英文共同题名:Integrated course English


作   者:孔庆炎总主编;《英语》系列教材编写组编







Unit 1 e-mail and internet 1
integrated skills development 1
passage seniors find fun on the web 1
applied writing 9
grammar focus 13
merry learning 15
words & phrases 15

Unit 2 personal selling 17
integrated skills development 17
passageselling styles 17
applied writing ~26
grammar focus 30
merry learning 33
words & phrases 34

Unit 3 job hunting 35
integrated skills development 35
passage fruitfulinterview 35
applied writing 45
grammar focus 48
merry learning 50
words & phrases 51

Unit 4 overseas students 53
integrated skills development 53
passage self discovery and stereotypes in new zealand 53
applied writing 61
grammar focus 65
merry learning 67
words & phrases 67

Unit 5 a manager is wanted 69
integrated skills development 69
passage as leaders, women rule 69
applied writing 78
grammar focus 81
merry learning 83
words & phrases 84
test i (unit-Unit 5) 87

Unit 6 we need retraining 97
integrated skills development 97
passage improving communication skills 97
applied writing 107
grammar focus 110
merry learning 111
words & phrases 112

Unit 7 conference 113
integrated skills development 113
passage barratt unveils zero-carbon house 113
applied writing 122
grammar focus 124
merry learning 125
words & phrases 126

Unit 8 making an apology 129
integrated skills development 129
passage addressing the first-name custom 129
applied writing 137
grammar focus 140
merry learning 141
words & phrases 141

Unit 9 welcoming 143
integrated skills development 143
passage the key to effective cross-cultural communication 143
applied writing 150
grammar focus 152
merry learning 154
words & phrases 154

Unit 10 saying goodbye 157
integrated skills development 157
passage a beginning and an end 157
applied writing 165
grammar focus 167
merry learning 168
words & phrases 169
test 2 (unit6-Unit 10)171
vocabulary 181
phrases 188



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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