*章 头 部
第二节 颅骨
图1-1 额骨前面观 Anterioraspect of the frontal bone
图1-2 筛骨 Ethmoid bone
图1-3 蝶骨前面观 Anterioraspect of the sphenoid bone
图1-4 蝶骨上面观 Superioraspect of the sphenoid bone
图1-5 颞骨外面观 Externalaspect of the temporal bone
图1-6 颞骨内面观 Internalaspect of the temporal bone
图1-7 下颌骨外面观 Externalaspect of the mandible
图1-8 下颌骨内面观 Internalaspect of the mandible
图1-9 舌骨 Hyoid bone
图1-10 上颌骨外面观 Externalaspect of the maxilla
图1-11 上颌骨内面观 Internalaspect of the maxilla
图1-12 腭骨 Palatine bone
图1-13 颅底内面观 Internal aspectof the skull base
图1-14 颅底外面观 External aspectof the skull base
图1-15 颈动脉管(上壁后段打开) Carotid canal (the posterior part of the superiorwall was opened)
图1-16 颈动脉管(下壁打开)Carotid canal (the inferior wall wasopened)
图1-17 颈动脉管外口Externalaperture ofthe carotid canal
图1-18 颈静脉孔骨间桥Bony bridge of the jugular foramen
图1-19 颅前面观 Anterioraspect of theskull
图1-20 颅侧面观 Lateral aspect of theskull
图1-21 颅后面观 Posterioraspect of the skull
图1-22 颅矢状切面(鼻腔外侧壁结构) Sagittal section of theskull(lateral wall of the bony nasal cavity)
图1-23 鼻旁窦及开口 Paranasal sinuses and their debouch
图1-24 颅冠状切面 Coronarysection of the skull
图1-25 新生儿颅 Skull of the newborn
图1-26 板障静脉 Diploic veins
图1-27 分离颅骨前面观 Anterior aspect of theseparated skull
图1-28 分离颅骨侧面观 Lateral aspect of theseparated skull
图1-29 分离颅骨后面观 Posterior aspect of theseparated skull
图1-30 颞下颌关节 Temporomandibular joint
图1-31 颞下颌关节矢状切 Sagittal section throughthetemporomandibular joint
图1-32 面肌前面观 Anterior aspect of thefacial muscle
图1-33 耳肌侧面观Lateral aspect of the auricular muscle
图1-34 面部浅层结构左侧面观 Left lateral aspect of the superficialstructuresof the face
图1-35 面部浅层结构右侧面观 Right lateral aspect of the superficialstructures ofthe face
图1-36 面部皮肤血管铸型 Vascular cast of the facial skin
图1-37 面颊部穿支皮瓣 Perforator flap ofthe cheek
图1-38 面颊部转移皮瓣 Transfer flap inthe cheek
图1-39 面颊部皮瓣受区 Recipient site of the skin flap inthe cheek
图1-40 面颊部皮瓣的临床应用(术后) Clinicalapplication of the skin flap in the cheek(afteroperation)
图1-41 面部血管神经前面观 Anterior aspect of the facial vessel and nerve
图1-42 面部血管神经左侧面观 Left lateral aspect of the facial vessel and nerve
图1-43 面部血管神经右侧面观 Right lateral aspect of the facial vessel and nerve
图1-44 腮腺的形态、毗邻 Morphology and adjacent structures of the parotidgland
图1-45 腮腺与腮腺管 Parotid gland and parotid duct
图1-46 腮腺与面神经的分支 Parotid gland and branch of the facial nerve
图1-47 腮腺床浅层结构 Superficial structures of the parotid bed
图1-48 腮腺床深层结构(一)Deep structures of the parotid bed(1)
图1-49 腮腺床深层结构(二)Deep structures of the parotid bed(2)
图1-50 腮腺横切面 A transverse section of the parotid gland
图1-51 头皮血管上面观 Superioraspect of the vessel of the scalp
图1-52 头皮血管神经前面观 Anterioraspect of the vessel and nerve of the scalp
图1-53 头皮血管神经左侧面观 Left aspect ofthe vessel and nerve of the scalp
图1-54 头皮血管神经右侧面观Right aspect of the vessel and nerve of the scalp
图1-55 左侧颞浅动脉 Left superficial temporal artery
