Principles of auditing and other assurance services / 14th ed.
作 者:O. Ray Whittington, Kurt Pany.
Whittington/Pany's "Principles of Auditing," is a market leader in the auditing discipline. Until October 2002, Ray Whittington was a member of the Audit Standards Board and prior to Ray being on the ASB, Kurt Pany was on the board. This has had a major impact on this revision of the text as Whittington has been involved in the audit standards creation process. "Principles of Auditing" presents concepts clearly and proactively monitors changes in auditing making the relationship between accounting and auditing understandable. The 16th edition maintains the organization and balance sheet orientation, while adding and enhancing topics of Risk, Assurance Services, Fraud, E-Commerce, and the latest auditing standards to meet the needs of the current marketplace.
The Role of the Public Accountant in the American Economy
Professional Standards
Professional Ethics
Legal Liability of CPAs
Audit Evidence and Documentation
Planning the Audit; Linking Audit Procedures to Risk
Internal Control
Consideration of Internal Control in a Information Technology Environment
Audit Sampling
Cash and Financial Investments
Accounts Receivable, Notes Receivable, and Revenue
Inventories and Cost of Goods Sold
Property, Plant, and Equipment: Depreciation and Depletion
Accounts Payable and Other Liabilities
Debt and Equity Capital
Auditing Operations and Completing the Audit
Auditors' Report
Special Reports and Accounting and Review Services
Other Assurance Services
Internal, Operational, and Compliance Auditing
Professional Standards
Professional Ethics
Legal Liability of CPAs
Audit Evidence and Documentation
Planning the Audit; Linking Audit Procedures to Risk
Internal Control
Consideration of Internal Control in a Information Technology Environment
Audit Sampling
Cash and Financial Investments
Accounts Receivable, Notes Receivable, and Revenue
Inventories and Cost of Goods Sold
Property, Plant, and Equipment: Depreciation and Depletion
Accounts Payable and Other Liabilities
Debt and Equity Capital
Auditing Operations and Completing the Audit
Auditors' Report
Special Reports and Accounting and Review Services
Other Assurance Services
Internal, Operational, and Compliance Auditing
Principles of auditing and other assurance services / 14th ed.
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