英文共同题名:All-star workbook


作   者:Linda Lee[著];向前进主编;《全明星英语》教材改编组





《All-Star全明星英语学习辅导与自测2》内容简介:《全明星英语》立体化系列教材是在麦格劳一希尔公司出版的All-Star系列教材的基础上,结合中国成人高等教育英语教学的实际改编而成的。改编后的《全明星英语》系列教材无论是教学内容还是教学方法都更加符合我国英语教学的实际需要,不仅为成年人学习英语提供了难得的好教材,同时也适用于高职高专英语教学。 原书是为了专门帮助美国文化水平较低的成年人(尤其是外国移民)提高他们的英语基本语言技能而编写的教材,编者多是有多年教学经验的教师。全书所涉及的技能有: 1.语言文字技能:听、说、读、写语言技能;基本语法和发音技能以及运用和演算数字的技能; 2.处理日常生活的语言技能:涉及消费、环境保护、家庭和子女养育、政府和社区、合作、利用资源和服 务、健康和营养、人际交往、学习策略、安全保卫、电话通讯、时间和货币、交通和旅行等诸多方面; 3.劳动就业语言技能:涉及应用技术、保持就业、求职等诸多方面。


Unit 1 Describing People
Lesson 1: What's his last name?
Lesson 2: She has curly brown hair
Lesson 3: He looks tired
Lesson 4: Likes and Dislikes
Work Lesson: He will be late
Family Lesson: What is your child's first language?
Review Lesson: Practice Test
Spotlight: Grammar —— Simple Present Statements
Yes/No Questions with the Simple Present

Unit 2 Going Places
Lesson 1: Where can you buy stamps?
Lesson 2: How do I get there?
Lesson 3: It's next to the information desk
Lesson 4: Train Schedules
Family Lesson: What is your area code?
Work Lesson: It's on the 5th floor
Review Lesson: Practice Test

Unit 3 Dollars and Cents
Lesson 1: How much do you spend on groceries?
Lesson 2: Can you change a twenty?
Lesson 3: I'd like to make a deposit
Lesson 4: Checking Accounts
Community Lesson: Credit unions are like banks
Family Lesson: They need a good credit history
Review Lesson: Practice Test
Spotlight: Grammar —— Simple Past Statements
Questions with the Simple Past

Unit 4 Plans and Goals
Lesson 1: What are your goals?
Lesson 2: You should take a business course
Lesson 3: Who is going to get the job?
Lesson 4: An Immigrant Story
Family Lesson: Encourage your child to read
Work Lesson: Plan for your future at work
Review Lesson: Practice Test

Unit 5 Smart Shopping
Lesson 1: Do you have a heavy coat?
Lesson 2: Where do you buy shoes?
Lesson 3: I saved seven dollars
Lesson 4: A Shopper's Calendar
Work Lesson: What do you wear to work?
Family Lesson: Sign up for a gift registry
Review Lesson: Practice Test
Spotlight: Grammar — Comparative Forms of Adjectives
Superlative Forms of Adjectives

Unit 6 Food
Lesson 1: Did you eat any fish yesterday?
Lesson 2: Can you bring me a menu, please?
Lesson 3: Are you ready to order?
Lesson 4: Favorite Recipes
Family Lesson: What is your favorite holiday?
Work Lesson: What kind of event is it?
Review Lesson: Practice Test

Unit 7 Relationships
Lesson 1: She's Juan's grandmother
Lesson 2: Who's dancing with Tito?
Lesson 3: Sorry I'm late
Lesson 4: Family Traditions
Family Lesson: Use time outs
Work Lesson: Be a team player
Review Lesson: Practice Test
Spotlight: Grammar —— Two-Word Verbs
Count Nouns and Noncount Nouns

Unit 8 Health
Lesson 1: Muscles, bones, and joints
Lesson 2: Maybe you should see a doctor
Lesson 3: Did you go to the emergency room?
Lesson 4: Medicine Labels
Family Lesson: What is her father's health problem?
Community Lesson: When should you go to the ER?
Review Lesson: Practice Test

Unit 9 Home and Safety
Lesson 1: Did I unplug the coffeepot?
Lesson 2: The sink's leaking
Lesson 3: Fire!
Lesson 4: An Emergency Situation
Community Lesson: Listen to the radio broadcast
Work Lesson: Go to the nearest safe exit
Review Lesson: Practice Test
Spotlight: Grammar —— Future with Will
Future Conditional Statements

Unit 10 Work
Lesson 1: She works with numbers
Lesson 2: He works well with others
Lesson 3: I'd rather work full time
Lesson 4: Starting a New Job
Family Lesson
What is most important to you?
Community Lesson
She wears business casual clothes
Review Lesson: Practice Test
Big Picture Expansion
Key to Exercises (Workbook)
Key to Supplemental Translation Exercises



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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