30

home reading social comparison: knowing the self 36

unit 3

text food fight 43

testing your reading comprehension and speed 49

home reading wine in american life 55

unit 4

text the 20th century time 61

testing your reading comprehension and speed 70

home reading albert einstein 76

unit 5

text toy story 82

testing your reading comprehension and speed 89

.home reading watch and learn 94

unit 6

text how pixar fosters collective creativity (i) 101

testing your reading comprehension and speed 110

home reading how pixar fosters collective creativity(ii) 115

unit 7

text postmortem with strings 122

testing your reading comprehension and speed 128

home reading pay attention, rover 132

unit 8

text the life of samuel jobnson 139

testing your reading comprehension and speed 146

home reading the life and letters of thomas henry huxley 151

unit 9

text the archaeologists who wouldn't dig 157

testing your reading comprehension and speed 164

home reading history 169

unit 10

text is weather getting worse? 175

testing your reading comprehension and speed 183

home reading basic instinct 188

unit 11

text personal names 194

testing your reading comprehension and speed 201

home reading surviving twin cbauenges -- at home and work 206

unit 12

text why people work 212

testing your reading comprehension and speed 219

home reading working 224

unit 13

text happiness (1) 230

testing your reading comprehension and speed 238

home reading happiness (10 243

unit 14

text the american scholar (1) 251

testing your reading comprehension and speed 260

home reading the american scholar (ii) 265

unit 15

text the chrysanthemums 273

testing your reading comprehension and speed 284

home reading a little cloud 289

sources of reading materials



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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