《新编商务英语口语教程.1(第二版)》全部课文围绕一个美国商人henry white一家在中国和英美等国的日常生活和商务活动展开,涉及经济、贸易、工农业、教育、旅游、投资、金融、劳务、地产等领域中的考察、谈判、签约、网上交易、电子商务等等。每个单元都有一个中心话题和与话题相关的课堂练习活动,旨在促使学生将口语学习不仅仅停留在传统的机械背诵和模仿上,而是通过大量的任务型课堂活动来强化英语语言的运用能力,使英语真正成为表达学生个人情感和思想的“交际工具”。
unit one introducing
unit two greeting
unit three weather
unit four e-communication
unit five requests and offers
unit six advice and suggestion
unit seven agreement and disagreement
unit eight like and dislike
unit nine invitation
unit ten food and meal
unit eleven shopping
unit twelve on the way
unit thirteen seeing the doctor
unit fourteen sports and exercises
unit fifteen entertainment
unit sixteen birthday and holiday
unit one introducing
unit two greeting
unit three weather
unit four e-communication
unit five requests and offers
unit six advice and suggestion
unit seven agreement and disagreement
unit eight like and dislike
unit nine invitation
unit ten food and meal
unit eleven shopping
unit twelve on the way
unit thirteen seeing the doctor
unit fourteen sports and exercises
unit fifteen entertainment
unit sixteen birthday and holiday
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