图1-56 头皮血管神经后面观 Posterioraspect of the vessel and nerve of the scalp
图1-57 眶区浅层结构前面观 Anterioraspect of the superficial structures of the orbital region
图1-58 眶上皮瓣 Supraorbitalskin flap
图1-59 额颞部皮瓣 Frontotemporal skin flap
图1-60 颞区皮瓣 Temporal skin flap
图1-61 颞区手术入路切口(一)Incision of thetemporalregion(1)
图1-62 颞区手术入路切口(二)Incisionof thetemporalregion(2)
图1-63 颞区层次结构Layeredstructures of the temporal region
图1-64 颞枕皮瓣 Temporo-occipital skin flap
图1-65 右侧颞枕皮瓣X线片X ray of the right temporo-occipital skinflap
图1-66 耳后皮瓣 Posterior auricular skin flap
图1-67 左侧耳后皮瓣X线片 X ray of the left posterior auricular skinflap
图1-68 枕大神经Greater occipital nerve
第四节 面深部结构
图1-69 左侧颞肌和咬肌Left temporalis and masseter
图1-70 翼外肌、翼内肌和颊肌 Lateralpterygoid,medial pterygoid and buccinator
图1-71 上颌动脉 Maxillary artery
图1-72 左侧舌神经和下牙槽神经外侧面观 Lateral aspect of the left lingual nerve and inferioralveolar nerve
图1-73左侧舌神经与第三磨牙 Left lingual nerveand 3rd molar
图1-74 三叉神经内侧面观 Medial aspect of the trigeminal nerve
图1-75 右侧下牙槽神经外侧面观Lateralaspect of the right inferior alveolar nerve
图1-76 下牙槽神经管内段外侧面观Lateral aspect of the inferior alveolarnerve in the mandibular canal
图1-77 下牙槽神经管内段内侧面观Medial aspect of the inferioralveolar nerve in the mandibular canal
图1-78 三叉神经阻滞术穿刺进针点 Needling point of the trigeminal nerve block
图1-79 上颌窦前壁结构 Structures of the anterior wall of the maxillarysinus
图1-80 上颌窦黏膜外侧面观Lateral aspect ofthe mucous membrane ofthe maxillary sinus
图1-81 额窦和上颌窦(前壁已打开)Frontal and maxillary sinus(theanterior wall was opened)
图1-82 上颌窦底与上颌磨牙牙根 Floor of the maxillary sinusand roots of themaxillarymolars
图1-83 翼腭窝的交通 Communication of the pterygopalatine fossa
图1-84 翼腭窝内结构内侧面观(一) Medial aspectof the structures inthe pterygopalatine fossa(1)
图1-85 翼腭窝内结构内侧面观(二) Medial aspectof the structures in the pterygopalatine fossa(2)
图1-86 翼腭窝内结构内侧面观(三) Medial aspectof the structures inthe pterygopalatine fossa(3)
图1-87 翼腭窝内结构内侧面观(四) Medial aspectof the structures in the pterygopalatine fossa(4)
图1-88 翼腭神经节 Pterygopalatine ganglion
图1-89 翼管神经 Nerve ofpterygoid canal
图1-90 鼓索内侧面观 Medial aspect of the chorda tympanic
图1-91 翼腭窝内侧观(示神经血管位置关系)Medial aspect of the pterygopalatine fossa(showing thepositional relation of the nerve and vessel)
图1-92 翼腭神经节和翼管神经内侧面观 Medial aspectof the pterygopalatine ganglion and nerve of pterygoid canal
图1-93 眶下神经和眶下动脉内侧面观 Medial aspect of the infraorbital nerve and artery
图1-94 腭神经和腭降动脉内侧面观 Medial aspectof the palatine nerve and the descending palatine artery
图1-95 鼻后外侧动脉内侧面观 Medial aspectof the posterior lateral nasal artery
图1-96经上颌窦至翼腭窝上颌神经切除的手术入路外侧面观(左)Lateral aspect of excision of the maxillary nerve from the maxillary sinus to the pterygopalatine fossa (left)
图1-97 经上颌窦至翼腭窝上颌神经切除的手术入路外侧面观(右)Lateralaspect of excision of the maxillary nerve from the maxillary sinus tothe pterygopalatine fossa (right)
图1-98 舌下腺和下颌下腺 Sublingualgland and submandibular gland
图1-99 舌肌外侧面观 Lateralaspect of the muscle of the tongue
