unit 1 introducing people
part one warming up
part two initializing the project
part three exploring the field
part four constructing the project
part five assessing learning
unit 2 developing hobbies
part one warming up
part two initializing the project
part three exploring the field
part four constructing the project
part five assessing learning
unit3 politeness and courtesy
part one warming up
part two initializing the project
part three exploring the field
part four constructing the project
part five assessing learning
unit 4 having a healthy diet
part one warming up
part two initializing the project
part three exploring the field
part four constructing the project
part five assessing learning
unit 5 internet addiction
part one warming up
part two initializing the project
part three exploring the field
part four constructing the project
part five assessing learning
unit 6 describing scenic spots
part one warming up
part two initializing the project
part three exploring the field
part four constructing the project
part five assessing learning
unit 7 learning about learning strategies
part one warming up
part two initializing the project
part three exploring the field
part four constructing the project
part five assessing learning
unit 8 the beatles vs. michael jackson
part one warming up
part two initializing the project
part three exploring the field
part four constructing the project
part five assessing learning
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