在山脊上修筑新的文化艺术长城(代序)To Re-deploy Culture and Art Studies Based Upon Cultural Heritages (as a preface)
驼铃声渺、鸿爪犹在,五百年商路识良谋Jin Business: the gone its time, the alive its enlightening future
物阜民熙小都会河声岳色大文章——晋商与古镇碛口A Historical Review of Qi-kou Town's (碛口) Patricular Role in Jin Business Activities
明清时期的山陕商人与儒家文化Confucianism and Local Merchants of Shanxi and Shaanxi in Ming-Qing Dynasties
镖局、标期、标利与山西社会信用On Jin Business'Social Credit, referring to the operations of the professional firms furnishing armed escort for commerce purpose
山西票号“号规”研究A Research on the Regulations of Shanxi Exchange Shops
晋商股份制的现实意义On the Practical Significances Jin Business's Joint-stock Contributes to
明代家族制与晋商Ming's Clanship and Jin Business
论学术腐败Analysis on the Depravities in Scientific Research
关于艺术表演团体“转制”与“回归民间”的思考A Reflection on the Institution Transform in Art-show Circle
试论大学之所以为大——兼论争创世界一流大学的基本方向A Tentative View of the Characters of A University, and the main direction heading for the global top rank
创建世界一流大学与中华传统文化China Universities: Seeking Top Rank and Treating With Tradition
论研究生教育的课程设置On China Graduste Education, focusing on its courses
中国民族器乐曲牌论略A Brief Review of Traditional Titles of Chinese folk instrumental music
诸宫调“诸‘宫调’”疑议Zhu Gong Diao (诸宫调):Refers to the Mode of the First Note of Five-tone Scale?
志存高远开拓创新——戏曲音乐家刘吉典与京剧音乐Holding Foresight and Practicing Innovation, an introduction to Liu Ji-dian and his contributions to Peking Opera Music
国学是什么?学什么?如何学?Guo Xue (国学): the definition and contents and the way to study
鸿雁传书(选)Selected Correspondences
致作者、读者们的信Editorial Announcement to contributors
在山脊上修筑新的文化艺术长城(代序)To Re-deploy Culture and Art Studies Based Upon Cultural Heritages (as a preface)
驼铃声渺、鸿爪犹在,五百年商路识良谋Jin Business: the gone its time, the alive its enlightening future
物阜民熙小都会河声岳色大文章——晋商与古镇碛口A Historical Review of Qi-kou Town's (碛口) Patricular Role in Jin Business Activities
明清时期的山陕商人与儒家文化Confucianism and Local Merchants of Shanxi and Shaanxi in Ming-Qing Dynasties
镖局、标期、标利与山西社会信用On Jin Business'Social Credit, referring to the operations of the professional firms furnishing armed escort for commerce purpose
山西票号“号规”研究A Research on the Regulations of Shanxi Exchange Shops
晋商股份制的现实意义On the Practical Significances Jin Business's Joint-stock Contributes to
明代家族制与晋商Ming's Clanship and Jin Business
论学术腐败Analysis on the Depravities in Scientific Research
关于艺术表演团体“转制”与“回归民间”的思考A Reflection on the Institution Transform in Art-show Circle
试论大学之所以为大——兼论争创世界一流大学的基本方向A Tentative View of the Characters of A University, and the main direction heading for the global top rank
创建世界一流大学与中华传统文化China Universities: Seeking Top Rank and Treating With Tradition
论研究生教育的课程设置On China Graduste Education, focusing on its courses
中国民族器乐曲牌论略A Brief Review of Traditional Titles of Chinese folk instrumental music
诸宫调“诸‘宫调’”疑议Zhu Gong Diao (诸宫调):Refers to the Mode of the First Note of Five-tone Scale?
志存高远开拓创新——戏曲音乐家刘吉典与京剧音乐Holding Foresight and Practicing Innovation, an introduction to Liu Ji-dian and his contributions to Peking Opera Music
国学是什么?学什么?如何学?Guo Xue (国学): the definition and contents and the way to study
鸿雁传书(选)Selected Correspondences
致作者、读者们的信Editorial Announcement to contributors
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