Northstar listening and speaking/ basic/low intermediate 2nd ed H31


作   者:Robin Mills, Laurie Frazier.





Explore fascinating content while building language competence and critical thinking skills. The best-selling NorthStar series offers two strands: a reading and writing strand and a listening and speaking strand. Both strands stimulate students' imagination, encourage critical thinking, and promote personal expression.


Scope and Sequence Unit 1 Offbeat Jobs Theme: Work Listening One: What's My Job? A game show Listening Two: More Offbeat Jobs A report on an unusual website Vocabulary: Context clues, dictionary work, word definitions Grammar: Descriptive adjectives Unit 2 A Piece of the Country in the City Theme: The Country and the City Listening One: The CommunityGardens A radio interview Listening Two: Let's Hear from Our Listeners A radio call-in show Vocabulary: Context clues, word definitions Grammar: Simple past tense Unit 3 A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned Theme: Money Listening One: A Barter Network A community meeting Listening Two: Saving Money Three conversations Vocabulary: Context clues, word definitions Grammar: Comparative adjectives Unit 4 At Your Service: Service Animals Theme: Animals Listening One: Kimba, the Hero Dog A news report Listening Two: Do People Help Animals Too? A conversation Vocabulary: Context clues, word definitions, synonyms, appropriate word usage Grammar: Simple present tense -- wh- questions with do Unit 5 "Celletiquette" Theme: Cell phone etiquette Listening One: Everyone Has an Opinion A radio call-in show Listening Two: Our Listeners Write A radio call-in show Vocabulary: Word definitions, context clues, appropriate word usage Grammar: Verbs plus gerunds and infinitives Unit 6 Is It Women's Work? Theme: Male and Female Roles Listening One: Who's Taking Care of the Children? A TV talk show Listening Two: Who is Right for the Job? Three conversations Vocabulary: Context clues, word definitions, idiomatic expressions Grammar: Adverbs and expressions of frequency Unit 7 Good-Mood Foods Theme: Food Listening One: Would You Like to Be on the Radio? A radio show Listening Two: What's the Matter? Four cases Vocabulary: Word definitions, synonyms, vocabulary classification, context clues, word association Grammar: Count and non-count nouns Unit 8 An Ice Placeto Stay Theme: Travel Listening One: An Unusual Vacation A travel hotline Listening Two: Vacations Around the World Three Vacation packages Vocabulary: Context clues, dictionary work, vocabulary classification Grammar: Can andcan't Unit 9 Staying Healthy Theme: Health and Illness Listening One: Thin-Fast A radio commercial Listening Two: Health Problems and Remedies Two conversations Vocabulary: Word definitions, context clues Grammar: Should, ought to, and have to Unit 10 Endangered Languages Theme: Endangered Languages Listening One: Language Loss A class session Listening Two: My Life, My Language An autobiographical account Vocabulary: Word definitions, context clues, editing inaccurate definitions Grammar: Future with will Student Activities Grammar Book References Audioscript The Phonetic Alphabet



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