Big Max and the Mystery of the Missing Giraffe 大马克思与失踪的长颈鹿ISBN9780060099206
作 者:Platt
Jake the giraffe is missing, and Big Max is on the case! Butis this mystery too big for even the world's greatestdetective?
BIG SALES Kin Platt’s first I Can Read Book, BIG MAX, has been astaple of the I Can Read Book list since it was first published in1965, and has total sales of over 300,000 copies. BIG MYSTERYMysteries are popular among beginning readers: the NATE THE GREATseries and Crosby Bonsall’s CASE OF THE... series (THE CASE OF THESCAREDY CATS, CASE OF THE HUNGRY STRANGER, et al) are perennialfavorites. BIG LAUGHS Kids will enjoy the humorous adventures ofBig Max, the detective who always travels by umbrella. BIG PRAISEFOR BIG MAX “The character of Big Max, a kind of miniature SherlockHolmes, is well drawn in both words and pictures.”—School LibraryJour
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