chapter 1 manuscript form and punctuation
1 manuscript form
1. arrangement
2. word division
3. capitalization
4. handwriting
2 punctuation
1. the comma
2. the period
3. the semicolon
4. the colon
5. the question mark
6. the exclamation mark
7. quotation marks
8. parentheses / brackets
9. square brackets
10. the dash
11. theslash
12. underlining and italics
keys for reference
chapter 2 using proper words
1 types of words
2 choice of words
3 synonyms
some good dictionaries
keys for reference
chapter 3 making correct and effective sentences
1 correct sentences
1. completeness in structure
2. the right subject
3. agreement between the subject and the predicate verb
4 agreement between pronoun and antecedent
5 clear pronoun reference
6 ending sentences with full stops
7 joining clauses with conjunctions
8 a main clause in a complex sentence
9 proper use of comparisons
10 correct use of the tenses
2 coordination and subobdination
3 effective sentences
1 unity
2 coherence
3 conciseness
4 emphasis
5 variety
keys for reference
chapter 4 deveioping paragraphs
1 features of a paragraph
2 ways of developing a paragraph
1 development by time
2 development by process
3 development by space
4 development by example
5 development by comparison and contrast
6 development by cause and effect
7 development by classification
keys for reference
chapter 5 summarizing
1 uses of summary.writing
2 procedure
1 reading
2 writing
3 revision
keys for reference
chapter 6 composing essays
1 criteria of a good composition
2 steps in writing a composition
1. planning acomposition
2. writing the first draft
3. revising the first draft
4. making the final copy
3 three main parts of a composition
1. the beginning
2. the middle
3. the end
4 types of writing
1. narration
2. exposition
keys for reference
chapter 7 writing for practical purposes
1 notices
2 greetings, good wishes, and formal invitations
1. greetings
2. good wishes
3. formal invitations
3 notes
1. appointments
2. apologies
3. informal invitations
4. requests
5. thanks
6. messages
1 personal letters
2. business letters
3. envelopes
5 resumes
keys for reference
chapter8 preparing research papers
1.definition and purpose
1 choosing a topic
2.collecting information
3. analyzing the information, organizing ideas and working out an outline
4. writing the first draft
5. revising the draft and finalizing the paper
3 format
1. components of a paper
2. use of quotations
3. use of notes
4. works cited
a sample research paper
keys for reference
1 manuscript form
1. arrangement
2. word division
3. capitalization
4. handwriting
2 punctuation
1. the comma
2. the period
3. the semicolon
4. the colon
5. the question mark
6. the exclamation mark
7. quotation marks
8. parentheses / brackets
9. square brackets
10. the dash
11. theslash
12. underlining and italics
keys for reference
chapter 2 using proper words
1 types of words
2 choice of words
3 synonyms
some good dictionaries
keys for reference
chapter 3 making correct and effective sentences
1 correct sentences
1. completeness in structure
2. the right subject
3. agreement between the subject and the predicate verb
4 agreement between pronoun and antecedent
5 clear pronoun reference
6 ending sentences with full stops
7 joining clauses with conjunctions
8 a main clause in a complex sentence
9 proper use of comparisons
10 correct use of the tenses
2 coordination and subobdination
3 effective sentences
1 unity
2 coherence
3 conciseness
4 emphasis
5 variety
keys for reference
chapter 4 deveioping paragraphs
1 features of a paragraph
2 ways of developing a paragraph
1 development by time
2 development by process
3 development by space
4 development by example
5 development by comparison and contrast
6 development by cause and effect
7 development by classification
keys for reference
chapter 5 summarizing
1 uses of summary.writing
2 procedure
1 reading
2 writing
3 revision
keys for reference
chapter 6 composing essays
1 criteria of a good composition
2 steps in writing a composition
1. planning acomposition
2. writing the first draft
3. revising the first draft
4. making the final copy
3 three main parts of a composition
1. the beginning
2. the middle
3. the end
4 types of writing
1. narration
2. exposition
keys for reference
chapter 7 writing for practical purposes
1 notices
2 greetings, good wishes, and formal invitations
1. greetings
2. good wishes
3. formal invitations
3 notes
1. appointments
2. apologies
3. informal invitations
4. requests
5. thanks
6. messages
1 personal letters
2. business letters
3. envelopes
5 resumes
keys for reference
chapter8 preparing research papers
1.definition and purpose
1 choosing a topic
2.collecting information
3. analyzing the information, organizing ideas and working out an outline
4. writing the first draft
5. revising the draft and finalizing the paper
3 format
1. components of a paper
2. use of quotations
3. use of notes
4. works cited
a sample research paper
keys for reference
A Basic Course in Writing
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