

作   者:欧内斯特·海明威







01 An African Story 001

02 After the Storm 013

03 An Alpine Idyll 019

04 Banal Story 025

05 The Battler 027

06 Big Two-Hearted River (I) 036

07 Big Two-Hearted River (II) 045

08 Black Ass at the Cross Roads 055

09 The Butterfly and the Tank 069

10 A Canary for One 079

11 The Capital of the World 084

12 Cat in the Rain 096

13 Che Ti Dice la Patria? 100

14 A Clean, Well-Lighted Place 109

15 Cross-Country Snow 114

16 A Day’s Wait 120

17 The Denunciation 124

18 The Doctor and the Doctor’s Wife 136

19 The End of Something 140

20 The Faithful Bull 144

21 Fathers and Sons 146

22 Fifty Grand 156

23 The Gambler, The Nun, and the Radio 180

24 Get a Seeing-Eyed Dog 197

25 God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen 203

26 The Good Lion 208

27 Great News from the Mainland 211

28 Hills Like White Elephants 215

29 Homage to Switzerland 220

30 I Guess Everything Reminds You ofSomething 232

31 In Another Country 238

32 Indian Camp 244

33 The Killers 249

34 Landscape with Figures 259

35 The Last Good Country 268

36 The Light of the World 319

37 A Man of the World 326

38 The Mother of a Queen 331

39 Mr. and Mrs. Elliot 335

40 My Old Man 339

41 A Natural History of the Dead 352

42 Night Before Battle 361

43 Nobody Ever Dies 390

44 Now I Lay Me 405

45 Old Man at the Bridge 413

46 On the Quai at Smyrna 416

47 One Reader Writes 418

48 One Trip Across 420

49 Out of Season 457

50 The Porter 463

51 A Pursuit Race 473

52 The Revolutionist 478

53 The Sea Change 479

54 The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber483

55 A Simple Enquiry 514

56 The Snows of Kilimanjaro 517

57 Soldier’s Home 540

58 The Strange Country 548

59 Summer People 606

60 Ten Indians 616

61 The Three-Day Blow 622

62 Today Is Friday 632

63 The Tradesman’s Return 636

64 A Train Trip 649

65 The Undefeated 666

66 Under the Ridge 695

67 Up in Michigan 707

68 A Very Short Story 712

69 A Way You’ll Never Be 714

70 Wine of Wyoming 726



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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