American society of and culture


作   者:邓炎昌主编





  《现代美国社会与文化》分为两卷共25个单元,每个单元由3~5篇文章组成。全书共选用90多篇文章。.    本书具有以下特点:    一、题材广泛。本书所选文章涉及美国社会与文化的各方面,分为美国史地、人口概况、社会价值观、青年与老年人问题、种族问题、政党的作用和政府官员的选举、法律制度、科学技术与社会发展,社会福利等25个专题。    二、全书除个别篇章由英国人所写外,均由美国人撰写。这些文章是美国人对自己国家的感受和看法,而非其他人对这个国家作出的评价。可以说是一本美国人谈美国的专集。    三、具有一定深度。本书多数文章选自美国出版的社会学、人类学、经济学、历史学等专著。作者大多是从事这些领域研究的专家、学者。因此本书除了给读者提供大量有关美国的一般情况和信息外,同时具有学术研究价值。..    四、语言地道,浅显易懂。本书所选文章虽是原文,但考虑到读者英文水平不一,以及阅读中可能出现的困难,在每个单元之前有汉语简介;对文章中某些专有名词和难点作了汉语注释;并对个别过难过长的段落或句子,在尽量忠实原文的前提下,略作修改和删节。每个单元之后附有英文思考题,以利读者参考。    另外,本书还为读者提供了不少图片资料,以加深读者对内容的了解。    本书可以用作高等院校英语专业高年级美国概况教材,同时也适合具有大专程度英文水平的广大读者自学之用。...


introduction .

unit 1 on culture-basic concepts for the study of societies

1. basic concepts of culture

2. culture

unit 2 basic facts about the u. s. a.

3. the land, the people, natural resources

4. america: a look at the people

5. here they come!

unit 3 american values and characteristics

6. basic american values and beliefs

7. values and social problems: a consensus view

8. american values at the crossroads

9. americans--as other people see them

unit 4 social classes

10. a classless society?

11. inequality in the united states

12. the new-collar class

13. how the united states economy works: an overview

14. the world of american business

15. some historica[ perspectives on the american economy: 1830-1930

.16. from riches to rags 93

unit 6 corporations, big business

17. the development of giant corporations

18. corporations, profits and advertising

19. corporate power and military corruption

20. the stock market

unit 7 the workers

21. labor's contribution

22. labor day and the american worker

23. work and alienation

24. work on the auto assembly line

unit 8 agriculture and the farmers ..

25. agriculture: an overview

26. the new american farmer

27. hard pressed farmers

unit 9 the family

28. american family life

29. the changing american family ( i )

30. the changing american family ( ii )

31. one-parent family: the troubles and the joys

32. violent families

unit 10 education

33. american education: philosophy, methods, problems, goals

34. education and equality

35. the classroom computers

36. advice that can help you succeed on campus

unit 11 religion

37. religion

38. religion in american life

39. the strange world of cults

unit 12 mass media

40. news and entertainment media

41. spreading the news

42. a disturbing journalistic trend

appendix i the united states of america

appendix ii regions of the united states

appendix iii products of the united states

appendix iv the states ...



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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