presupposed phrases nad espressions
第一册 unit one how to improve your strdy habits
unet two sailing rornd the worle
unit three the preent
unit four turning off tv:a quiet hour
unit five a miserable, merry christmas
unit six sam adams, industuial engineer
unit seven the sampler
uint eight you go your way, i'll go mine
uint mine the home
unit one is there life on earth?
unit two the dinner party
unit three lessons from jefferson
uint four my first job
uing five the professor and the yo-yo
unit six the making of a surgeon
unit seven there's only luck
unit eight is going out of style?
unit nine what is intelligence, anyway?
unit one a brush with the law
uint two the woman who would not tell
unit three why i teach
unit four lady hermits who are down but not out
unit five the day mother cried
unit six a day's wait
unit seven the shelter
unit eight daydream a little
unit nine the death of hitler
unit ten the fantastic spurt in techonlogy
unit one big bucks the easy way
unit two deer and the energy cycle
unit three why do we believe that the earth is round?
第一册 unit one how to improve your strdy habits
unet two sailing rornd the worle
unit three the preent
unit four turning off tv:a quiet hour
unit five a miserable, merry christmas
unit six sam adams, industuial engineer
unit seven the sampler
uint eight you go your way, i'll go mine
uint mine the home
unit one is there life on earth?
unit two the dinner party
unit three lessons from jefferson
uint four my first job
uing five the professor and the yo-yo
unit six the making of a surgeon
unit seven there's only luck
unit eight is going out of style?
unit nine what is intelligence, anyway?
unit one a brush with the law
uint two the woman who would not tell
unit three why i teach
unit four lady hermits who are down but not out
unit five the day mother cried
unit six a day's wait
unit seven the shelter
unit eight daydream a little
unit nine the death of hitler
unit ten the fantastic spurt in techonlogy
unit one big bucks the easy way
unit two deer and the energy cycle
unit three why do we believe that the earth is round?
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