Data structures and algorithm analysis in Java
机械工业出版社华章公司较早意识到“出版要为教育服务”。自1998年开始,我们就将工作重点放在了遴选、移译国外优秀教材上。经过多年的不懈努力,我们与Pcarson。McGraw.Hill,Elsevier,MIT,John Wiley&Sons,Cengage等世界著名出版公司建立厂良好的合作关系,从他们现有的数百种教材中甄选出Andrew S.Tanenbanm,Biame Stroustrup,Brain w Kemighan,Dennis Ritchie,Jim Gray,Afred V Aho。John E.Hopcroft.Jeffrey D.Ullman,Abraham Silberschatz,William Stallings,Donald E.Knuth.John L.Hennessy,Larry L.Peterson等大师名家的一批经典作品,以“计算机科学丛书”为总称出版,供读者学习、研究及珍藏。大理石纹理的封面,也正体现了这套丛书的品位和格调。
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 What's the Book About?
1.2 Mathematics Review
1.2.1 Exponents
1.2.2 Logarichms
1.2.3 Series
1.2.4 Modular Arithmetic
1.2.5 The P Word
1.3 A Brief Inroduction to Recursion
1.4 Implementing Generic Components Pre-Java
1.4.1 Using Object for Genericicy
1.4.2 Wrappers for Primitive Types
1.4.3 Usinglnterface Types for Genericity
1.4.4 Compatibility of Array Types
1.5 Implementing Generic Components Usingjava 5 Generics
1.5.1 Simple Generic Classes and Interfaces
1.5.2 Autoboxing/Unboxing
1.5.3 TheDiamond Operator
1.5.4 Wildcardswith Bounds
1.5.5 Generic Static Methods
1.5.6 Type Bounds
1.5.7 TypeErasure
1.5.8 Restrictions onGenerics
1.6 Function Objects
Chapter 2 Algorithm Analysis
2.1 MathematicalBackground
2.2 Model
2.3 What to Analyze
2.4 Running Time Calculations
2.4.1 A Simple Example
2.4.2 General Rules
2.4.3 Solutions for the Maximum Subsequence Sum Problem
2.4.4 Logamhms in the RunningTime
2.4.5 A Grain of Salt
Chapter 3 Lists,Stacks,and Queues
3.1 Abstract Data Types (ADTs)
3.2 The List ADT
3.2.1 Simple Array Implementation of Lists
3.2.2 Simple Linked Lists
3.3 Listsin the java Collections API
3.3.1 Collectionlnterfac
3.3.2 Iterator
3.3.3 The List Interface, ArrayList, and LinkedList
3.3.4 Example:UsingremoveonaLinkedList
3.3.5 Listlterators
3.4 Implementation of ArrayList
3.4.1 The Basic Class
3.4.2 The Iterator and Java.Nested and Inner Classes
3.5 Implementation of LinkedList
3.6 The StackADT
3.6.1 Stack Model
Chapter 4 Trees
Chapter 5 Hashing
Chapter 6 Priority Queues(Heaps)
Chapter 7 Sorting
Chapter 8 The Disjoint Set Class
Chapter 9 Graph Algorithms
Chapter 10 Algorithm Desing Techniques
Chapter 11 Amortized Analysis
Chapter 12 Advanced Data Sturctures and Implementation
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 What's the Book About?
1.2 Mathematics Review
1.2.1 Exponents
1.2.2 Logarichms
1.2.3 Series
1.2.4 Modular Arithmetic
1.2.5 The P Word
1.3 A Brief Inroduction to Recursion
1.4 Implementing Generic Components Pre-Java
1.4.1 Using Object for Genericicy
1.4.2 Wrappers for Primitive Types
1.4.3 Usinglnterface Types for Genericity
1.4.4 Compatibility of Array Types
1.5 Implementing Generic Components Usingjava 5 Generics
1.5.1 Simple Generic Classes and Interfaces
1.5.2 Autoboxing/Unboxing
1.5.3 TheDiamond Operator
1.5.4 Wildcardswith Bounds
1.5.5 Generic Static Methods
1.5.6 Type Bounds
1.5.7 TypeErasure
1.5.8 Restrictions onGenerics
1.6 Function Objects
Chapter 2 Algorithm Analysis
2.1 MathematicalBackground
2.2 Model
2.3 What to Analyze
2.4 Running Time Calculations
2.4.1 A Simple Example
2.4.2 General Rules
2.4.3 Solutions for the Maximum Subsequence Sum Problem
2.4.4 Logamhms in the RunningTime
2.4.5 A Grain of Salt
Chapter 3 Lists,Stacks,and Queues
3.1 Abstract Data Types (ADTs)
3.2 The List ADT
3.2.1 Simple Array Implementation of Lists
3.2.2 Simple Linked Lists
3.3 Listsin the java Collections API
3.3.1 Collectionlnterfac
3.3.2 Iterator
3.3.3 The List Interface, ArrayList, and LinkedList
3.3.4 Example:UsingremoveonaLinkedList
3.3.5 Listlterators
3.4 Implementation of ArrayList
3.4.1 The Basic Class
3.4.2 The Iterator and Java.Nested and Inner Classes
3.5 Implementation of LinkedList
3.6 The StackADT
3.6.1 Stack Model
Chapter 4 Trees
Chapter 5 Hashing
Chapter 6 Priority Queues(Heaps)
Chapter 7 Sorting
Chapter 8 The Disjoint Set Class
Chapter 9 Graph Algorithms
Chapter 10 Algorithm Desing Techniques
Chapter 11 Amortized Analysis
Chapter 12 Advanced Data Sturctures and Implementation
Data structures and algorithm analysis in Java
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