图1-100 舌肌正中矢状切面 Medial sagittal section of the muscle of thetongue
图1-101 舌 Tongue
图1-102 左侧下颌下神经节Leftsubmandibularganglion
图1-103 面部皮肤动脉铸型前面观 Anterior aspect of the arterial cast of the facial skin
图1-104 顶颞部皮肤动脉铸型左侧面观 Left aspect of the arterial cast of theparietal-temporal skin
图1-105 顶枕部皮肤动脉铸型 Arterial cast of the parietal-occipital skin
图1-106 翼静脉丛 Pterygoid venous plexus
图1-107 头颈部静脉 Vein of the head and neck
图1-108 泪器 Lacrimal apparatus
图1-109 眶内结构上面观 Superior aspect of the structures in the orbit
图1-110 眼球外肌上面观 Superior aspect ofthe ocular muscles
图1-111 眼球外肌外侧面观 Lateral aspect of the ocular muscles
图1-112 眼的动脉上面观 Superioraspect ofthe artery of the eye
图1-113 眼的动脉下面观 Inferior aspect of the artery of the eye
图1-114 眼动脉起于脑膜中动脉上面观 Superioraspect of the ophthalmic artery coming from the middle meningeal artery
图1-115 眼动脉与视神经(一) Ophthalmic artery and optic nerve(1)
图1-116 眼动脉与视神经(二) Ophthalmicartery and optic nerve(2)
图1-117 眼动脉分支外侧面观 Lateral aspect of the branches of the ophthalmicartery
图1-118 眶部动脉铸型 Castof the artery around the orbit
图1-119 脑的底面观 Basal aspect of the brain
图1-120 脑的背外侧面观 Dorsal lateral aspect of the brain
图1-121 脑的顶面观 Parietal aspect of the brain
图1-122 端脑水平切 Horizontalsection of the brain
图1-123 脑的冠状切 Coronary section of the brain
图1-124 脑岛 Insula
图1-125 大脑投射纤维 Projective fiber of the cerebrum
图1-126 豆状核、尾状核和丘脑冠状切 Coronarysection of the lentiform nucleus,caudate nucleus and thalamus
图1-127 内囊冠状切 Coronary section of the internal capsule
图1-128 垂体下面观 Inferior aspect of the hypophysis
图1-129 垂体冠状切 Coronarysection of the hypophysis
图1-130 垂体瘤Hypophysoma
图1-131 鞍区结构上面观 Superior aspect of the structures of thesellar region
图1-132 小脑幕切迹周围结构 Structures around the tentorial notch
图1-133 胼胝体上面观 Superior aspect of the corpus callosum
图1-134 胼胝体下面观 Inferior aspect of the corpus callosum
图1-135 大脑半球内主要联络纤维 Principle association fiber in the cerebralhemisphere
图1-136 脑切片染色(冠状面,蓝色-灰质)Cerebral section-staining(coronaryplane, blue- gray matter)
图1-137 间脑间连合 Commissure betweenthe diencephalon
图1-138 海马 Hippocampus
图1-139 穹隆柱和乳头体 Column of fornix and mamillary body
图1-140 基底核上面观 Superior aspect of the basal nuclei
图1-141 基底核外侧面观 Lateral aspect of the basal nuclei
图1-142 脑动脉的来源 Source of the cerebral artery
图1-143 脑血管起源 Origin of the cerebral vessel
图1-144 颈内动脉岩部右侧面观Right aspectof the petrosal part ofinternal carotid artery
图1-145 颈内动脉岩部下面观 Inferior aspect of the petrosal part of internal carotidartery
图1-146颈内动脉岩部和海绵窦部上面观 Superioraspect of the petrosal and cavernous part of internal carotid artery
图1-147 颈内动脉海绵窦段内侧面观(一) Medialaspect of the cavernous part ofinternal carotid artery(1)
图1-148 颈内动脉海绵窦段内侧面观(二) Medialaspect of the cavernous part of internalcarotid artery(2)
图1-149 颈内动脉海绵窦段下面观 Inferior aspect of the cavernous partofinternal carotid artery
