

作   者:Mark Ibbotson









1 Drawings 8

A Drawing types and scales

B Types of views used on drawings

2 Design development 10

A Initial design phase

B Collaborative development

3 Design solutions 12

A Design objectives

B Design calculations


4 Horizontal and vertical measurements 14

A Linear dimensions

B Level and plumb

5 Locating and setting out 16

A Centrelines and offsets

B Grids

6 Dimensions of circles 18

A Key dimensions of circles

B Pipe dimensions

7 Dimensional accuracy 20

A Precision and tolerance

B Fit

8 Numbers and calculations 22

A Decimals and fractions

B Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

9 Area, size and mass 24

A Area

B Weight, mass, volume and density

10 Measurable parameters 26

A Supply, demand and capacity

B Input, output and effi ciency


11 Material types 28

A Metals and non-metals

B Elements, compounds and mixtures

C Composite materials

12 Steel 30

A Carbon steels

B Alloy steels

C Corrosion

13 Non-ferrous metals 32

A Common non-ferrous engineering metals

B Plating with non-ferrous metals

14 Polymers 34

A Natural and synthetic polymers

B Thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics

15 Minerals and ceramics 36

A Mineral and ceramic engineering materials

B Glass

16 Concrete 38

A Concrete mix design

B Reinforced concrete

17 Wood 40

A Categories of wood

B Solid structural timber

C Engineered wood

18 Material properties 1 42

A Tensile strength and deformation

B Elasticity and plasticity

C Stages in elastic and plastic deformation

19 Material properties 2 44

A Hardness

B Fatigue, fracture toughness and creep

C Basic thermal properties

20 Forming, working and heat-treating metal 46

A Casting, sintering and extruding metal

B Working metal

C Heat-treating metal

21 Material formats 48

A Raw materials for processing

B Formats of processed materials


22 3D component features 50

A 3D forms of edges and joints

B 3D forms of holes and fasteners

23 Machining 1 52

A Machining and CNC

B Machining with cutting tools

24 Machining 2 54

A Guillotining and punching

B High-temperature metal cutting techniques

C Laser cutting and UHP waterjets

25 Interconnection 56

A Attaching and supporting

B Fitting together

26 Mechanical fasteners 1 58

A Bolts

B Preload in bolted joints

C Washers

27 Mechanical fasteners 2 60

A Screws

B Screw anchors

C Rivets

28 Non-mechanical joints 1 62

A Welding

B Common gas and arc welding techniques

29 Non-mechanical joints 2 64

A Specialized welding techniques

B Brazing and soldering

C Adhesives


30 Load, stress and strain 66

A Load

B Stress and strain

31 Force, deformation and failure 68

A Types of force and deformation

B Types of failure

32 Structural mechanics 70

A Statically determinate structures

B Resultant forces and centre of gravity

C Frames and trusses

33 Motion and simple machines 72

A Acceleration and motion

B Inertia

C Simple machines

34 Moving parts 74

A Angular motion

B Rotary and reciprocating motion

C Engine revs

D Friction


35 Energy 76

A Forms of energy

B Energy effi ciency

C Work and power

36 Heat and temperature 78

A Changes of temperature and state

B Heat transfer


37 Fluid containment 80

A Pipes, ducts and hoses

B Tanks

C Pumps, fans and turbines

38 Fluid pressure 82

A Gauge pressure and absolute pressure

B Hydrostatic pressure and siphonic action

39 Fluid dynamics 84

A Fluid dynamics and aerodynamics

B Drag

C Laminar fl ow and turbulent fl ow

D Aerofoils


40 Engines and motors 86

A Types and functions of engines and motors

B Internal combustion engines

41 Transmission 1 88

A Gears

B Gear ratios

C Types of gear wheel

42 Transmission 2 90

A Chains, sprockets and pulleys

B Conversion between reciprocating and rotary motion


43 Current, voltage and resistance 92

A Electric current

B Voltage and resistance

C Electrical power

44 Electrical supply 94

A Direct current and alternating current

B AC generation and supply

C DC generation and use

45 Circuits and components 96

A Simple circuits

B Mains AC circuits and switchboards

C Printed and integrated circuits

D Electrical and electronic components

Appendix I 98

Three-dimensional drawings

Appendix II 99


Appendix III 100

Units of measurement

Appendix IV 104

Chemical elements

Appendix V 106

Structural elements and types of load

Appendix VI 108


Appendix VII 109

Vapour, cooling and thermal inertia

Appendix VIII 110

The electromagnetic spectrum

Appendix IX 111

Pipe and hose fi ttings and valves

Appendix X 112

Siphonic action

Appendix XI 113

Managing rotary motion

Appendix XII 114

Electrical and electronic components

Appendix XIII 118

Sensing, measuring and regulating devices

Answer key 119

Index 130

Acknowledgements 143



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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