sunzi:the art of war
making assessments
waging war
attacking by stratagem
weakmesses and strengths(xu shi虚实)
contest to gain the initiative
varyiong the tactics(jiu bian九变)
deploying the troops
the terrain
nine regions
attacking by fire
using spies
the capture of pang juan
an audience with king wei
king wei's inquiries
tian ji's inquiries concerning ramparts
selecting crack troops
.significance of ground
strategic advantage
how to run an army
making the right choice
troops reduction(untranslated)
sustaining morale
the officer's functions
five ways to train troops
strengthening the army
appendix:collection of scattered tests
ten formations
ten questions on warfare
dealing blows at enemy's crack troops(untranslated)
difference between guest and host armies
he who is adept at warfare
five types of army
losses in battle
the commander's righteousness
virtues in a commander
failings in a commander
reasons for a commander's defeat
male and female cities
five principles and nine seizures
concentration and dispersion
qi and zheng
making assessments
waging war
attacking by stratagem
weakmesses and strengths(xu shi虚实)
contest to gain the initiative
varyiong the tactics(jiu bian九变)
deploying the troops
the terrain
nine regions
attacking by fire
using spies
the capture of pang juan
an audience with king wei
king wei's inquiries
tian ji's inquiries concerning ramparts
selecting crack troops
.significance of ground
strategic advantage
how to run an army
making the right choice
troops reduction(untranslated)
sustaining morale
the officer's functions
five ways to train troops
strengthening the army
appendix:collection of scattered tests
ten formations
ten questions on warfare
dealing blows at enemy's crack troops(untranslated)
difference between guest and host armies
he who is adept at warfare
five types of army
losses in battle
the commander's righteousness
virtues in a commander
failings in a commander
reasons for a commander's defeat
male and female cities
five principles and nine seizures
concentration and dispersion
qi and zheng
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