图1-150 颈内动脉与蝶窦的位置关系 Positional relation of the internal carotidartery and sphenoidal sinus
图1-151 海绵窦支(窦后壁打开) Branch of the cavernous sinus(theposterior wall of sinus was opened)
图1-152 颈内动脉CTA前面观 Anterioraspect of the internal carotid artery by CTA
图1-153 颈内动脉CTA左侧面观 Left aspect ofthe internal carotid artery by CTA
图1-154 大脑动脉环(一) Cerebral arterial circle(1)
图1-155 大脑动脉环(二) Cerebral arterial circle(2)
图1-156 椎-基底动脉系Vertebrobasilarartery system
图1-157 脑底的动脉 Artery at the base of brain
图1-158 大脑半球外侧面动脉 Artery on the lateral surface of the cerebralhemisphere
图1-159 脑血管背外侧面观 Dorsal lateral aspect of the cerebral vessel
图1-160 右侧大脑前动脉(一) Right anterior cerebral artery(1)
图1-161 右侧大脑前动脉(二) Right anterior cerebral artery(2)
图1-162 右侧大脑前动脉(三) Rightanterior cerebral artery(3)
图1-163 左侧大脑前动脉(一) Leftanterior cerebral artery(1)
图1-164 左侧大脑前动脉(二) Left anterior cerebral artery(2)
图1-165 大脑前动脉与嗅束 Anterior cerebral artery and olfactory tract
图1-166 胼胝体缘动脉 Callosomarginal artery
图1-167 左侧大脑前动脉和大脑后动脉Left anterior cerebral artery and posterior cerebralartery
图1-168 大脑中动脉(一) Middle cerebral artery (1)
图1-169 大脑中动脉(二) Middle cerebral artery (2)
图1-170 右大脑中动脉(一) Right middle cerebral artery(1)
图1-171 右大脑中动脉(二) Right middle cerebral artery(2)
图1-172 左大脑中动脉 Left middle cerebral artery
图1-173 大脑中动脉及其分支(一) Middle cerebral artery and its branch (1)
图1-174 大脑中动脉及其分支(二) Middle cerebral artery and its branch (2)
图1-175 脉络丛动脉 Choroidal artery
图1-176 脉络丛后动脉 Posterior choroidal artery
图1-177 豆纹动脉 Artery of cerebral hemorrhage
图1-178 大脑后动脉 Posterior cerebral artery
图1-179 左颈内动脉侧位动脉期 Lateral position of the left internal carotid arteryin the arterial phase
图1-180 颈内动脉侧位实质期 Lateral position of the internal carotid artery in theparenchymal phase
图1-181 颈内动脉正位动脉期 Normotopia of the internal carotid artery in the arterialphase
图1-182 中脑水平切面 Horizontal section of the midbrain
图1-183视神经、视交叉和视辐射Optic nerve, optic chiasma and optic radiation
图1-184 左侧硬脑膜的动脉Artery of the left cerebral dura mater
图1-185 右侧硬脑膜的动脉 Artery of the right cerebral dura mater
图1-186 左脑膜后动脉 Left posteriormeningeal artery
图1-187 硬脑膜血管Artery of thecerebral dura mater
图1-188 脑膜瘤Meningeoma
图1-189 上矢状窦上面观 Superior aspect of the superior sagittalsinus
图1-190 蛛网膜粒上面观Superioraspect of the arachnoid granulations
图1-191 窦汇和横窦后面观 Posterior aspect of the confluence of sinus andtransverse sinus
图1-192 海绵窦 Cavernous sinus
图1-193 海绵窦左上观(一) Left superior aspect of the cavernoussinus(1)
图1-194 海绵窦左上观(二) Left superior aspect of the cavernous sinus(2)
图1-195 海绵窦左侧面观(一)Left aspect of the cavernous sinus(1)
图1-196 海绵窦左侧面观(二) Left aspect of the cavernous sinus(2)
图1-197 左侧海绵窦内结构 Structures in the left cavernous sinus
图1-198 海绵窦右侧面观(一) Right aspect of the cavernous sinus(1)
图1-199 海绵窦右侧面观(二) Right aspect of the cavernous sinus(2)
图1-200 海绵窦右上观Right superior aspect of the cavernoussinus
图1-201 右侧海绵窦内结构 Structures in the right cavernous sinus
图1-202 鞍膈Diaphragmasellae
