1 企业英语热身派
1.工商人每日一句/modern talks
2.上班前的准备活动/warming up before work
3.基本商业书信/basic business letters
4.如何拨通国际电话/how to place an international call
5.必备重要简称/useful abbreviations
2 英语大谈生意经
1.我们要订购你们的产品/we'd like to order your products.
2.你们的船货尚未到达/your shipment hasn't arrived yet.
3.电脑出了问题/the computer does not work properly.
4.你能确定发送日期吗?/would you confirm the dispatch date?
5.你们如何解决这件事?/what can you do to solve the matter?
6.请您寄出信用状好吗?/would you send a letter of credit?
7.让我们开始谈生意/let's get down to business.
8.准备契约草案/preparing a draft of the contract
9.让我考虑一下/let me think it over.
10.你们对条款不满意吗?/aren't you satisfied with the term?
11.我们可以起草一份正式契约/we can draw up a formal contract.
12.订立契约/concluding the contract
13.抱歉,我迟到了/sorry,i'm late.
.14.参加家庭宴会/going to a home party
15.宴会结束/the party is over.
16.不当宴会壁花/be the life of the party.
17.愉快地去参加宴会/go happily to the party.
3 商务文件面面观
1.信用状的种类/types of l/c
2.银行的义务和责任/liabilities and responsibilities of banks
3.装船文件1/shipping documents 1
4.装船文件2/shipping documents 2
5.海运提单/marine bills of lading
6.其他装船文件/other shipping documents
7.保险文件/insurance documents
8.装船、装货或发货/shipment,loading or dispatch
9.商业发票/commercial invoice
10.押汇作业/negotiating a documentary bill of exchange
11.呈交与日期的专门术语/presentation & date terms
12.外汇汇率/foreign exchange rate
4 琳琅满目话商展
1.策划参展须知/general information for a fair
2.布置展台/decorating the booth
3.介绍产品/introducing the products
5 为个人和公司设计形象
1.我可以自我介绍吗?/may i introduce myself?
2.你好吗?/how are you?
3.你好/how do you do.
4.我想见~先生/i would like to meet mr.~.
5.让我来介绍~/let me introduce~
6.很高兴认识~/glad to have met~
7.你听说过我们公司?/have you heard of our company?
8.abc的创始人是谁?/who is the founder of abc?
9.主要制造商之一/one of the leading manufacturers
10.你们最大的市场在哪里?/where is your biggest market?
11.电脑在中国的应用/computers used in china
12.你们的市场份额如何?/what's your market share?
6 电话热线的魅力
1.这里是白公馆吗?/is this the white residence?
2.有一个,打来的付费电话/we have a collect call from~
3.我要和,说话/i'd like to talk to~
4.安排约会/making an appointment
5.请拼出名字好吗?/would you please spell the name?
6.电话预定机票/phoning for a flight reservation
7 出差充电专辑
1.在入境室/at the immigration office
2.请申报关税/your customs declaration,please.
3.搭出租车/getting a taxi
4.您有预定吗?/do you have a reservation?
5.洗衣服务/laundry service
6.我要结帐/i'm checking out.
7.你能告诉我如何到~吗?/could you tell me how to get to~
8.独自在餐厅用餐/having dinner alone in a restaurant
9.我想吃些肉菜/i'd like to have some meat dishes.
10.我的胃有点不舒服/my stomach became upset.
11.租车/renting a car
12.还车/bringing the car back
13.在银行/at the bank
14.在邮局/at the post office
15.需要帮忙吗?/need some help?
16.对不起,我不知道/i'm sorry,i don't know.
17.兑换旅行支票/exchanging traveller's checks
18.在商店中/at the shop
8 办公室花絮
1.求职自我推销术/selling oneself in a job interview
2.求职面试/interviewing a job applicant
3.第一天上班/the first day on the job
4.参加业务会议/participating in a business meeting
5.午餐时间/over lunch
6.女性主管/working for a female boss
1.工商人每日一句/modern talks
2.上班前的准备活动/warming up before work
3.基本商业书信/basic business letters
4.如何拨通国际电话/how to place an international call
5.必备重要简称/useful abbreviations
2 英语大谈生意经
1.我们要订购你们的产品/we'd like to order your products.
