chapter 1 digital systems and vlsi .
1.1 why design integrated circuits?
1.2 integrated circuit manufacturing
1.3 cmos technology
1.4 integrated circuit design techniques
1.5 ip-based design
1.6 a look into the future
1.7 summary
1.8 references
1.9 problems
chapter 2 fabrication and devices
2.1 introduction
2.2 fabrication processes
2.3 transistors
2.4 wires and vias
2.5 fabrication theory and practice
2.6 reliability
2.7 layout design and tools
2.8 references
2.9 problems
.chapter 3 logic gates
3.1 introduction
3.2 combinational logic functions
3.3 static complementary gates
3.4 switch logic
3.5 alternative gate circuits
3.6 low-power gates
3.7 delay through resistive interconnect
3.8 delay through inductive interconnect
3.9 design-for-yield
3.10 gates as ip
3.11 references
3.12 problems
chapter 4 combinational logic networks
4.1 introduction
4.2 standard cell-based layout
4.3 combinational network delay
4.4 logic and interconnect design
4.5 power optimization
4.6 switch logic networks
4.7 combinational logic testing
4.8 references
4.9 problems
chapter 5 sequential machines
5.1 introduction
5.2 latches and flip-flops
5.3 sequential systems and clocking disciplines
5.4 performance analysis
5.5 clock generation ..
5.6 sequential system design
5.7 power optimization
5.8 design validation
5.9 sequential testing
5.10 references
5.11 problems
chapter 6 subsystem design
6.1 introduction
6.2 combinational shifters
6.3 adders
6.4 alus
6.5 multipliers
6.6 high-density memory
6.7 image sensors
6.8 field-programmable gate arrays
6.9 programmable logic arrays
6.10 buses and networks-on-chips
6.11 data paths
6.12 subsystems as ip
6.13 references
6.14 problems
chapter 7 floorplanning
7.1 introduction
7.2 floorplanning methods
7.3 global interconnect
7.4 floorplan design
7.5 off-chip connections
7.6 references
7.7 problems
chapter 8 architecture design
8.1 introduction
8.2 hardware description languages
8.3 register-transfer design
8.4 pipelining
8.5 high-level synthesis
8.6 architectures for low power
8.7 gals systems
8.8 architecture testing
8.9 ip components
8.10 design methodologies
8.11 multiprocessor system-on-chip design
8.12 references
8.13 problems
appendix a a chip designer's lexicon
appendix b hardware description languages
b.1 introduction
b.2 verilog
b.3 vhdl
index ...
1.1 why design integrated circuits?
1.2 integrated circuit manufacturing
1.3 cmos technology
1.4 integrated circuit design techniques
1.5 ip-based design
1.6 a look into the future
1.7 summary
1.8 references
1.9 problems
chapter 2 fabrication and devices
2.1 introduction
2.2 fabrication processes
2.3 transistors
2.4 wires and vias
2.5 fabrication theory and practice
2.6 reliability
2.7 layout design and tools
2.8 references
2.9 problems
.chapter 3 logic gates
3.1 introduction
3.2 combinational logic functions
3.3 static complementary gates
3.4 switch logic
3.5 alternative gate circuits
3.6 low-power gates
3.7 delay through resistive interconnect
3.8 delay through inductive interconnect
3.9 design-for-yield
3.10 gates as ip
3.11 references
3.12 problems
chapter 4 combinational logic networks
4.1 introduction
4.2 standard cell-based layout
4.3 combinational network delay
4.4 logic and interconnect design
4.5 power optimization
4.6 switch logic networks
4.7 combinational logic testing
4.8 references
4.9 problems
chapter 5 sequential machines
5.1 introduction
5.2 latches and flip-flops
5.3 sequential systems and clocking disciplines
5.4 performance analysis
5.5 clock generation ..
5.6 sequential system design
5.7 power optimization
5.8 design validation
5.9 sequential testing
5.10 references
5.11 problems
chapter 6 subsystem design
6.1 introduction
6.2 combinational shifters
6.3 adders
6.4 alus
6.5 multipliers
6.6 high-density memory
6.7 image sensors
6.8 field-programmable gate arrays
6.9 programmable logic arrays
6.10 buses and networks-on-chips
6.11 data paths
6.12 subsystems as ip
6.13 references
6.14 problems
chapter 7 floorplanning
7.1 introduction
7.2 floorplanning methods
7.3 global interconnect
7.4 floorplan design
7.5 off-chip connections
7.6 references
7.7 problems
chapter 8 architecture design
8.1 introduction
8.2 hardware description languages
8.3 register-transfer design
8.4 pipelining
8.5 high-level synthesis
8.6 architectures for low power
8.7 gals systems
8.8 architecture testing
8.9 ip components
8.10 design methodologies
8.11 multiprocessor system-on-chip design
8.12 references
8.13 problems
appendix a a chip designer's lexicon
appendix b hardware description languages
b.1 introduction
b.2 verilog
b.3 vhdl
index ...
Modern VLSI design:IP-based design
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