图1-203 大脑浅静脉左侧面观 Left aspect of the superficial cerebral vein
图1-204 大脑浅静脉右侧面观 Right aspect of the superficial cerebral vein
图1-205 颞叶下静脉与横窦左侧面观 Left aspect ofthe inferior temporal lobar vein and transverse sinus
图1-206 大脑深静脉(一) Deep cerebral vein(1)
图1-207 大脑深静脉(二) Deep cerebral vein(2)
图1-208 颈内动脉侧位静脉期 Lateral position of the internal carotid artery in thevenous phase
图1-209 侧脑室脉络丛上面观 Superior aspect of thechoroid plexus in the lateral ventricle
图1-210 脑室系统后面观 Posterior aspect of the ventricular system
图1-211 上髓帆Superior medullaryvelum
图1-212 脑室铸型 Cast of the ventricles
图1-213 室管膜瘤Ependymoma
图1-214 脑干腹侧面观 Ventral aspect of the brain stem
图1-215 脑干背侧面观 Dorsal aspect of the brain stem
图1-216 脑干右外侧面观 Right lateral aspect of the brain stem
图1-217 小脑前面观 Anterior aspect of the cerebellum
图1-218 小脑上面观 Superior aspect of the cerebellum
图1-219 小脑下面观 Inferior aspect of the cerebellum
图1-220 齿状核 Dentate nucleus
图1-221 小脑脚 Cerebellar peduncle
图1-222 左侧脑桥小脑角上面观 Superior aspect of the left pontocerebellar trigone
图1-223 右侧脑桥小脑角上面观 Superior aspect of the right pontocerebellar trigone
图1-224 小脑扁桃体与延髓后面观 Posterior aspect of the tonsil of cerebellum and the medullaoblongata
图1-225 基底动脉前面观(除去斜坡骨质)Anterior aspect of the basilar artery (the clivus was removed)
图1-226 小脑动脉侧面观 Lateral aspect of the cerebellar artery
图1-227 小脑和脑桥的动脉前外侧面观 Anterolateral aspectof the artery of the cerebellum and pons
图1-228 小脑的动脉 Artery of the cerebellum
图1-229 小脑下后动脉 Posterior inferior cerebellar artery
图1-230 小脑下后动脉扁桃体支、蚓支Tonsillar andvermian branch of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery
图1-231 小脑扁桃体动脉(正中矢状切) Cerebellartonsillar artery(median sagittal section)
图1-232 小脑上动脉蚓支 Vermianbranch of the superior cerebellar artery
图1-233 小脑上动脉上面观 Superior aspect of the superior cerebellar artery
图1-234 小脑上动脉与三叉神经 Superior cerebellar artery and trigeminal nerve
图1-235 听神经瘤(一)Acoustic neuroma(1)
图1-236 听神经瘤(二)Acoustic neuroma(2)
图1-237 椎动脉侧位动脉期 Lateral position of the vertebral artery inthe arterial phase
图1-238 椎动脉侧位实质期 Lateral position of the vertebral artery inparenchymal phase
图1-239 小脑延髓池后面观(保留蛛网膜) Posterioraspect of the cerebellomedullary cistern(thearachnoid was retained)
图1-240 颅底结构 Structures of the skull base
图1-241 脑神经出颅部位 Site of the cranial nerve departing from thecranium
图1-242 颅前窝深层结构 Deep structures of the anterior cranial fossa
图1-243 颅中窝结构上面观Superior aspect of the structures in the middlecranial fossa
图1-244 颅后窝结构后面观Posterior aspect of the structures in the posterior cranial fossa
图1-245 颅底血管神经(硬脑膜已去除)Vessel and nerve of the skull base(thedura mater was removed)
图1-246 颅底血管神经(眶板已打开) Vessel andnerve of the skull base (the orbital plate was opened)
图1-247 椎动脉和基底动脉 Vertebral artery and basilar artery
图1-248 椎动脉颅内段后面观 Posterior aspect ofthe intracranial part ofvertebral artery
图1-249 椎动脉寰椎部 Atlantic part ofvertebralartery
