Digital Fundamentals


作   者:()Thomas L.Floyd著





  《国外高校电子信息类优秀教材:数字基础(第7版)(英文影印版)》为国外高校电子信息类优秀教材(英文影印版)之一。《国外高校电子信息类优秀教材:数字基础(第7版)(英文影印版)》全面论述了数字电路设计的基础知识,包括数字电路概念、数字系统运作及规划、逻辑门、布尔数学运算和逻辑简化、组合逻辑电路及其功能、可编程逻辑器件、触发器、计数器、移位记录器、PLD的时序逻辑器件及其记忆和存储界面等。   《国外高校电子信息类优秀教材:数字基础(第7版)(英文影印版)》还将教会学生使用EWB软件,掌握虚拟测试技术。   《国外高校电子信息类优秀教材:数字基础(第7版)(英文影印版)》适用于高等院校电气工程、电子信息工程、机电工程及相关专业本科生,也可供一般工程技术人员参考。


1 introductory digital concepts

1.1 digital and analog quantities

1.2 binary digits,logic levels,and digital waveforms

1.3 basic logic operations

1.4 basic logic functions

1.5 digital integrated circuits

1.6 tesing and troubleshooting instruments

1.7 digital system application

2 number systems,operations,and codes

2.1 decimal numbers

2.2 binary numbers

2.3 decimal-to-binary conversion

2.4 binary arithmetic

2.5 1's and 2's complements of binary numbers

2.6 signed numbers

2.7 arithmetic operations with signed numbers

2.8 hexadecimal numbers

2.9 octal numbers

2.10 binary coded decimal(bcd)

2.11 digital codes and parity

.2.12 digital system application

3 logic gates

3.1 the inverter

3.2 the and gate

3.3 the or gate

3.4 the nand gate

3.5 the nor gate

3.6 the exclusive-or and exclusive-nor gates

3.7 integrated circuit logic gates

3.8 troubleshooting

3.9 digital system application

4 boolean algebra and logic simplification

4.1 boolean operations and expressions

4.2 laws and rules of boolean algebra

4.3 demorgan's theorems

4.4 boolean analysis of logic circuits

4.5 simplification using boolean algebra

4.6 standard forms of boolean expressions

4.7 boolean expressions and truth tables

4.8 the karnaugh map

4.9 karnaugh map sop minimization

4.10 karnaugh map pos minimization

4.11 five-variable karnaugh maps

4.12 digital system application

5 combinational logic

5.1 basic combinational logic circuits

5.2 implementing combinational logic

5.3 the universal property of nand and nor gates

5.4 combinational logic using nand and nor gates

5.5 operation with pulse waveforms

5.6 troubleshooting

5.7 digital system application

6 functions of combinational logic

6.1 basic adders

6.2 parallel binary adders

6.3 comparators

6.4 decoders

6.5 encoders

6.6 code converters

6.7 multiplexers(data selectors)

6.8 demultiplexers

6.9 parity generators/checkers

6.10 troubleshooting

6.11 digital system application

7 introduction to programmable logic devices

7.1 pld arrays and classifications

7.2 programmable array logic (pal)

7.3 generic array logic (gal)

7.4 the gal22v10

7.5 the gal16v8

7.6 pld programming

7.7 pld software

7.8 digital system application

8 flip-flops and related devices

8.1 latches

8.2 edge-triggered flip-flops

8.3 master-slave flip-flops

8.4 flip-flop operating characteristics

8.5 flip-flop applications

8.6 one-shots

8.7 the 555 timer

8.8 troubleshooting

8.9 digital system application

9 counters

9.1 asynchronous counter operation

9.2 synchronous counter operation

9.3 up/down synchronous counters

9.4 design of synchronous counters

9.5 cascaded counters

9.6 counter decoding

9.7 counter applications

9.8 troubleshooting

9.9 logic symbols with dependency notation

9.10 digital system application

10 shift registers

10.1 basic shift register functions

10.2 serial in/serial out shift registers

10.3 serial in/parallel out shift registers

10.4 parallel in/serial out shift registers

10.5 parallel in/parallel out shift registers

10.6 bidirectional shift registers

10.7 shift register counters

10.8 shift register applications

10.9 troubleshooting

10.10 logic symbols with dependency notation

10.11 digital system application

11 sequential logic applications of plds

11.1 the complete olmc

11.2 olmc mode selection

11.3 implementing shift registers with plds

11.4 implementing counters with plds

11.5 pld system implementation

11.6 digital syetem application

12 memory and storage

12.1 basics of semiconductor memory

12.2 random-access memories(rams)

12.3 read-only memories(roms)

12.4 programmable roms(proms and eproms)

12.5 flash memories

12.6 memory expansion

12.7 special types of memories

12.8 magnetic and optical storage

12.9 testing and troubleshooting

12.10 digital syetem application

13 interfacing

13.1 digital and analog interfacing

13.2 digital-to-analog(d/a)conversion

13.3 analog-to-digital(a/d)conversion

13.4 troubleshooting dacs and adcs

13.5 internal system interfacing

13.6 standard buses

13.7 digital system application

14 introduction to microprocessors and computers

14.1 the microprocessor and the computer

14.2 microprocessor families

14.3 the 8086/8088 microprocessor and software model for the pentium processor

14.4 microprocessor programming

14.5 the central processing unit(cpu)

14.6 the memory

14.7 the input/output(i/o)port

14.8 interrupts

14.9 direct memory access(dma)

15 integrated circuit technologies

15.1 basic operational characteristics and parameters

15.2 cmos circuits

15.3 ttl circuits

15.4 practical considerations in the use of ttl

15.5 comparison of cmos and ttl performance

15.6 emitter-coupled logic(ecl)circuits

15.7 pmos,nmos,and e2cmos

appendix a data sheets

appendix b conversions

answers to selected odd-numbered problems





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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)



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