2.你们的船货尚未到达/your shipment hasn't arrived yet.
3.电脑出了问题/the computer does not work properly.
4.你能确定发送日期吗?/would you confirm the dispatch date?
5.你们如何解决这件事?/what can you do to solve the matter?
6.请您寄出信用状好吗?/would you send a letter of credit?
7.让我们开始谈生意/let's get down to business.
8.准备契约草案/preparing a draft of the contract
9.让我考虑一下/let me think it over.
10.你们对条款不满意吗?/aren't you satisfied with the term?
11.我们可以起草一份正式契约/we can draw up a formal contract.
12.订立契约/concluding the contract
13.抱歉,我迟到了/sorry,i'm late.
.14.参加家庭宴会/going to a home party
15.宴会结束/the party is over.
16.不当宴会壁花/be the life of the party.
17.愉快地去参加宴会/go happily to the party.
3 商务文件面面观
1.信用状的种类/types of l/c
2.银行的义务和责任/liabilities and responsibilities of banks
3.装船文件1/shipping documents 1
4.装船文件2/shipping documents 2
5.海运提单/marine bills of lading
6.其他装船文件/other shipping documents
7.保险文件/insurance documents
8.装船、装货或发货/shipment,loading or dispatch
9.商业发票/commercial invoice
10.押汇作业/negotiating a documentary bill of exchange
11.呈交与日期的专门术语/presentation & date terms
12.外汇汇率/foreign exchange rate
4 琳琅满目话商展
1.策划参展须知/general information for a fair
2.布置展台/decorating the booth
3.介绍产品/introducing the products
5 为个人和公司设计形象
1.我可以自我介绍吗?/may i introduce myself?
2.你好吗?/how are you?
3.你好/how do you do.
4.我想见~先生/i would like to meet mr.~.
5.让我来介绍~/let me introduce~
6.很高兴认识~/glad to have met~
7.你听说过我们公司?/have you heard of our company?
8.abc的创始人是谁?/who is the founder of abc?
9.主要制造商之一/one of the leading manufacturers
10.你们最大的市场在哪里?/where is your biggest market?
11.电脑在中国的应用/computers used in china
12.你们的市场份额如何?/what's your market share?
6 电话热线的魅力
1.这里是白公馆吗?/is this the white residence?
2.有一个,打来的付费电话/we have a collect call from~
3.我要和,说话/i'd like to talk to~
4.安排约会/making an appointment
5.请拼出名字好吗?/would you please spell the name?
6.电话预定机票/phoning for a flight reservation
7 出差充电专辑
1.在入境室/at the immigration office
2.请申报关税/your customs declaration,please.
3.搭出租车/getting a taxi
4.您有预定吗?/do you have a reservation?
5.洗衣服务/laundry service
6.我要结帐/i'm checking out.
7.你能告诉我如何到~吗?/could you tell me how to get to~
8.独自在餐厅用餐/having dinner alone in a restaurant
9.我想吃些肉菜/i'd like to have some meat dishes.
10.我的胃有点不舒服/my stomach became upset.
11.租车/renting a car
12.还车/bringing the car back
13.在银行/at the bank
14.在邮局/at the post office
15.需要帮忙吗?/need some help?
16.对不起,我不知道/i'm sorry,i don't know.
17.兑换旅行支票/exchanging traveller's checks
18.在商店中/at the shop
8 办公室花絮
1.求职自我推销术/selling oneself in a job interview
2.求职面试/interviewing a job applicant
3.第一天上班/the first day on the job
4.参加业务会议/participating in a business meeting
5.午餐时间/over lunch
6.女性主管/working for a female boss
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