American English for nurses
Chater 1 Orienting the Patient to the Unit and Hospital
Chater 2 Filling out the Admission Form
Chater 3 Explanining Procedures
Chater 4 Explanining Routines
Chater 5 Preoperative Care
Chater 6 Postoperative Care
Chater 7 Emergency Care
Chater 8 Coronary Care Unit
Chater 9 Obstetrics
Chater 10 Writing Nurses'Notes
Chater 11 Nursing Diagnosis
Chater 12 Discharge Planning
Chater 13 Nursing in the United States
Chater 14 Working and Studying in the USA
Chater 15 Filling in Application Forms
Chater 16 Preparing a R6sum6
Chater 17 Preparing for an Interview
Appendix 1 Patient Education Handouts
Appendix 2 Commonly Used Abbreviations and Meanings
Appendix 3 NANDA Nursing Diagnoses
Appendix 4 Additional Examples for Patient Teaching
Appendix 5 National Council of State Boards of Nursing
Appendix 6 Nursing Websites
Chater 1 Orienting the Patient to the Unit and Hospital
Chater 2 Filling out the Admission Form
Chater 3 Explanining Procedures
Chater 4 Explanining Routines
Chater 5 Preoperative Care
Chater 6 Postoperative Care
Chater 7 Emergency Care
Chater 8 Coronary Care Unit
Chater 9 Obstetrics
Chater 10 Writing Nurses'Notes
Chater 11 Nursing Diagnosis
Chater 12 Discharge Planning
Chater 13 Nursing in the United States
Chater 14 Working and Studying in the USA
Chater 15 Filling in Application Forms
Chater 16 Preparing a R6sum6
Chater 17 Preparing for an Interview
Appendix 1 Patient Education Handouts
Appendix 2 Commonly Used Abbreviations and Meanings
Appendix 3 NANDA Nursing Diagnoses
Appendix 4 Additional Examples for Patient Teaching
Appendix 5 National Council of State Boards of Nursing
Appendix 6 Nursing Websites
American English for nurses
- 名称
- 类型
- 大小
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