This book serves as the most successful introduction to biology published in the last 10 years, and remains the only one written and illustrated from the ground up. The " biological literacy" approach continues to be paramount--from the journalistic writing style and original, Krogh specific illustrations to the seamless integration of media A seven-part organization covers essential parts: atoms, molecules, and cells; energy and its transformation; how life goes on: genetics; life's organizing principle: evolution and the diversity of life; a bounty that feeds us all: plants; what makes the organism tick? animal anatomy and physiology; and the living world as a whole: ecology and behavior. For the promotion of biological literacy--to make individuals aware that they need it to participate in the workforce, make everyday decisions, and make informed choices at the ballot box.
Science as a Way of Learning: A Guide to the Natural World
Essential Parts: Atoms, Molecules, and Cells
The Fundamental Building Blocks: Chemistry and Life
Water, pH, and Biological Molecules
Life's Home: The Cell
Life's Border: The Plasma Membrane
Energy and Its Transformation
Life's Mainspring: An Introduction to Energy
Vital Harvest: Deriving Energy from Food
The Green World's Gift: Photosynthesis
How Life Goes On: Genetics
Introduction to Genetics Mitosis and Cytokinesis
Preparing for Sexual Reproduction: Meiosis
The First Geneticist: Mendel and His Discoveries
Chromosomes and Inheritance
DNA Structure and Replication
How Proteins Are Made: Genetic Transcription, Translation, and Regulation
The Future Isn't What It Used to Be: Biotechnology
Life's Organizing Principle: Evolution and The Diversity Of Life
An Introduction to Evolution: Charles Darwin, Evolutionary Thought, and the Evidence for Evolution
The Means of Evolution: Microevolution
The Outcomes of Evolution: Macroevolution
A Slow Unfolding: The History of Life on Earth
Viruses, Bacteria, Archaea, and Protists: The Diversity of Life 1
Fungi and Plants: The Diversity of Life 2
Animals: The Diversity of Life 3
A Bounty That Feeds Us All: Plants
An Introduction to Flowering Plants
Form and Function in Flowering Plants
What Makes The Organism Tick? Animal Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Animal Anatomy and Physiology: The Integumentary, Skeletal, and Muscular Systems
Communication and Control: The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Defense: The Immune System
Transport, Nutrition, and Exchange: Blood, Breath, Digestion, and Elimination
An Amazingly Detailed Script: Animal Development
How the Baby Came to Be: Human Reproduction
The Living World As A Whole: Ecology and Behavior
An Interactive Living World: Populations and Communities in Ecology
An Interactive Living World: Ecosystems and the Biosphere
Animal Behavior
Essential Parts: Atoms, Molecules, and Cells
The Fundamental Building Blocks: Chemistry and Life
Water, pH, and Biological Molecules
Life's Home: The Cell
Life's Border: The Plasma Membrane
Energy and Its Transformation
Life's Mainspring: An Introduction to Energy
Vital Harvest: Deriving Energy from Food
The Green World's Gift: Photosynthesis
How Life Goes On: Genetics
Introduction to Genetics Mitosis and Cytokinesis
Preparing for Sexual Reproduction: Meiosis
The First Geneticist: Mendel and His Discoveries
Chromosomes and Inheritance
DNA Structure and Replication
How Proteins Are Made: Genetic Transcription, Translation, and Regulation
The Future Isn't What It Used to Be: Biotechnology
Life's Organizing Principle: Evolution and The Diversity Of Life
An Introduction to Evolution: Charles Darwin, Evolutionary Thought, and the Evidence for Evolution
The Means of Evolution: Microevolution
The Outcomes of Evolution: Macroevolution
A Slow Unfolding: The History of Life on Earth
Viruses, Bacteria, Archaea, and Protists: The Diversity of Life 1
Fungi and Plants: The Diversity of Life 2
Animals: The Diversity of Life 3
A Bounty That Feeds Us All: Plants
An Introduction to Flowering Plants
Form and Function in Flowering Plants
What Makes The Organism Tick? Animal Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Animal Anatomy and Physiology: The Integumentary, Skeletal, and Muscular Systems
Communication and Control: The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Defense: The Immune System
Transport, Nutrition, and Exchange: Blood, Breath, Digestion, and Elimination
An Amazingly Detailed Script: Animal Development
How the Baby Came to Be: Human Reproduction
The Living World As A Whole: Ecology and Behavior
An Interactive Living World: Populations and Communities in Ecology
An Interactive Living World: Ecosystems and the Biosphere
Animal Behavior
Biology : a guide to the natural world / 2nd ed.
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