Digital image processing
作 者:(美)Rafael C. Gonzalez,(美)Richard E. Woods著
1 introduction
1.1 what is digital image processing?
1.2 the origins of digital image processing
1.3 examples of fields that use digital image processing
1.3.1 gamma-ray imaging
1.3.2 x-ray imaging
1.3.3 imaging in the ultraviolet band
1.3.4 imaging in the visible and infrarea bands
1.3.5 imaging in the microwave band
1.3.6 imaging in the radio band
1.3.7 examples in which other imaging modalities are used
1.4 fundamental steps in digital image processjna
1.5 components of an image processing system
references ana further reading
2 digital image fundamentals
2.1 elements of visual perception
2.1.1 structure of the human eye
2.1.2 image formation in the eye
2.1.3 brightness adaptation and discrimination
. 2.2 light and the electromagnetic spectrum
2.3 image sensing and acquisition
2.3.1 image acquisition using a single sensor
2.3.2 image acquisition using sensor strips
2.3.3 image acquisition using sensor arrays
2.3.4 a simple image formation model
2.4 image sampling and quantization
2.4.1 basic concepts in sampling and quantization
2.4.2 representing digital images
2.4.3 spatial and gray-level resolution
2.4.4 aliasing and moire patterns
2.4.5 zooming and shrinking digital images
2.5 some basic relationships between pixels
2.5.1 neighbors of a pixel
2.5.2 adjacency, connectivity, regions, and boundaries
2.5.3 distance measures
2.5.4 image operations on a pixel basis
2.6 linear and nonlinear operations
references and further reading
3 image enhancement in the spatial domain
3.1 background
3.2 some basic gray level transformations
3.2.1 image negatives
3.2.2 log transformations
3.2.3 power-law transformations
3.2.4 piecewise-linear transformation functions
3.3 histogram processing
3.3.1 histogram equalization
3.3.2 histogram matching (specification)
3.3.3 local enhancement
3.3.4 use of histogram statistics for image enhancement
3.4 enhancement using arithmetic/logic operations
3.4.1 image subtraction
3.4.2 image averaging
3.5 basics of spatial filtering
3.6 smoothing spatial filters
3.6.1 smoothing linear filters
3.6.2 order-statistics filters
3.7 sharpening spatial filters
3.7.1 foundation
3.7.2 use of second derivatives for enhancement-the laplacian
3.7.3 use of first derivatives for enhancement-the gradient
3.8 combining spatial enhancement methods
references and further reading
4 image enhancement in the frequency domain
4.1 background
5 image restoration
6 color image processing
7 wavelets and multiresolution processing
8 image compression
9 morphgical image processing
10 image segmentation
11 represiontation and description
12 object recognition
1.1 what is digital image processing?
1.2 the origins of digital image processing
1.3 examples of fields that use digital image processing
1.3.1 gamma-ray imaging
1.3.2 x-ray imaging
1.3.3 imaging in the ultraviolet band
1.3.4 imaging in the visible and infrarea bands
1.3.5 imaging in the microwave band
1.3.6 imaging in the radio band
1.3.7 examples in which other imaging modalities are used
1.4 fundamental steps in digital image processjna
1.5 components of an image processing system
references ana further reading
2 digital image fundamentals
2.1 elements of visual perception
2.1.1 structure of the human eye
2.1.2 image formation in the eye
2.1.3 brightness adaptation and discrimination
. 2.2 light and the electromagnetic spectrum
2.3 image sensing and acquisition
2.3.1 image acquisition using a single sensor
2.3.2 image acquisition using sensor strips
2.3.3 image acquisition using sensor arrays
2.3.4 a simple image formation model
2.4 image sampling and quantization
2.4.1 basic concepts in sampling and quantization
2.4.2 representing digital images
2.4.3 spatial and gray-level resolution
2.4.4 aliasing and moire patterns
2.4.5 zooming and shrinking digital images
2.5 some basic relationships between pixels
2.5.1 neighbors of a pixel
2.5.2 adjacency, connectivity, regions, and boundaries
2.5.3 distance measures
2.5.4 image operations on a pixel basis
2.6 linear and nonlinear operations
references and further reading
3 image enhancement in the spatial domain
3.1 background
3.2 some basic gray level transformations
3.2.1 image negatives
3.2.2 log transformations
3.2.3 power-law transformations
3.2.4 piecewise-linear transformation functions
3.3 histogram processing
3.3.1 histogram equalization
3.3.2 histogram matching (specification)
3.3.3 local enhancement
3.3.4 use of histogram statistics for image enhancement
3.4 enhancement using arithmetic/logic operations
3.4.1 image subtraction
3.4.2 image averaging
3.5 basics of spatial filtering
3.6 smoothing spatial filters
3.6.1 smoothing linear filters
3.6.2 order-statistics filters
3.7 sharpening spatial filters
3.7.1 foundation
3.7.2 use of second derivatives for enhancement-the laplacian
3.7.3 use of first derivatives for enhancement-the gradient
3.8 combining spatial enhancement methods
references and further reading
4 image enhancement in the frequency domain
4.1 background
5 image restoration
6 color image processing
7 wavelets and multiresolution processing
8 image compression
9 morphgical image processing
10 image segmentation
11 represiontation and description
12 object recognition
Digital image processing
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