unit 1
text genius and the craftsman 1
testing your reading comprehension and speed 8
home reading reading: basic principles 12
unit 2
text personal versus social identity 20
testing your reading comprehension and speed 30
home reading social comparison: knowing the self 36
unit 3
text food fight 43
testing your reading comprehension and speed 49
home reading wine in american life 55
unit 4
text the 20th century time 61
testing your reading comprehension and speed 70
home reading albert einstein 76
unit 5
text toy story 82
testing your reading comprehension and speed 89
.home reading watch and learn 94
unit 6
text how pixar fosters collective creativity (i) 101
testing your reading comprehension and speed 110
home reading how pixar fosters collective creativity(ii) 115
unit 7
text postmortem with strings 122
testing your reading comprehension and speed 128
home reading pay attention, rover 132
unit 8
text the life of samuel jobnson 139
testing your reading comprehension and speed 146
home reading the life and letters of thomas henry huxley 151
unit 9
text the archaeologists who wouldn't dig 157
testing your reading comprehension and speed 164
home reading history 169
unit 10
text is weather getting worse? 175
testing your reading comprehension and speed 183
home reading basic instinct 188
unit 11
text personal names 194
testing your reading comprehension and speed 201
home reading surviving twin cbauenges -- at home and work 206
unit 12
text why people work 212
testing your reading comprehension and speed 219
home reading working 224
unit 13
text happiness (1) 230
testing your reading comprehension and speed 238
home reading happiness (10 243
unit 14
text the american scholar (1) 251
testing your reading comprehension and speed 260
home reading the american scholar (ii) 265
unit 15
text the chrysanthemums 273
testing your reading comprehension and speed 284
home reading a little cloud 289
sources of reading materials
unit 1
text genius and the craftsman 1
testing your reading comprehension and speed 8
home reading reading: basic principles 12
unit 2
text personal versus social identity 20
testing your reading comprehension and speed 30
home reading social comparison: knowing the self 36
unit 3
text food fight 43
testing your reading comprehension and speed 49
home reading wine in american life 55
unit 4
text the 20th century time 61
testing your reading comprehension and speed 70
home reading albert einstein 76
unit 5
text toy story 82
testing your reading comprehension and speed 89
.home reading watch and learn 94
unit 6
text how pixar fosters collective creativity (i) 101
testing your reading comprehension and speed 110
home reading how pixar fosters collective creativity(ii) 115
unit 7
text postmortem with strings 122
testing your reading comprehension and speed 128
home reading pay attention, rover 132
unit 8
text the life of samuel jobnson 139
testing your reading comprehension and speed 146
home reading the life and letters of thomas henry huxley 151
unit 9
text the archaeologists who wouldn't dig 157
testing your reading comprehension and speed 164
home reading history 169
unit 10
text is weather getting worse? 175
testing your reading comprehension and speed 183
home reading basic instinct 188
unit 11
text personal names 194
testing your reading comprehension and speed 201
home reading surviving twin cbauenges -- at home and work 206
unit 12
text why people work 212
testing your reading comprehension and speed 219
home reading working 224
unit 13
text happiness (1) 230
testing your reading comprehension and speed 238
home reading happiness (10 243
unit 14
text the american scholar (1) 251
testing your reading comprehension and speed 260
home reading the american scholar (ii) 265
unit 15
text the chrysanthemums 273
testing your reading comprehension and speed 284
home reading a little cloud 289
sources of reading materials
Extensive reading.4,Student’s book
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