图1-250 迷路动脉Labyrinthineartery
图1-251 Ⅴ、Ⅶ-Ⅺ脑神经出颅部位 Site of the cranial nerve Ⅴ,Ⅶ-Ⅺ departing from the cranium
图1-252 面神经鼓窦后段 Posteriorsegment of the facial nerve in the tympanicsinus
图1-253 面神经膝 Genu of the facial nerve
图1-254 面神经鼓窦后段右侧面观 Right aspectof the posteriorsegment of the facial nerve in the tympanic sinus
图1-255 左侧面神经颅内段和管内段上面观Superior aspect of the intracranial and intraductalsegment of the left facial nerve
图1-256 脑神经 Cranial nerve
图1-257 通过颈静脉孔结构右外侧面观 Rightlateralaspect of the structures through the jugular foramen
图1-258 通过颈静脉孔结构左后面观Left posterioraspect of the structures through thejugular foramen
图1-259 通过颈静脉孔结构右后面观 Right posterioraspect of the structures through the jugular foramen
图1-260 颈内静脉颅内段和颈段Intracranialand cervical part of the internal jugular vein
图1-261 经过颈静脉孔前内侧的神经(椎动脉行程变异) Anteromedialnerve through the jugular foramen (with variantcourse of the vertebral artery)
图1-262 外耳、外耳道和鼓膜(右)
External ear,externalacoustic meatus and tympanic membrane(right)
图1-263 中耳腔 Middle ear cavity
图1-264 中耳腔内结构 Internal structures of the middle ear cavity
图1-265 颞骨内部结构(沿岩部作冠状切开) Internal structures of the temporal bone(coronalsectioning along the petrosal part)
图1-266 鼓室内侧壁结构 Structures of the medialwall of the tympanic cavity
图1-267 听小骨 Auditory ossicles
图1-268 骨迷路位置外侧面观 Lateral aspect of the positionof the bony labyrinth
图1-269 骨迷路位置内侧面观 Medial aspect of the position of the bony labyrinth
图1-270 骨迷路外侧面观 Lateral aspect of the bony labyrinth
图1-271 骨迷路内侧面观 Medial aspect of the bony labyrinth
图1-272 膜迷路铸型内侧面观 Medial aspect of the cast of the membranouslabyrinth
图1-273 内耳门区结构 Structuresaround the internal acoustic pore
图1-274 颞骨冠状切(示中耳腔) Coronarysection of the temporal bone(showing themiddle ear cavity)
图1-275 颞骨在体冠状切(示外耳道、内耳道) Coronarysection of the temporal bone in situ(showingthe external and internal acoustic meatus)
图1-276 颞骨内部结构冠状切(示岩部与脑组织位置关系) Coronalplane of the internal structures of the temporal bone(showingpositional relation of petrous part and brain tissue)
图1-277 颞骨岩部与颈内动脉、颈内静脉位置关系(内侧面观)Positional relation of the petrosal bone, the internal carotid arteryand the internal jugular vein (medial aspect)
图1-278 颞骨岩部与颈内动脉、颈内静脉位置关系(外侧面观)Positional relation of the petrosal bone,theinternalcarotid artery and the internaljugular vein(lateralaspect)
图1-279 颞骨岩部与颈内动脉关系(示颈内动脉岩部)Positional relation of the petrosal boneand the internal carotid artery (showing the petrosal part of internalcarotid artery)
图1-280 颞骨与脑干、脑神经的毗邻关系Adjacent relation of the temporal bone, the brain stemand the cranial nerves
图1-281 颞骨与脑神经的关系(左)Relation betweenthe temporal bone and the cranialnerve (left)
图1-282 颞骨与脑神经的关系(右) Relationbetween the temporal bone and the cranial nerve(right)
图1-283 颅内、外动脉铸型(颅骨左壁已打开) Cast of the intracranial and extracranial artery(theleft wall of the skull was removed)
第二章 颈 部
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